Twisted M1000 Race Gas Build


Active VIP Member
Jan 24, 2007
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What you have failed to mention is that things went into the crapper once you started with the threats of violence,been to the police twice with texts of knocking my teeth out and coming to my house with a group of your friends.
I did not have any charges laid against you,the police after reading your texts did want too.So on their advice I have not been in contact with you at all other than to respond to your request that I leave your parts outside so you could pick them up.I did that and have not touched them or taken them.
You should of picked them up right away as you said you would,not four days later.
And if you made a deal with me for 18,000 for a turbo install you owe me a big chunk of money.
I will not respond to your lies and twisted accusations anymore.
You can go ahead and flame away,I can live with that but if you come to my house or make any more threats I will follow through with the police.
Now just go ride and enjoy your sled.
Merry Christmas.

To charge me? you are out of your mind. He called me and told me if i had more issues to take your dumbass to court!! Then we both agreed it was pointless for a couple thousand dollars. He ACTUALLY said i could do whatever i wanted and that if things escalated they would be forced to look into it. Not one single word about charges you half wit. Anyone with a half a clue with the police system knows that unless i make a direct threat to your life nothing is done. I cant get over how f*ckin retarded you are. you want me to post a pic of the text you sent me that says "if you have problems with your turbo call the person you bought it from"? after you built it... Regardless you put them outside and were responsible. And of course i said i was going to do that you are a lowlife POS. I asked how i was going to get my stuff back, i never said put them outside. There is something wrong inside your brain dude. How many times did i ask for receipts? There are no lies or twisted accusations. There is something wrong with you. Stop trying to defend yourself, and give me my receipts and make an attempt at one single apology as a grown ass man. you are pathetic.

I SERIOUSLY hope you run things through that pea brain of yours next time you deal with a customer. Google search "Customer Service" and do some homework. It would never have gotten to this is you would have taken responsibility for your work and actions and given me my required receipts. Enough is enough and i lost my patience as anyone would. Because being nice to you, and patient got me no where.
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Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
If you guys are having issues work it out between you. 3 sides to every story. This is not the place for verbal fighting and blame unproven by either side. We dont want to know or see the fight. Thanks


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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I would really like to stay out of this but I really do think all of this has gone too far. What is being accomplished here guys? Police? Alleged threats? COME ON GUYS its Xmas and you guys are arguing over sledding stuff. Is this all really nessisarry? Dave I picked up the parts for slim from outside your shop as I was in CGY for work. Their was no engine left outside and no fuel controller either. They were not stolen in the short time they were left outside. It would be great if you could arrange through me to get the items returned, and some kind of bill for the work that was completed. Dave you built a really nice sled here and you do great work. I was part of getting this sled running and yes the injectors were wired wrong and did not have 12V power to them but it was an honest mistake and were simply wired backwards. It was an easy fix and Everything else on the build was great quality! Lets put this stuff behind us guys and just ride. I hope to see you both on the hill this holiday season where we can laugh and enjoy great sleds and are addictions to boost. Merry Xmas, happy holidays and happy sledding!
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