Who wiLL geT there firsT 900 FacToRY TuRBOO BRP or POLARiS


Active VIP Member
Jan 30, 2020
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I didn't block him but I don't even try to read his gibberish.

It’s not gibberish it’s just one mans hyroglifics lmao. Gotta pick out the serious stuff from the picture stuff lol it’s like an art of its own. I’m still apprenticing haha
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Active VIP Member
Dec 16, 2014
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if polaris wants to get in the gamw they should just buy boondocker
the sidekick is super awesome and reliable too

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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if polaris wants to get in the gamw they should just buy boondocker
the sidekick is super awesome and reliable too
possibility that boondocker gets bought out by PoLARiS has a less then 10% chance .. BoonDocKer has no Value beYond there good wiLL from there clients which is less then .001% of Polaris customer base POLARiS would go DiRECT to a TuRBoO manufacture who could STaMP POLARiS on the outside of the TuRBoO Like BRP did with theres and then Go FRoM there.. there s manY paths uP the mounTain buT the ViEW is a liTTle beTTeR at 9000FT then it is from 8000 FT...noT bashing BRP but there is another solution to staying within the perimeter s of the 850 165 HP, 900 170 Hp MoToR... TuRBoO size 8 turbo 5.5 psi housing making 44 HP combined with 9000FT of compensating hp 121 put 1 and 1 together 121HP + 44 Hp = 165 for the 850 and for the 900 126 Hp + 44 = 170 HP of reliable warranted Polaris 850, 900 moToRs... Boondocker doesn't have or make a size 8 TuRBoO only BRP has a CuSToM Turboo made for the 2 STroKe 850 motor .. So other then good wiLL boon docker builds great turbo kiTs beYond Warranty perimeter s for The aftermarket consumer .. No worries cableGuY ... The next problem which maybe a more uP hiLL baTTLe is the ByPass AiR BoX .. BRP has patented technology on the air boxXx which has proven to be a game changer when iT comes to Lag performance almosT less then 1% does boonDoCKer have a patent on a air boxXx that would give them some VaLuE ?? NoPE... Polaris may end up buying the bYpass air boxXx technology or even the hole boxXx from BRP .... NexT problem the wasTe gate managment system ... BoondockeRs wasTe gate sysTem works buT it would be to larger and the wrong shape and size of hole for a SiZE 8 TuRBoO so this also has no value ... Polaris may also buY that technology the guiter picK shape and hole size etc from BRP ... These kinda back door deals have happened in the pasT good conversation cable guY ... Thanks ALoHa !! Now ReMeBer / think : BRP aT present owns 100% of the..SleD direct Manufacture facTorY stock 850 2 stroke TuRBO MoTor segmenT / catagory in the world so the onlY logical direction is for BRP to loose market share to iTs 3 main competitors so for BRP maKing a few bucKs on the way down to around 65% market share iT makes good business sense to a poinT... iNN the end the STockK TuRBoO segment / catagorY will survive and thrive to all those involved and BRP shareholder s will be happy at the end of the year ... EmBRace the FuTURE ... The oZone GuY .. DisruptiVe bY DesiGN ... eh !!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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if polaris wants to get in the gamw they should just buy boondocker
the sidekick is super awesome and reliable too
PoLARiS could sTicK with PLan A ... Invest 50,000 dollars and buy 2 sleds a 2020.5 and 2021 FacTorY 850 Ski - Doo TuRBoO then CuT, CoPY, Paste and sell.. GeT sued,negotiate , settle,Then sell more sleds,iTs the great corperate strategy ... This would be best for the Shareholders why buy the heard when all ya need is a couple of buLLs.. Point is to use what ya can from ski- Doo s platform and from their Polaris can builD a TuRBoO foundation and find there own way to 9000 FT elevation .. No worries cableGuY ya sparked a conversation... HeYman now let's go tell the wives were going to the store for a QuART of BreaD and a LoaF of MiLK in ReVeLSToKE hahaha I heard there s some good pow pow Ta shred ... KooLBeaNS !!! o and if your wondering why POLARiS bought 2 sleds ... Well iTs PReTTy simple... the CEO from POLARiS NeeDs Ta go Sledding and have the same SMiLE on his face that mr MaxXxWeLL has at the end of the DaY LoL... isnT that RiGHT mr MaxXxWeLL... Yes DouBLE aGenT oZonE 7007
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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WeLL SKi-Doo may be first with a STockK FacTorY 850,900 TuRBoO aT 8000FT... BuTT POLARiS wiLL have the FiRST and only STockK factory 850,900 TuRBoO at 9000 FT... How BiG of a smile wiLL the CEO of POLARiS HaVe noW ??? ehhh !!! BRP whaTs your moToVaTion ?? O oZoNE we aLL knoW iTs A CaNaDaiN GaME !!!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I didn't block him but I don't even try to read his gibberish.
