Valemount & hid lites


Jan 22, 2012
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Lindale Alberta
BC cops and dots like stopping alberta trucks because the rules on personal vehicles are very lax here and they make money off it, if you want to avoid a ticket your truck and trailer or sled deck has to meet commercial specs (eg. same rules as a semi) regarding lights and the width of your trailer or deck and they can even give you a ticket for your truck being over weight even if its not a commercial truck! its stupid! I have no respect for the rcmp (individual officers maybe) but as a law enforcement and public safety service they are useless to me, they are as corrupt as the government.


Active VIP Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Edmonton AB
BC cops and dots like stopping alberta trucks because the rules on personal vehicles are very lax here and they make money off it, if you want to avoid a ticket your truck and trailer or sled deck has to meet commercial specs (eg. same rules as a semi) regarding lights and the width of your trailer or deck and they can even give you a ticket for your truck being over weight even if its not a commercial truck! its stupid! I have no respect for the rcmp (individual officers maybe) but as a law enforcement and public safety service they are useless to me, they are as corrupt as the government.

..... thats quite the avatar..........


Aug 15, 2009
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Kelowna B.C.
HID lights should be banned! They are far too bright for use on highways period. And add a suspension lift to a truck and you are blinded by the damn things. What would it be like if everyone had them on every vehicle on the road? It would be just as annoying as having strait pipes on all vehicles.

The law is the law, suck it up Princess!
And if you don't like the RCMP, then abide by the laws in your country.
Life isn't all about you, there are other people to consider in life!

High Velocity

Active VIP Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Hinton, AB
I've travelled the highway between Hinton and Kamloops many hundreds of times since '85 and the only times I've been stopped, I deserved it (speeding). If you do the crime, do the time ! I would like to see more people pulled over for fog and driving light infractions. Honestly, I wish I could stop every dipshit that comes at me with his factory fog lights on and smash them out with a hammer. How the hell did we ever manage to drive highways at night twenty years ago when we didn't have factory fog lights ?


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2010
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Chetwynd, BC
If you have a problem with the RC's then I suggest you take a trip to any west African country where police forces are non-existant and there are no enforceable laws at all. If you are lucky enough to make it back alive I guarantee you will kiss the feet of every cop you see.

High Velocity

Active VIP Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Hinton, AB
RC's are doing a really chitty job that very few will do. Do all the A-holes travelling to Vale honestly think these guys and gals have nothing more they'd rather be doing than pulling over some AB d!pshit that thinks he's above the law ?


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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i see the point.. but really the cops are an issue in valemount.. their are millions of cars in AB with HID lights. you dont go complaining to the OEM manufacture to stop making them in their cars/trucks. they are by far a better light.. anyone who says they arnt really dont do alot of backroad mountain driving at night.. they make the drive way safer..

but back on topic with this.. i think the whole point was the fact the cops in vale need to find better things to do then pull people over for headlights.. like common..

i agree with unsafe loads and trailers.. fair enough.. but get a clue.

pull the 1985 honda civic with summer tires and one headlight doing 45kmh on roads where everyone els is doing 90kmh ( had to post the speedlimit here ) thats more of a safty issue.. but if its got BC plates.. guess what. not pulled over

last year i got a bunch of tickets. being from ab i said lets fight them and see.. guess what all thrown out!

and lets face it... its just a fine in bc doesnt affect your record.

yes but next time your driving to go on a weekend sled trip wwith the buddies, and you get pulled over and arrested vehicle and contents get seized, i bet you would be popular with the buds then just sayin
like it has been said pay the fine, and like i said to all the other guys who say mine are adjusted properly, mind don't blind anybody just make it easier for ME to see. let me ask you this,

when was the last time you drove an oncoming vehicle towards your p.o.s. hid lights? just askin,
i had hids in my 97 chev proper hid housings and bulbs, i thought they were the biggest pos lights out there, they make you think you can see better but you cant, maybe better than the old piss hole in a snow bank lights on the pre 1990 vehicles or the mid 90's dodge headlights but i think with the lights in all the new vehicles visibility is far better than what is needed to safely operate a vehicle at night, in the rain, sbnow, fog whatever. if visibility is low and difficult to see with factory headlights i am going to bet that road conditions are not much better anyways.
hids are allot like winter tires i think they give the operater a false sense of security, thinking that because i have x aftermarket product i am invisible to y conditions.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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BC cops and dots like stopping alberta trucks because the rules on personal vehicles are very lax here and they make money off it, if you want to avoid a ticket your truck and trailer or sled deck has to meet commercial specs (eg. same rules as a semi) regarding lights and the width of your trailer or deck and they can even give you a ticket for your truck being over weight even if its not a commercial truck! its stupid! I have no respect for the rcmp (individual officers maybe) but as a law enforcement and public safety service they are useless to me, they are as corrupt as the government.

how the fawk is it stupid that you get fined for breaking the law..................... please explain..........
the laws are they for everyones safety not to make your life difficult just sayin......


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2009
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spruce grove, alberta
HID lights should be banned! They are far too bright for use on highways period. And add a suspension lift to a truck and you are blinded by the damn things. What would it be like if everyone had them on every vehicle on the road? It would be just as annoying as having strait pipes on all vehicles.

The law is the law, suck it up Princess!
And if you don't like the RCMP, then abide by the laws in your country.
Life isn't all about you, there are other people to consider in life!


