What do Cops in cranbrook get paid for


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
we keep getting new officers all the time. but it just means more speed traps. that is it that is all. sorry there are more important crimes and issues to deal with other than speeding.

same here in cranbrook more cops hired more speed traps and window tint tickets u know it's bad and there wasting so much time and money when they pull over my big truck and bust out there tape measures for a bumper that is a 1/4 inch to high what the hell is this concentrate on some real crimes. If your gonna hire more boys in blue make them work and actually solve some crimes or be benefiacial to the community not piss everyone off by giving BS tickets and not helping out at accidents stuff thats important


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
I was involved in an accident on hwy 2 near thanksgiving last year. A minivan spun sideways and sideswiped the front end of my truck causing a civic to rear end me. The result was a write off to the minivan and the civic and 20000$ in damage to my truck, trailer and quad. Luckily the police station was close and we ended up having a cop on scene to take statements. The cop himself told me it was just luck of the draw that we had someone show up. He also said that the trick is always to claim there is a suspicion of alcohol being involved. They legally have to show up then. Pretty sad system we have. It also took them nearly two months to get me the police report.:paddle:

My Dad was in a minor accident (poor road conditions) and a witness called police. He too said the trick was to claim the "suspicion" of alcohol involvement. They were there within seconds, 2 cars!!! Alcohol was NOT involved, but it sure worked to get the police there quickly!


Active member
Aug 17, 2009
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I know police are a very critical part in our communities but they need to start stepping it up not down! I was rearended last nite by a little mazda car no damage to mine but car was a complete write off. We called the police department and amazingly an hour and a half later they made there way down 4 blocks from the cop shop to our accident in that time we saw three other police cruizers driving down the main drag doing nothing. There answer to me was if it has no injuries then we aren't concerned about it!! Isn't it there jobs to protect the citizens and make sure everyone is ok??? It amazes me that we have had some shootings and major sexual assault cases but still no suspects have been charged or even arrested but they will have 3 cop cars on a vehicle thats getting pulled over for tinted windows or for a rolling stop I think the Police Department needs to sit down with there mean and womaen in Blue and have a little talk about priorites!!!!!!

You're mad because you were involved in a non-injury MVA where your truck was undamaged and drivable and the coppers didn't drop everything including investigating crimes to come make sure you were ok and tell you the other guy bumped into you and it was his fault? If you needed someone to "make sure everyone is ok" wouldn't you just call an ambulance if there was a concern?

So, you feel they should stop investigating those serious crimes you mentioned and rush over to fill out paperwork for your fender-bender? Why did you wait 90 minutes just to report an accident, couldn't you go the four blocks yourself and complete the report with the cop working the counter? I have to admit, with a non-injury MVA and I had an undamaged vehicle, once the information was exchanged with other party, I'd be headin' over to the cop-shop to report it.

Yup... they really need to re-consider their priorities:hmm:


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
You're mad because you were involved in a non-injury MVA where your truck was undamaged and drivable and the coppers didn't drop everything including investigating crimes to come make sure you were ok and tell you the other guy bumped into you and it was his fault? If you needed someone to "make sure everyone is ok" wouldn't you just call an ambulance if there was a concern?

So, you feel they should stop investigating those serious crimes you mentioned and rush over to fill out paperwork for your fender-bender? Why did you wait 90 minutes just to report an accident, couldn't you go the four blocks yourself and complete the report with the cop working the counter? I have to admit, with a non-injury MVA and I had an undamaged vehicle, once the information was exchanged with other party, I'd be headin' over to the cop-shop to report it.

Yup... they really need to re-consider their priorities:hmm:

its not just if there were injuries or not. its the vehicles positoons and safety of other drivers.

if you get in a non injury mva and you call a tow truck (2 hours) or a cop calls one ( 2 minuts) gets things moving faster for everyone else.