o miKeY that's because the schooL u went to they only talKed JuBeR- ish Puff !! PuFF !! Pass the adViL1010 and the heimie - LickKK manoeuvre see Gibberish is only taughT in coLLege and universiTY ... BLa !! BLa !! BLa !!! HoTSaucE ... HeYman a whaTs KLiM speLLed sdrowKcaB BacKwords MiLK trY puTTing thaT in your no Life cereaL ... LMAO... HeY MiKeY !!! HeY MiKeY !! YouR so FiNE .. YouR so FiNE .. HeY MiKeY... u BloW heimieS MiND... Toni BaSiL would be Proud ...LMAO ALoHa !!!... o and bY the waY i haVe mY LiSenSE in GiBBerisH ... hahaaaa !!! And then Ta the BaR Ta finish off mY deGREE in Common cenTs ... wooT !! wooT !! WaNNa trY some GuMMyy BeaRs ?? No LeTs geT MiKeY.. he'LL eaT anYthinG ... HeY he LiKes iT ... Lol
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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double agent "7007" LOLOL
Yes SiR : LiscenTs Ta THriLL WoMeN neeD onLY APPLY ... Hahaahaa I haVe a neW moVie comin ouT JaNE BLoNDE meeTs MisTer imPoSSiBLE... beeP !! beeP !! LOLOL .... ALoHa !!!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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So digging a little deeper as two what make s a good modern turbo for a 2 stroke motor in today's world to be competitive and offer a warranty.. Quote...GaRReT turbos inc: it's better to have a big turbo with smaller housing then a small turbo with big housing... stoP ... So balance between turbo and housing is PruDenT to achieve VoLumeTric eFFiciencY... So let's looK at the Turboo from the company that set the standard in the 2 stroke sled industry BRP... BRP running a SiZE 8hp TuRBoO with SiZE 5 housing ... 8 ~ 5 = 1.60 raTio making 40 turbo HP.. So the standard in the industry of A turbo 2 sTroKe raTio would be 1.6 ... So either a raTio of 1.60 or closes too without sacrificing competive hp would work ... So for POLARiS after CRuncHinG the numbers would be SiZE 8hp turbo with SiZE 5.5 housing... 8 ~ 5.5 = 1.45 raTio making 44 turbo HP... Both TurBoos from BRP and POLARiS meeT specifications from the QuoTe by GaRReT and also r balanced and r still within Volumetric eFFicencY requiremenTs... please remember the BRP stock 850,900 motor 165,170 hp drops down to 125,130 hp at 8000ft and POLARiS stock 850,900 moTor 165,170 hp drops down Ta 121,126 hp at 9000 FT respectively ... ALOHa !!! DonT stop THiNKing abouT Tomorrow ... beeP !! beeP !!! Guess thaT TuRBoO from mY dads old dodge diesel noT GuNNa workK anYmore ... okKeY dokKeY DouBLE aGenT oZonE 7007... Find the paTH less TraVeLed and OwN IT .. POLARiS THiNK OUTSiDE !!!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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So digging a little deeper as two what make s a good modern turbo for a 2 stroke motor in today's world to be competitive and offer a warranty.. Quote...GaRReT turbos inc: it's better to have a big turbo with smaller housing then a small turbo with big housing... stoP ... So balance between turbo and housing is PruDenT to achieve VoLumeTric eFFiciencY... So let's looK at the Turboo from the company that set the standard in the 2 stroke sled industry BRP... BRP running a SiZE 8hp TuRBoO with SiZE 5 housing ... 8 ~ 5 = 1.60 raTio making 40 turbo HP.. So the standard in the industry of A turbo 2 sTroKe raTio would be 1.6 ... So either a raTio of 1.60 or closes too without sacrificing competive hp would work ... So for POLARiS after CRuncHinG the numbers would be SiZE 8hp turbo with SiZE 5.5 housing... 8 ~ 5.5 = 1.45 raTio making 44 turbo HP... Both TurBoos from BRP and POLARiS meeT specifications from the QuoTe by GaRReT and also r balanced and r still within Volumetric eFFicencY requiremenTs... please remember the BRP stock 850,900 motor 165,170 hp drops down to 125,130 hp at 8000ft and POLARiS stock 850,900 moTor 165,170 hp drops down Ta 121,126 hp at 9000 FT respectively ... ALOHa !!! DonT stop THiNKing abouT Tomorrow ... beeP !! beeP !!!
oK oZone whaT abouT this new GuiTaR pick shaped FLaPPeR valve in the Waste gaTe that BRP has ?? Yes good QuesTion : yes the waste gate FLaPPeR valve is in the shape of a GuiTaR pick or even THiNk abouT how the FRonT of an old BaRN looKs LiKe from a distance that's the best way to describe the FLaPPeR valve on the BRP wasTGaTe... BRP has eVolved made a waste gate FLaPPeR valve that works in combination with the SiZE of the TuRBoO and housing so when ya back off on the throttle the air bleeds and makes more of a Hissing sound ... Old waste gates have been generally to BiG ( hole SiZE ) and round and when ya let off the throttle they would make a FLuTTeR - BuG , rasPBeRRy sound... Wonder how an egg Shape FLaPPeR valve and hole would work as a new wasteGate design ... Hmmmm
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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oK oZone whaT abouT this new GuiTaR pick shaped Waste gaTe that BRP has ??
