what i hate.


Bad Bunny
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Awesome Rant
This Grizzly Bear thing is very scary indeed. It has the potential for team green to close a large part of Alberta, when you look at who is on the committee the old Y to Y (yellowstone to yukon) is still very much active. You have to love it that US money is used to keep us out of Alberta areas. All the urban people that support the team green should wonder what team green will go after once the province is protected (urban sprawl, decommission roads, even your own property rights) if you don"t think that this can happen WHAT COLOR IS YOUR SKY. Remember that you did help their cause by not being involved against them at the start. Rant over.

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Central Alberta
Can't agree with you more Lost but there is another fly in the ointment that could have a major impact on our riding areas in Alberta, Mr. Morton has announced the new and improved "Land Use Framework" will be released in the next couple of weeks and his words about this are "There are going to be some upset users of our public lands" so what does this mean for the sledder and atv users:confused: I think we should be very concerened about this and the statement "I don't ride in Alberta I do all my riding in B.C." won't cut it because B.C. is going through the same land closure issues. We have to let our government officials know how we feel about this, I know this sounds like a broken record but start writing those letters. If you don't stand up now and protect your right to ride you will be steamed rolled over and when you get up you will be looking at a locked gate to your favorite riding area:rant:

Billy Boy:cool:
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