UCP leadership results


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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
The only way I would even consider voting for her is if she is absolutely perfect until election time with what her plans are and what she does. Anything less and no chance. She has fawked up way too many times already to be given any benefit of the doubt. Frankly the only reason i've ever even consider it is because Notley is so bad. But above all, it's clear the UCP didn't learn from the first time Notley got in, and likely will be taught another lesson next election, I wonder if they will get the message this time?
i'm looking forward to seeing what she can do. only a fool would consider not voting, and giving nuttly a chance for re-election. I think she will do well if given half a chance. she needs to bring the top 4-5 candidates into her war room and develop a winning team, only time will tell.


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
I’ll give her a chance….watching the Thursday night game when a running back fumbles they will often come back with a big play or a td.


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2008
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Sturgeon County
All need to check yourselves and picture what will happen if NDP get in, all you love that is already slipping away, we that slide will just get grease up so it slides away quicker.

She will have my vote and i was against her getting in, she was 6 on my ballet


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County
I think she's learned a thing or two since her floor crossing days. Was she the one I had hoped would win? Not really. Did I buy a membership and vote to make a difference? Nope, so I shut my mouth and wait and see what she does this time around.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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She was 2nd on my ballot. I had concerns about her Sovernity Act so I went to one of her town halls and met her. She doesn’t want to separate like the media is implying. She just wants Alberta to be treated the same as Quebec in the federal governments eyes. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. I think she will do well. I like that AHS will be towing the line instead of running the government on a leash. Like she said, more front line workers and less managers.


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Like Danielle or not she is our best future.
Not voting is like a vote for NDP, voting for some wanna be new conservative party is a vote for NDP, voting for NDP is...well a vote for NDP and a double retarded move.

Danielle is it, sorry that is how it is and the quality of or best choice is unknown for 8 months.

Don't be pissin on her just yet, give her a chance, ch!t we can reconcile with the natives and let them burn 70 churches for the hell of it, maybe we can forgive her sin a bit.........


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Realty is almost of all us in this thread will vote for her in the coming election, any demons she may hold are minor in comparison to the devil that is the NDP.

I just really hope she tactfully deals with the AHS situation. Grande Prairie's brand new hospital is only utilizing 4 of it's 11 OR's due to staff shortages, ER wait times are a joke, and you can't find a family doctor to save your life (literally, and no it's not funny). We can't afford to loose a single doctor or nurse over this.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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I didn’t like otool but still voted for him.
Lots Voted PPC and we all know how that turned out.
Let’s cross our fingers that she doesn’t quit or some BS that causes another vote split in Alberta again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Realty is almost of all us in this thread will vote for her in the coming election, any demons she may hold are minor in comparison to the devil that is the NDP.

I just really hope she tactfully deals with the AHS situation. Grande Prairie's brand new hospital is only utilizing 4 of it's 11 OR's due to staff shortages, ER wait times are a joke, and you can't find a family doctor to save your life (literally, and no it's not funny). We can't afford to loose a single doctor or nurse over this.
So what’s the answer. They are at war because they aren’t getting their way. The union is buying massive slots on TV and radio right now condemning the evil UCP. They have had it to good for to long. Highest paid health care workers in Canada by a lot and want more but do less. She will have her hands full. I don’t envy her.

The big greasy

Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2020
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Red deer
Firing doctors and nurses willing to work because they wanted personal choice doesn't help the situation... Maybe that's what caused the shortage.

All politicians are all the same but time will tell like everything else what she will do.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
no idea how this will work out, but i'm willing to give her a chance, was hoping for either her or Brian Jean, we need some one to get out from under tru-d's thumb! hopefully she can do it, and as has been said it is going to be a knockem , dragem out fight all the way uphill. it will take a full co-ordinated unified party effort to be successful.


Active VIP Member
Oct 20, 2012
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Bonnyville AB Canada
As usual with politics, everyone has different opinions. Lots of different views but one common belief is that people think ah whats the point of voting it doesn’t do anything, Or similar things, like who cares, politicians will just say one thing but then do whatever they want when the time comes.
Do you know how that can actually change?
We can hold the leaders accountable to the people.
Well, how do we do that?
Simple, start participating in your democratic processes.
In my view the next vote thats coming is as important or more so than who won the vote tonight, and I would bet alot of people have no idea its even happening. Its the AGM on October 22/2022 Annual General meeting)
Have you heard of Take back Alberta? (TBA)
Well the big plan is to attend the AGM, vote in key members to sit on the UCP board of directors, and then be able to hold the premier of alberta accountable to Albertans.
There are 10 of 18 (I believe) board positions up for review and if we get all 10 positions, then thats the controlling vote.
Its quite simple really, but it 100% relies on Albertans actually showing up to participate in the process. Thats it.
Oh , but the $375 fee is too expensive you say? ( yes its that much to come vote in the AGM, its almost as if they don’t want people to participate eh?)
Well what ever I guess, you can’t be bothered to try and fix this sinking ship, I guess you deserve to get wet.
If your not already a ucp member you can’t vote in the AGM it’s past the deadline.