Sent from a iPhone


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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grande prairie
i dont think that everyone on here is getting the point here!! i travel bc in the summer many times at night passing many rcmp cars with no covers on my driving lights or hids on and they dont even turn a shoulder, but now that it is winter and the traffic is very slow you know what is happening!!! i guarantee if i had a bc plate on the front of my truck i would be left alone, just saying as i see it!!!i think there are far worse traffic infractions that could be adressed on out highways with vehicles instead of nit picking.. valemount is known for this kind of stuff, i put touques over my lights as soon as i get into bc now, lol..


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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i am pretty sure that the guys whining about getting ticketed for these infractions are the same guys who cry the blues when their 20-30k uninsured, because it costs to much, sleds get stolen and the cops can't find them. suck it up and get off mommies milk sac.

Roy Maxwell

Active VIP Member
Jan 20, 2009
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I have been stopped by the cops in Valemount more times than I can count both when driving and as a passenger (leaving Caribou Grill after a few drinks, riding sled in highway ditch-apparently illegal, no covers on fog lights, brakes not working on 4 place open trailer, improper straps on sleds in enclosed trailer and numerous other times where everything was good). I will say there are almost as many cops as people in Valemount but I have to date never received a ticket, only warnings and advice on why what I was doing was illegal. Maybe when they hand out tickets they sense an attitude or maybe it is just that I am so fricking old. Used to piss me off but now I am just thankful that they are watching as the last thing I want is to be maimed on the highway when a sled falls off someones sled deck in front of me. Will admit it is a bit of a bonehead move to be pulling peeps over for fog lights or almost anything relatively minor for that matter when highway conditions are so bad.

Free Rider

Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2009
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Don't think it is just the Albertans getting stopped for HID's. I know alot of people with BC plates that have gotten tickets with them. I run four 8" on the front of my truck but I have the brains to turn them off when I am behind someone or approaching someone because they are very bright and I would appreciate the same in return. I think these lights are very good and very effective while driving at night because they light up the road alot further than stock headlights as well as the ditches nicely. As far as the people that say they are not needed because they were driving without them 20 years ago, the sleds 20 years ago worked good enough for most people as well. It's called technology. I bet none of you are riding a stock sled right now. As far as getting a ticket, I know my setup is illegal and I will pay the ticket if and when I get it.


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
I for one don't like HID's shining up my arse when the guy behind won't shut off his driving / flood lights.

Yes they make it better to see at night but not for the on coming and not for the vehicle in front of you.

If you feel the need to use them, drop back and give the guy in front some room, same applies when an oncoming shut them down and don't blind the poor slob. I'm sure if you shut them down soon enough the Queens Cowboy wouldn't have know you were using them.

At the same time I agree with the un-friendly mentality of the local RCMP in Val after watching them in action during Mountain Mania 4 last year it turned me off enough that I haven't been back and doubt I will. That's just personal preference on my part.

What were they doing, fining people for breaking the law?
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Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
i dont think that everyone on here is getting the point here!! i travel bc in the summer many times at night passing many rcmp cars with no covers on my driving lights or hids on and they dont even turn a shoulder, but now that it is winter and the traffic is very slow you know what is happening!!! i guarantee if i had a bc plate on the front of my truck i would be left alone, just saying as i see it!!!i think there are far worse traffic infractions that could be adressed on out highways with vehicles instead of nit picking.. valemount is known for this kind of stuff, i put touques over my lights as soon as i get into bc now, lol..

That sounds like you are following the law. Welcome to BC


Active member
Jan 5, 2012
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I see this alot, were a cop has someone pulled over on a bad spot on the road or right at a corner. Just recently I seen a cop pull a car over right on the curve of an over pass ?? Can they not just follow someone till there is a safe spot. I totally know
"people are stupid" but I think alot of cops are falling into that comon category.
1. VOTE for pay the ticket,do the crime pay the fine-do the time. you get it.
1.VOTE the cop was a DUMB a$$ ,he put himself and you and others in danger, ice road ,who wants to be on the shoulder ?
how many people align their head lights for a load?
no one likes being blinded by "the guy" with the lifted truck and bright ass headlight.
Headlights work better close to the road, not 5 feet in the air.


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Prince George
BC cops and dots like stopping alberta trucks because the rules on personal vehicles are very lax here and they make money off it, if you want to avoid a ticket your truck and trailer or sled deck has to meet commercial specs (eg. same rules as a semi) regarding lights and the width of your trailer or deck and they can even give you a ticket for your truck being over weight even if its not a commercial truck! its stupid! I have no respect for the rcmp (individual officers maybe) but as a law enforcement and public safety service they are useless to me, they are as corrupt as the government.

Thats incorrect. Just sayin!


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Prince George
I see this alot, were a cop has someone pulled over on a bad spot on the road or right at a corner. Just recently I seen a cop pull a car over right on the curve of an over pass ?? Can they not just follow someone till there is a safe spot. I totally know
"people are stupid" but I think alot of cops are falling into that comon category.
1. VOTE for pay the ticket,do the crime pay the fine-do the time. you get it.
1.VOTE the cop was a DUMB a$$ ,he put himself and you and others in danger, ice road ,who wants to be on the shoulder ?
how many people align their head lights for a load?
no one likes being blinded by "the guy" with the lifted truck and bright ass headlight.
Headlights work better close to the road, not 5 feet in the air.

When being pulled over by a cop it is your responsibility to pull over only when and where it is safe to do so. The person you saw pull over in the curve on an overpass was an idiot.
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