I mounted mine on top of the can around the exhaust springs. Only problem is the food takes a while to get warm. If the top of the hood came off then you could access the Y pipe and put it where it should be. I just have to put the food on a little earlier and ride harder when i'm cooking.
My husband tried to outsmart the system by microwaving his Bistro pockets in the morning and then ridig around with them in. They did cook all the way thru, and get somewhat closer to hot, but he also gave himself a wicked case of food poisoning. My advice: buy a cooker can or pack a sandwich!!
Right hereView attachment 135942
Do you have a aftermarket pipe? Or did u just mount it over top of that little bit of insulated pipe? Or trim the insulation back a bit. Thought about there but it's over top of the insulation
Mine's mounted just after the Y, a little awkward but can be reached via side panel above the clutches. It's very hot in this location needs to be insulated from the pipe a bit.
So without an aftermarket can on the sled, where would be the next best place to mount it? After the Y? I am looking to buy one for my parents pros but I don't want to make it a hassle for them to get it on and use it. And I am pretty sure there is like next to no room by the stock can.