hahah, a benefit I never even thought of!.......So once again changing thoughts up a bit, but how are the 454 TBI's? I know the TBI's suck for horsepower, but the torque always seems to be decent. Like my fully built 350 TBI is only about 240 rwhp, but has about 345 ft-lbs rwtq......so thoughts on the 454 TBI? Is it an okay engine or an avoid completely?
Personally never had one blow up but seen a lot of them that had,but most were no oil in motor problems,TBI easy to fix lots of used parts even new are cheap.Every 454 seems to be different when it comes to actual power some are great some are just sluggish,exzact same motor just don't have same power.
Ive had 6 liters since 03 Full synthetic 0/30 year round some as high as 350,000 km and never any internal engine problem,and no leaks,The 6 liter seems to be a good motor just a pig on fuel,but a 454 with a load behind it isn't going to do much better.