I have an extra 12 suspension, will a 133 x 15 or 136 x 15 fit that suspension?
I have an extra 12 suspension, will a 133 x 15 or 136 x 15 fit that suspension?
Well I'm pretty sure it was a 133 x 15 and I went to haydays this year and bought a new track. Well I installed the track and it was tight, well I took it to a professional to do some work on the engine and he happen to take a look at the suspension and said the track is a 136 x 15 and informed me that track wont work. If the track is tight why will it not work ? I dont want to have to buy another track or is this guy trying to get me to buy one even though i dont need one.
Didn't the SKS have a 129 or 133 in the mid nineties?Extra 10 & 12 are the most common suspension on polaris sleds and to the best of my knowledge the shortest track offered with that suspension is the 136
drivers are the sprockets on the drive shaft that turn the track.Im not the most knowledgable mechanic on snowmobiles but what what drivers are you talking about? now sure what you mean. Are you talking about the tension bolts to the rear shaft?