Butterflies?Try making a throttle position sensor tester with 9v battery and u can see what voltages are at all throttle positions. U will have to get a resistor and step down to 5v.
Butterflies returning all
the way back to closed position?
Reeds were replaced. Intake and throttle bodies have been doused in ether with no change in rpm.
Had similar symptoms with a 600 and there was a kink or something binding in throttle cable. Butterflies were barely open enough to notice but sure made it run funny.
What is your fuel pressure
Have you checked your fuel pressure? If you can find a different ECM to try could be it. If you have a good multi meter check the throttle position sensor just use ohms open and close slowly and watch the meter it should be going up and down nice and smooth. Its not the ideal way but its will get you an indication if things aren't right. I would inspect the wiring harness closely for any damage also.