Active VIP Member
Apr 10, 2008
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New Sarepta
lol I have a somewhat cop complaint.. 2 years ago I was T-boned by a drunk driver at 3 am on St. Patty's day right before the 127 st & 137 ave intersection. Not only was I T-boned and had minor injuries and my brand new 3 week old SUV was completely written off..but it was a hit & run! The pickup that hit me was destroyed but he managed to drive off into the world health club parking lot and escape on foot. Never to be found. It was understandable that it was St. Patty's day and it took over and hour for the cops to arrive on scene..and when they did they were just jerkoffs.. i was bawling, scared out of my mind being my first accident ever, I am somewaht hurt but not enough for them to bother with an ambulance and they're not taking anything seriously at all, laughing, joking around, etc.. then when my vehicle finally got towed around 5:30 am, its cold out im standing on the curb, wanting to so badly go home after everything and the fuggers wouldn't even drive me home! they said it was "out of their jurisdiciton", to drive to the west end and told me to call a cab! Pricks!

Oh and BTW, the ending to the hit and run, I never found out if they ever found the guy or what his punishment was, the investigation never came to a justified close in my eyes, the truck was from BC and probably stolen, i was on modified duties due to whiplash and the BC insurance company did NOT cooperate with me whatsoever.. so basically 2 months later i got my $40,000 cheque and never heard a word after that...

my uncle just read your post ( long scince retired police captain ) just going on what you posted with no other information hes stateing that those officers could and should have been reported by you for leaving you after the accident to find your own way home. under no circumstances can an officer leave any persons to fend for themselves once the smoke has cleared so to speak. even if they didnt want to give you a ride home. one officer should have at least waited with you untill a friend or family member picked you up or a cab. its professional abandonment on thier part and NOT allowed, especialy scince their was an injury...as slight as it may have been the police officers have NO right to make that call. they are not the medical authority. had anything happened to you after they left the scene they would have been liable.


Active VIP Member
Jan 22, 2008
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St. Albert
Even the drunk chittt don't work, wife got re-ended in south side of edmonton on 34th ave double lane both ways (east/west) and there was fire truck at the intersection that seen what happen and told the wife and other guy that was pissed drunk to get off the road and go to the cop shop just down the road,before somebody gets hurt. So the wife not knowing better she drove the cop shop and called me, so I met her there and the other guy was sitting there smelt like boooze and I said to the cop at the desk that he is piss drunk and he was driving.......Well they told me they can't do anything because he was not caught behind the wheel and somebody else could of drove him. BULL CRAPPPP Just to freeking LAZY>>>>>99% are no good.....


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
Even the drunk chittt don't work, wife got re-ended in south side of edmonton on 34th ave double lane both ways (east/west) and there was fire truck at the intersection that seen what happen and told the wife and other guy that was pissed drunk to get off the road and go to the cop shop just down the road,before somebody gets hurt. So the wife not knowing better she drove the cop shop and called me, so I met her there and the other guy was sitting there smelt like boooze and I said to the cop at the desk that he is piss drunk and he was driving.......Well they told me they can't do anything because he was not caught behind the wheel and somebody else could of drove him. BULL CRAPPPP Just to freeking LAZY>>>>>99% are no good.....

next time tell them Tim's is out of donuts, that would get some action.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
the next big hit TV show will be filmed from the Tim's parking lot, kind of like Barney Miller. don't you think all major crimes are solved at Tim Hortin donut shops around the world.

next time maybe tell the dispatch, that coffee and donuts will be waiting when they get there. have you ever seen a robbery at a tim's?


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
You're mad because you were involved in a non-injury MVA where your truck was undamaged and drivable and the coppers didn't drop everything including investigating crimes to come make sure you were ok and tell you the other guy bumped into you and it was his fault? If you needed someone to "make sure everyone is ok" wouldn't you just call an ambulance if there was a concern?

