Hey guys what percentage of pump gas if any are you guys running with your av gas and boost pressure. I've heard you should run straight av at anything above 8lbs on the TSS kit.
Rule of thumb don't try and save a buck on running minimum fuel requirements. My cat turbo I could have run 50/50 premium and Av, but whats the point in risking it. I ran straight Av all the time takes the chance of bad fuel out of the equation. Only about $10 more a fill up.
Ive heard its good to put a little premium, non ethanol in there. I was told to mix 50/50 running 6-7 lbs on a boost it kit. Alot of mixed opinions on this topic it seems.
Just run straight av, Then you can run down here or up top with no worrys, For the cost its not worth blending crap premium that you have no idea if its got eth, water, diesel who knows what else is in thier crap tanks, I run 9 lbs anywhere i want and no problems ever. Till the inevitable poof lol..
Lol ok thanks, first boosted sled just want to make sure im doing it right. Just brought 3 45 gal drums home from work going to airport to fill them. $2.12 a liter for av here.
I used to run straight av in my turbo pro, I went through 5 barrels last season. $400/barrel or whatever it worked out to be. also went through a set of injectors($350), fuel pump($650), and a fuel regulator ($120). That's with mixing oil in the tank. Cause remember av gas is super dry. Sled ran great with av, but even better with a splash of premium. It just didn't burn hot enough. This year, on my new 15, I'm gonna run 50/50. And 100% av around home. Some of my friends sleds ran better with 100% av then with a mixture. Start with straight av, and slowly add premium and see if it performs better. Just keep an eye on your temps and afr.
Lol ok thanks, first boosted sled just want to make sure im doing it right. Just brought 3 45 gal drums home from work going to airport to fill them. $2.12 a liter for av here.
Found out it's 1.92 in Nelson about 40 min drive from my house. I have read a lot of mixed reviews on mixing av with premium. Both my buddys run cutler kits on there cats they need to run full av if they are below 2500 but after that its a 50/50 mix.
Av gas 100octane is much safer than pump 91 octane, and if your rideing higher than five or six pounds of boost, it's good to run a lot of av, maybe with a splash of pump.... I ran most a season a few years back on 91pump, but stayed off the throttle till above 5500 feet and keeped boost under 6 pounds... It ran very well, and will lite turbo quicker than av
but for peace of mind, and the ability to increase boost I now run. 50/50 mix taking octane to roughly 95 plus octane and it has not missed a beat.... If I run it at low elevation I try in cut boost back to less than four pounds and run more av...
i tried running 10 lbs boost last year a few times at 7000 feet and even with full av gas, I would hit knock sensor, so be aware... Ran the suncore 110, at 50 percent with av and will use it again if I go above eight pounds
very easy way to take motor down is running to high a boost for your octane
I gotta question, is it possible to over octane? I usually run around 8 lbs but there will be days where I'm doing chutes and will want to crank it up to 10-12 pounds, can I run straight race and not have to worry when farting around on 7-8lbs, also can you mix race gas with leaded av gas?
I like simple so I run 100% Sunoco 110 in my Turbo Performance Etec. 5 lbs, 8 lbs, 10 lbs it doesn't matter, it runs the same. This is riding from 7K and up. I can't tell any difference between pump fuel and race gas as far as low end performance.......but then again the Turbo Performance Etec kit is a good runner!