But if you are a active UCP member, go register on the UCP website to be part of the AGM vote on Oct 22/22. Join up with Take back Alberta on their website and on Telegram for the latest updates and get other people to come participate.
You can’t possibly tell me you like where this country and world are headed, SO? do something about it.


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
So what’s the answer. They are at war because they aren’t getting their way. The union is buying massive slots on TV and radio right now condemning the evil UCP. They have had it to good for to long. Highest paid health care workers in Canada by a lot and want more but do less. She will have her hands full. I don’t envy her.

I don't have the perfect answer, we're between a rock and a hard place. Many industries in Alberta are the highest paid in Canada, and by a lot. It therefore follows that our public service employees are the highest paid in Canada too. A lot of it simply comes down to mismanagement and overly complex and time consuming processes for simply tasks though, there's definitely room for improvement, just don't p!ss off the frontline workers is all I'm saying.

I used to think like you do, health care is just a huge expense, a burden to the taxpayer. Until I needed it, until I was flying in an AHS plane, with a crew of highly specialized medical personnel, and my 7 hour old daughter bound for one of the best Level III NICU's in Western Canada. Throughout the whole experience (which was in the midst of Covid) I didn't meet or see lazy medical staff or see doctors or nurses complaining. Instead I seen doctors and nurses taking extended shifts because they were short staffed and refused to leave a critical patient un-attended.

IMO this is as much a fight between the NDP supporting healthcare union and its leaders (keeping in mind Notley's husband is a rep for the CUPE and a is a strategist for the NDP) and the UCP as it is anything. The NDP has just figured out an effective way to campaign using healthcare workers union dues.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Ndp isn't winning in Alberta ever again. It was a protest vote. Everyone would have voted liberal or something but the brand isnt popular in Alberta.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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I don't have the perfect answer, we're between a rock and a hard place. Many industries in Alberta are the highest paid in Canada, and by a lot. It therefore follows that our public service employees are the highest paid in Canada too. A lot of it simply comes down to mismanagement and overly complex and time consuming processes for simply tasks though, there's definitely room for improvement, just don't p!ss off the frontline workers is all I'm saying.

I used to think like you do, health care is just a huge expense, a burden to the taxpayer. Until I needed it, until I was flying in an AHS plane, with a crew of highly specialized medical personnel, and my 7 hour old daughter bound for one of the best Level III NICU's in Western Canada. Throughout the whole experience (which was in the midst of Covid) I didn't meet or see lazy medical staff or see doctors or nurses complaining. Instead I seen doctors and nurses taking extended shifts because they were short staffed and refused to leave a critical patient un-attended.

IMO this is as much a fight between the NDP supporting healthcare union and its leaders (keeping in mind Notley's husband is a rep for the CUPE and a is a strategist for the NDP) and the UCP as it is anything. The NDP has just figured out an effective way to campaign using healthcare workers union dues.

i too have been the recipient of great care and attention from Health care workers, but unfortunately , if you don’t arrive in an ambulance , our system is a disaster from top to bottom, and is getting worse not better . So I hope she attacks it like a pit bull , once she has a complete understanding of what’s actually happening . My opinion , the unions are the problem , and way to many doctors are running a numbers game with appts rather than actually delivering care . And I think we need to go back to Regional health authorities , immediately . AHS has proven to be a failure .


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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i too have been the recipient of great care and attention from Health care workers, but unfortunately , if you don’t arrive in an ambulance , our system is a disaster from top to bottom, and is getting worse not better . So I hope she attacks it like a pit bull , once she has a complete understanding of what’s actually happening . My opinion , the unions are the problem , and way to many doctors are running a numbers game with appts rather than actually delivering care . And I think we need to go back to Regional health authorities , immediately . AHS has proven to be a failure .
The frontline is capable of spectacular care and saved my daughters life.
The system and management gets a brutal FAIL!
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