So, you feel they should stop investigating those serious crimes you mentioned and rush over to fill out paperwork for your fender-bender? Why did you wait 90 minutes just to report an accident, couldn't you go the four blocks yourself and complete the report with the cop working the counter? I have to admit, with a non-injury MVA and I had an undamaged vehicle, once the information was exchanged with other party, I'd be headin' over to the cop-shop to report it.

Yup... they really need to re-consider their priorities:hmm:

ok buddy I wasn't the one who originally called the cops the other guy did because it's the right thing to do and I never once said they should drop there higher priorities the point I was getting at was they don't do the big priorites of solving crimes they bust people for tinted windows and speed traps things that bring in money to them my friend had his jeep broke into with his wifes car keys stolen out of it the only thing the smart a$$ cop could say was "leave it on blocks then it makes it harder for them to steal" and took off i'm saying they need to start taking care of the big priorities not the stupid stuff. And ya I shouldnt have to go find a cop after i call the station


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2007
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I guess most do not know how busy law enforcement officers really are. Sure lots of tongue wagging about speed traps, why don't they come here when I call. But most have little idea as to how busy the police really are.

Now my beef is when morons are involved in a fender bender and leave their vehicles blocking traffic to exchange information. MOVE THE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD TO A SAFE PLACE for yourself and others. If it starts & drives (even barely) then take a pic with cell phone camera (everyone has one) and move it off the road.


Active member
Oct 31, 2009
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Here's a little humour for this thread... on our way home from revy the other day we were coming through Olds... we were doing 60, the limit, a van passed us on the inside lane doing 80-90... I say to my buddy you can speed anywhere but not in front of Timmies... out of no where a cop roles by doing 90 after the other guy... man did we laugh ... Tip to all make it happen by timmies if possible... 4 blocks from the cop shop is too far... a block from timmies, you would have had to fight the cops off you!!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
I guess most do not know how busy law enforcement officers really are. Sure lots of tongue wagging about speed traps, why don't they come here when I call. But most have little idea as to how busy the police really are.

Now my beef is when morons are involved in a fender bender and leave their vehicles blocking traffic to exchange information. MOVE THE VEHICLES OFF THE ROAD TO A SAFE PLACE for yourself and others. If it starts & drives (even barely) then take a pic with cell phone camera (everyone has one) and move it off the road.

Problem is everyone denies responsibility right away so they sit there waiting for a cop to show up to determine who is in the wrong. If people would just suck it up and be honest about the mistake, then yes, they can move off and exchange info. Other issue at hand is the cost of damages. Used to be that if it was below $1000 you just went to shop and wrote up a report. Now even a bumper tap is over $5000!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 13, 2007
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Valemount/St. Albert
Police are for safety, security, and to investigate crime. Ambulances are for treating injured at the scene of your collision and fire will cut you out of the wreck. Your insurance is for the rest.

If you call, are safe (as in no one is trying to stab you), and there is no criminal offence (impaired for example, any tickets are not crimes), then the cops have to prioritize. Sometimes that means staying available in their district so when the shooting starts or the rape is in progress, they can get their quick.

Why is it that when a buiding burns down no one trashes the fire fighters, but everyone who has ever been caught breaking the law loves to trash cops. There is a surefire way to avoid a$$hole cops, DON'T BREAK THE FREAKIN LAW.

Cops are supposed to be a fair representation of the people they police. That means tall ones, short ones, smart ones, not so smart ones, nice ones and even some a$$holes. We may all want them to be hot chicks with short shorts that only give rub downs instead of tickets, but suck it up.

The sheep hate the sheepdog, until the wolf arrives.



Active VIP Member
Dec 13, 2007
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Valemount/St. Albert
While on the soap box:

The cops I met hate their bosses so they meet at the only place open all night, Tim's.

Never seen one eat a donut and I go to Tims lots.

There are more people killed in collisions than all other types of homicide, so the guys controlling the money direct the cops to write tickets. The few I talk to all say they hate it (with the few crazy exeptions that go to traffic units so they can ride the Harleys).