oK oZonE another Question ?? How does the BRP bYpass Turboo aiR boXXx work and WhY .... Ok for this I watched a couple of video s from BRPs ski- Doo ambassador I think his name was •••• Jenkins ... AnYhoo he stated but please don't quote me on all of iT ... ok go ahead ... Cough cough ... The BRP turbo air boxXx has 2 holes 1 is open for the turbo and the one closes to the secondary clutch has a Electronically controLLed Valve and works off an RPM sensor... so what happens when the motor is NoT at 6200 rpm the valve is OPEN but as soon as the RPM hiTs 6200 RPM the Valve CLOSES and force s the boost air pressure to be RerouTed to the turbo side of the bYpass aiR boxXx.. Theirs a cerTain TYPE of CompanY that doesn't WaiT for GreaTness theY maKe IT... BRP... The main advantage of the BRP designed ByPass air boxXx is that it works in combination with the new designed waste gate... As the waste gate opens... iT BleeDs the AiR liKe a Goose Hissing as opposed to sounding like a FLuTTeR - BuG or rasPBeRRy sound ... LoL.. balance of boost and back pressure is better maiTained and xXxtending the liFe of the moToR ... thaT SKi - Doo feeLing
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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oK oZonE another Question ?? How does the bYpass Turboo aiR boXXx work and WhY .... Ok for this I watched a couple of video s from BRPs ski- Doo ambassador I think his name was •••• Jenkins ... AnYhoo he stated but please don't quote me on all of iT ... ok go ahead ... Cough cough ...
ok oZonE no worries now another QuesTion: ProGramminG, what and how doo u set the settings ( maping ) to accommodate the loss of HP and the Compensating Hp 40,44 of the TuRBoO at 8000 Ft ,9000 FT... Good QuesTion Bugs BuNNy : I wiLL try and keeP the programming subject in LaYmans terms on purpose for the most part ok ... Now back in the day they would program the bugs buNNy picture in PDF files so that ment they would program a BuncH of DoTs ( CLusTeR ) to make a picture of bugs BuNNys Face... But when ya tried Ta make the picture bigger for say a bill board the bugs buNNy Face distorts and is blurry ( GraiNy ).. So at the same time back in the day some one created connect the DoTs so for bugs BuNNys face they needed 800 dots each dot was assigned a number from there each dot was arranged in a sequence from 1 to 800 and when you connecTed them... they in turn made a Bugs buNNy Face... so now you can blow up bugs BuNNys face on a billboard with no distortion ( clear resoluTioN ) this tYpe of computer Programming is called VecToR Files programming on a grid... please google .. O KooL !!! So now leTs apply this stock motor hp and TuRBo hp programming settings ( mapping, dots ) on a sliding scale from the past , present and future... so in the past the programming had ( A ) 2 settings ( doTs ) one at sea LeveL and the other programmed at 8000 /9000ft of elevation but this made it very diffulicult to tune because the gap was to big ( cluster ) ... then as programming and memory technology advanced u could now program (B ) a setting ( dot ) for every 1000 ft of elevation starting again 1 for sea LeveL and programing 8/9 settings ( dots ) up to 8000 / 9000 FT of elevation.... now in the present with even more advancements in programming ( algorithms ) and memory you can now have a ( C ) setting (dot ) for every 100 FT starting at 1 for sea level and programming 80 /90 settings ( dots ) up to 8000 / 9000 FT elevation .... but today's world they use ( D ) compleX algorithm programming they have the technology to doo 801 / 901 settings ( dots ) 1 for every 10 ft starting again at 1 for sea LeveL and programming 800 / 900 settings ( dots ) in sequance up to 8000 /9000 ft elevations... so the nexT step ( E )is to have settings for every FooT this would be 8001/ 9001 settings ( dots ) starting again at 1 for sea LeveL and connecting 8000 / 9000 more settings ( dots ) in sequance to 8000 /9000 ft elevations ... Ta take the programming Ta the last step ( F ) would be by the inch that would be more compleX algorithms with 96,001/ 108,001 settings ( dots ) starting at 1 for sea level and connecting 96,000 /108,0000 settings ( dots ) in a sequence up to 8000 / 9000 FT elevation ... Remember each setting ( dot ) is connected to each other in an even more compleX algorithm in the computer and programmed to adjust the stock motors lose and gain hp while the TuRBo hp is compensating at all elevations up or down from sea level to 8000 / 9000 ft respectfully ... So to summerize : with todays complex algorithm programming u will maintain 165/170 hp on a sliding scale of elevation from sea level to 8000 / 9000 FT with minimum tuning and still have Maxium stock HP at a maximum elevation of 8000 / 9000 FT
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