Go ski touring.
You will cough up your lungs and your legs will be on fire.
But either you will get in shape or die on the mountain.
Legs will be huge.Thats kind of like running a Marathon though. Won't put on any size (if thats the goal)
If just getting in shape is the goal, then yes ski touring would do it forsure.
Legs will be huge.
It's long slow burn.
I used too, then I bought a sled to sled ski.Do you ski tour?
Lots of good feedback here. Something different works for everyone. Low rep typically builds muscle mass and higher reps are for toning. My typical gym groupings is as follows:
i almost always superset the days I have two muscle groups going. I will change up what I do on days but do find it’s best to focus on just legs and chest as different days because they take so much power. At the end of the day you only have so much in the tank. Make sure to listen to your body, it will tell you when it’s done. Don’t keep going just to finish a routine, that’s how you hurt yourself. I use a pre workout (cycle on and off) then BCAA’s during the workout in my water bottle and a protein and glutamine shake after.
Based on the results I have had so far, I am going to spend the next few weeks or month focusing on 4-6 reps. Will definitely mix it up after that but just curious to see what kind of difference it makes. I am definitely changing my routine to move down to each muscle group once a week. I just cant recover from two. Plus alot of muscle groups get it twice from certain exercises (bench press hits your pecs and tri's, etc). Also agree on learning to listen to your body. Was hitting a wall a couple of weeks ago so took at least a week off. Came back and was lifting more weight. Must have needed the extra recovery time.
Make sure you are very well warmed up & stretched before you lift, staying in the 4-6 rep range will put some serious stress on your body, injures can happen real easy lifting heavy if your not ready. Only train each muscle once a week, give them time to heal.
For sure. I learned that lesson the hard way a long time ago. Was in really good shape, moving some pretty decent weight. Went to steer wrestling practise one night and didnt warm up much and popped my right pec almost completely off. In hindsight, if I would have warmed up properly Im sure it wouldnt have happened.
I'd really like to jump on the work out band wagon myself. I've never in my life really been known as a slim and trim guy. I've always been tall though at 6'4" so that was my saving grace. Reached peak hight in grd 10. Graduated at 270sh. Maintained that weight for the next 15 years almost. I've always worked hard, but never ate healthy so to speak, loved sugar filled everything and a poor metabolism doesn't help either.
Then I quit smoking 3.5 years ago and replaced it with other garbage. Energy drinks daily and them fawking cone shaped bags of candies at the convenient stores, amongst other things too. Chit adds up quickly. I was never one to hop on a scale though so I didn't see it slowly creeping up via a gaining number. There was a turning point at work one day when I noticed I had trouble doing a daily task that I've done my entire life. I went home that night and stood on the scale. I actually shed a few tears in disgust. I hit 347lbs.
From that day forward I was on a bit of a mission. Basically cut all sugar from what I ate, no more pop, energy drinks and candies. Pretty much stopped eating fast food while living away on the road while working. Just grocery shopped and got kitchenette in motels instead. When we did go to sit down restaurants for dinners I'd make the better choice for dinners.
Havent ever had a gym membership in my life, still doing the same work, it's just way easier. Been Going for pedal bike rides with my 2 young boys almost daily, 1.5 years later I'm 210-215lbs. Still have some stomach fat, but I'm doing way better I think.
I feel like I now have the confidence and drive to be at the gym, and that it would be worthwhile for me. I'm not looking to get chiseled, but it would be pretty rad to go shirtless without people giving you the look.
Almost a year to the day Deaner... Have you or anyone else changed and had some transformation in the past year with help from all the input on this thread? Another torn rotator cuff slowed me down a bit on weights but still feeling good. Anyone jump on the keto diet fad this past year
Just finished six weeks with no sugar, dairy, wheat, or alcohol. Definitely helps trim a guy up and feel good. Still do a bit of cardio, but just cant seem to do the weights because of some health problems. Something like arthritis, but not arthritis. Has been extremely frustrating. A year and still waiting to get into a rheumatologist.