If you wanna bash cops, make friends with the criminals and don't bother calling the only people out there going without sleep, giving up friends, and missing their kids hockey game, just to try and keep the damn crack heads away from your daughter or your pimped out sleds.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
yeah right. like tazering a guy at the airport how many times, till he died
like the guy in bashaw, guys stealing his possesions, the criminals get simple theft only. no other charges yeah give me a break, he gets a list a mile long, justice, good police work give me a break. you may change your mind when you get involved in a crime, and stand a little difeerently on your soap box.
i say trust your remington to get you justice and protection.


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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More Humour for this thread, just got this on my email.

Recently,a Det. in Nova Scotia ran an e-mail forum (a
question and answer exchange) with the topic being, "Community

One of the civilian email participants posed the following question,

"I would like to know how it is possible for police officers to
continually harass people and get away with it."

From the "other side" (the law enforcement side)
obviously a cop with a sense of humour replied:

"First of all, let me tell you this...it's not easy. In this detachment we average one cop for every 600 people. Only about 60% of those
cops are on general duty (or what you might refer to as "patrol") where
we do most of our harassing.

The rest are in non-harassing departments that do not allow them contact
with the day to day innocents. And at any given moment, only one-fifth
of the 60% patrollers are on duty and available for harassing people
while the rest are off duty. So roughly, one cop is responsible for
harassing about 5,000 residents. When you toss in the commercial
business, and tourist locations that attract people from other areas,
sometimes you have a situation where a single cop is responsible for
harassing 10,000 or more people a day.

Now, your average ten-hour shift runs 36,000 seconds long. This gives a
cop one second to harass a person, and then only three-fourths of a
second to eat a donut AND then find a new person to harass. This is not
an easy task. To be honest, most cops are not up to this challenge day
in and day out. It is just too tiring. What we do is utilize some tools
to help us narrow down those people which we can realistically harass.

The tools available to us are as follows:

People will call us up and point out things that cause us to focus on a
person for special harassment. "My neighbour is beating his wife" is a
code phrase used often. This means we'll come out and give somebody some
special harassment.

Another popular one is, "There's a guy breaking into a house." The
harassment team is then put into action.

We have special cops assigned to harass people who drive. They like to
harass the drivers of fast cars, cars with no insurance or no driver's
licenses and the like. Its lots of fun when you pick them out of traffic
for nothing more obvious than running a red light. Sometimes you get to
really heap the harassment on when you find they have drugs in the car,
they are drunk, or have an outstanding warrant on file.

Some people take off running just at the sight of a police officer.
Nothing is quite as satisfying as running after them like a beagle on
the scent of a bunny. When you catch them you can harass them for hours.

When we don't have PHONES or CARS and have nothing better to do, there
are actually books that give us ideas for reasons to harass folks. They
are called "Statutes"; Criminal Codes, Motor Vehicle Codes, etc... They
all spell out all sorts of things for which you can really mess with

After you read the statute, you can just drive around for awhile until
you find someone violating one of these listed offences and harass them.
Just last week I saw a guy trying to steal a car. Well, there's this
book we have that says that's not allowed. That meant I got permission
to harass this guy. It is a really cool system that we have set up, and
it works pretty well.

We seem to have a never-ending supply of folks to harass. And we get
away with it. Why? Because for the good citizens who pay the tab, we try
to keep the streets safe for them, and they pay us to "harass" some

Next time you are in my town, give me the old "single finger wave."
That's another one of those codes. It means, "You can't harass me."
*It's one of our favourites.*


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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You guys sure are hard on the brave men and women who rush into dangerous situations and risk their own lives to protect others.

I bet the families of the four mounties that were killed by a madman in Bonnyville a few years ago, in the line of duty, protecting others!!! would be very saddened to hear some of the comments on this thread.

