The start of a 4 year disarmament in US


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Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
kinder suprise chocolates

A friends 5 year old had one of these the other day, when he pulled the toy out, it didn't need to be built, just put stickers on. I remember when you had to build a little contraption, and I'm not old. So a coupla kids choked, it's a good learning experience.

And the pussification of north america continues.


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Jan 6, 2007
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red deer ish
Lets in a bar...fellow bumps into me...I notice he's carrying a holstered 45 auto...I'm definitely going to take a swing at him...that would be the only sensible thing to do...
Persay one was ever in a bar fight or something... a useless scuffle.. If you had a hand gun in your pocket... and started losing... You would probably use it in the heat of the moment... I would... Rather than waking up in the morning with some cuts and bruises... SOMEONE would be dead! MORE GUNS is NOT the answer... I hear the same crap from so many places.. PUT ARMED GAURDS IN THE SCHOOLS!!! Thats a GREAT IDEA!!!! Hey.. parents...Would you mind if we hired some armed middle aged men you have never met to come chill in the school your kids school.....dont worry... hes cool we checked it out. What happens when one of THOSE guys goes crazy and hes already inside the school armed....... ITS NOT WORKING!!! lol... Like HOLY CRAP!!! Whats with all these moonshiners thinking that this is a bad idea??? Colombine....Batman shooter.... ANY of these shootings that changed history.... THOSE WERE NOT POWDER MUSKETS OR DEER HUNTING RIFLES!!!!! These are guns that can fire off up to 60 or 70 rounds in under 30 seconds... like.....What kind of guy is going to break into your house that you have to shoot 70 times? The Terminator? And really.... Would you want to fire off that many rounds of high powered ammo in a house probably made of wood with your family all over the place? But dont worry.... The guns arent the problem... Im pretty sure its becuase they arent allowed to have kinder suprise chocolates in the us.... THATS THE PROBLEM!


Active VIP Member
Jul 26, 2010
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sherwood park, AB
Persay one was ever in a bar fight or something... a useless scuffle.. If you had a hand gun in your pocket... and started losing... You would probably use it in the heat of the moment... I would... Rather than waking up in the morning with some cuts and bruises... SOMEONE would be dead! MORE GUNS is NOT the answer... I hear the same crap from so many places.. PUT ARMED GAURDS IN THE SCHOOLS!!! Thats a GREAT IDEA!!!! Hey.. parents...Would you mind if we hired some armed middle aged men you have never met to come chill in the school your kids school.....dont worry... hes cool we checked it out. What happens when one of THOSE guys goes crazy and hes already inside the school armed....... ITS NOT WORKING!!! lol... Like HOLY CRAP!!! Whats with all these moonshiners thinking that this is a bad idea??? Colombine....Batman shooter.... ANY of these shootings that changed history.... THOSE WERE NOT POWDER MUSKETS OR DEER HUNTING RIFLES!!!!! These are guns that can fire off up to 60 or 70 rounds in under 30 seconds... like.....What kind of guy is going to break into your house that you have to shoot 70 times? The Terminator? And really.... Would you want to fire off that many rounds of high powered ammo in a house probably made of wood with your family all over the place? But dont worry.... The guns arent the problem... Im pretty sure its becuase they arent allowed to have kinder suprise chocolates in the us.... THATS THE PROBLEM!

We got T-team arguing politics? that's crazy! Actually if you get the proper training, no you would not use the hand gun. But thats a completely different debate. Anyone who uses a rifle in a house is asking for trouble. But reguardless of whether or not they attempt to take guns away (several states have already given public notice that they will not support any confiscation of firearms) These things are going to keep happening, But instead of bullets, it'll be bombs. Dont believe me? Oklahoma City Bombing anyone? or how about this

Bath School disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which happens to still be the most deadly school disaster in US history... which happened in 1927... oh look no guns! he actually would have had a tommy gun available to him at the time as well, which at the time, would have been fully automatic, something very difficult to get nowadays (if at all)

Its not the guns.... How about instead we focus on helping these people who have these ideas?

I'm sick and tired of having my rights restricted because someone who can't read statistics thinks that a gun is at fault.

and for the record T-Team, a mom recently in Texas had to fire 6 times to stop a single intruder from harming her and her children (she was hiding in the attic as well). imagine if there were more than one. Now imagine if she was in NY now, if she had more than 7 bullets, she'd be the criminal, meanwhile the actual intruder who has as many bullets as he wants because he couldnt give a (insert cliche here) about whatever laws we pass.

Example? You in your car in the summertime and the posted speed limits lol. Same goes for a gang member or anyone who illegally possesses firearms.

Edit: and if anyone uses the "you dont need it" argument, you better sell your sled, quad and truck and buy a Prius because you really dont NEED any of that... Like seriously, Look how many tree huggers tell us to walk up the mountain...
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Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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sticks, stones, apples, knives, Guns, BOMBs, Oranges they are all the same.

We got T-team arguing politics? that's crazy! Actually if you get the proper training, no you would not use the hand gun. But thats a completely different debate. Anyone who uses a rifle in a house is asking for trouble. But reguardless of whether or not they attempt to take guns away (several states have already given public notice that they will not support any confiscation of firearms) These things are going to keep happening, But instead of bullets, it'll be bombs. Dont believe me? Oklahoma City Bombing anyone? or how about this

Bath School disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which happens to still be the most deadly school disaster in US history... which happened in 1927... oh look no guns! he actually would have had a tommy gun available to him at the time as well, which at the time, would have been fully automatic, something very difficult to get nowadays (if at all)

Its not the guns.... How about instead we focus on helping these people who have these ideas?