IMO - when you start putting on a BULLET PROOF VEST to go to ROUTINE work everyday, then you can criticize their actions. I for one, will gladly allow them to drive by my non-injury MVA to go and help a fellow officer secure a difficult perp, or catch a real crook or be there when I really need them. A really good friend of ours is a OPP in Ottawa, some of the things they deal with daily is unreal - a routine day for a cop is a very disturbing day for you and me.

If you are so concerned about where your tax dollars are going - ask them for a ride along one night. Pretty sure you will change your tone about them.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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You guys sure are hard on the brave men and women who rush into dangerous situations and risk their own lives to protect others.

I bet the families of the four mounties that were killed by a madman in Bonnyville a few years ago, in the line of duty, protecting others!!! would be very saddened to hear some of the comments on this thread.

IMO - when you start putting on a BULLET PROOF VEST to go to ROUTINE work everyday, then you can criticize their actions. I for one, will gladly allow them to drive by my non-injury MVA to go and help a fellow officer secure a difficult perp, or catch a real crook or be there when I really need them. A really good friend of ours is a OPP in Ottawa, some of the things they deal with daily is unreal - a routine day for a cop is a very disturbing day for you and me.

If you are so concerned about where your tax dollars are going - ask them for a ride along one night. Pretty sure you will change your tone about them.
True, but remember, they chose their occupation, they weren't drafted. However, I have a brother-in-law that is an RCMP officer, and I do know that morale in the force is at an all-time low, because of, surprise surprise, idiots higher up that don't care about the rank and file and are only interested in being promoted. If the front line officers don't feel their bosses care about them much, it's hard for them to put the extra effort into their job. I do notice that it seems that cops are less respected than they used to be, which reflects society in general. Some of this is earned by cops that don't give a @#$% about doing good work, but not all are like that. Also, remember that the Municipality, Town Council, Police Commission, etc., has an input to some extent what the local police force spends some of their time enforcing, hence the Strathcona "off-road" vehicle cops. I'm not a big fan of some of the cops I've seen, but I also know some personally that are good people. While I don't want cops everywhere regulating everything, and would prefer if they stick to real crime, we should respect the office if nothing else and treat them with respect unless they give us a reason not to. It is a very tough job and they deal with some real losers on a regular basis, but there are bad ones. That shouldn't make them look all bad though, as we as sledders don't like it when we're criticized because of some idiots.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
In my experience it seems that officers who have "bben around" for a while are a lot better to deal with. I think they "get it" and are more respectfull, leanient, tolerant, and maybe even willing to go the extra mile to assist.

Now one of the big problems alot of forces are facing is large numbers retiring and low recruitment. This has led to a large wave of rookies. Many forces have relaxed their recruitment requirements in order to bolster numbers. You can imagine what type of people this opens the door to, and they eventually become the very offers there to protect you. Scary really.

Look at the internal corruption happening within these police organizations. Or the internal secrecy/favouritism. You have criminals operating within the plice organization, and thy are getting away with it.

One can only hope that as the "new" forces mature, it might get better again.

I digress...........


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Nov 29, 2009
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smoky lake
I know police are a very critical part in our communities but they need to start stepping it up not down! I was rearended last nite by a little mazda car no damage to mine but car was a complete write off. We called the police department and amazingly an hour and a half later they made there way down 4 blocks from the cop shop to our accident in that time we saw three other police cruizers driving down the main drag doing nothing. There answer to me was if it has no injuries then we aren't concerned about it!! Isn't it there jobs to protect the citizens and make sure everyone is ok??? It amazes me that we have had some shootings and major sexual assault cases but still no suspects have been charged or even arrested but they will have 3 cop cars on a vehicle thats getting pulled over for tinted windows or for a rolling stop I think the Police Department needs to sit down with there mean and womaen in Blue and have a little talk about priorites!!!!!!

AGREED 100%Got tint tickets in bonnyville but they not worried bout the crack deals going down in the back allys
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