I'm sick and tired of having my rights restricted because someone who can't read statistics thinks that a gun is at fault.

and for the record T-Team, a mom recently in Texas had to fire 6 times to stop a single intruder from harming her and her children (she was hiding in the attic as well). imagine if there were more than one. Now imagine if she was in NY now, if she had more than 7 bullets, she'd be the criminal, meanwhile the actual intruder who has as many bullets as he wants because he couldnt give a (insert cliche here) about whatever laws we pass.

Example? You in your car in the summertime and the posted speed limits lol. Same goes for a gang member or anyone who illegally possesses firearms.

Edit: and if anyone uses the "you dont need it" argument, you better sell your sled, quad and truck and buy a Prius because you really dont NEED any of that... Like seriously, Look how many tree huggers tell us to walk up the mountain...


"big deal"
Jan 22, 2009
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We got T-team arguing politics? that's crazy! Actually if you get the proper training, no you would not use the hand gun. But thats a completely different debate. Anyone who uses a rifle in a house is asking for trouble. But reguardless of whether or not they attempt to take guns away (several states have already given public notice that they will not support any confiscation of firearms) These things are going to keep happening, But instead of bullets, it'll be bombs. Dont believe me? Oklahoma City Bombing anyone? or how about this

Bath School disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which happens to still be the most deadly school disaster in US history... which happened in 1927... oh look no guns! he actually would have had a tommy gun available to him at the time as well, which at the time, would have been fully automatic, something very difficult to get nowadays (if at all)

Its not the guns.... How about instead we focus on helping these people who have these ideas?

I'm sick and tired of having my rights restricted because someone who can't read statistics thinks that a gun is at fault.

and for the record T-Team, a mom recently in Texas had to fire 6 times to stop a single intruder from harming her and her children (she was hiding in the attic as well). imagine if there were more than one. Now imagine if she was in NY now, if she had more than 7 bullets, she'd be the criminal, meanwhile the actual intruder who has as many bullets as he wants because he couldnt give a (insert cliche here) about whatever laws we pass.

Example? You in your car in the summertime and the posted speed limits lol. Same goes for a gang member or anyone who illegally possesses firearms.

Edit: and if anyone uses the "you dont need it" argument, you better sell your sled, quad and truck and buy a Prius because you really dont NEED any of that... Like seriously, Look how many tree huggers tell us to walk up the mountain...

Did you just call me fat?

Im not saying GUNS are at fault!!! Im just saying the fact that there are so many retarded guns (FULL AUTO) around so MANY retarded people.. Its bound to happen!! Like putting a drink in front of an alcoholic and telling him not to touch it. And good for you for finding a story about a lady that saved her kids using a gun.. Im happy for her. Funny I dont see facebook pictures and banners up comparing countrys with "NUMBER OF TIMES SINGLE HOUSE WIVES STOPPED INTRUDERS WITH MACHINE GUNS AND SURVIVED". Your right though dude... Its not the guns at all... We should focus on the people with these ideas... Lets send out a big worldwide email asking "Are you crazy? Are you going to commit murder or a mass shooting??? If so please reply ASAP!"


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
from the posts lately all the criminals have guns therefore all gun owners must be criminals, seems like all the crazies lately have guns thus all gun carriers must be crazy. No, the majority are respnsible, but i sometimes wonder. just my observation. seems like a lot of BS so far, i think I'll stay in Canada. USA seems to be where the majority of crazy gun owners are. ;)
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Active VIP Member
Jul 26, 2010
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sherwood park, AB
Did you just call me fat?

Im not saying GUNS are at fault!!! Im just saying the fact that there are so many retarded guns (FULL AUTO) around so MANY retarded people.. Its bound to happen!! Like putting a drink in front of an alcoholic and telling him not to touch it. And good for you for finding a story about a lady that saved her kids using a gun.. Im happy for her. Funny I dont see facebook pictures and banners up comparing countrys with "NUMBER OF TIMES SINGLE HOUSE WIVES STOPPED INTRUDERS WITH MACHINE GUNS AND SURVIVED". Your right though dude... Its not the guns at all... We should focus on the people with these ideas... Lets send out a big worldwide email asking "Are you crazy? Are you going to commit murder or a mass shooting??? If so please reply ASAP!"

You're not fat just horizontally challenged ;) :p

Well thank you for realizing that its not the guns. And actually there are not many full auto guns in civilians hands in the US, most states have them banned. An AR-15 is Semi auto and the cartridge is uses is basically a faster .22LR (the caliber Grandpa uses to shoot pests and gophers). Its more of the retarded people having access to the firearms that's the problem. Banning them or restricting them wont help, Putting courses on for firearms owners and teaching them how to properly store and use their firearms will definitely help. Just ask the Swiss, over 50% of the country owns and maintains firearms (its actually mandatory) and they have one of the lowest murder rates/assault rates of any civilized country.

The reason why you dont hear of those stories of single moms protecting themselves is because the media can't sensationalize it and get ratings, as compared to sensationalizing a massacre. In Fact i would go as far as putting some blame on the media for these things happening in the first place.

My argument is the same as Why we take avalanche safety courses. Yes we know going into the mountains is dangerous but if we EDUCATE ourselves it can reduce risk. Same can be said for guns. Shooting sports actually have the LOWEST injury percentage of any sport... its also the cheapest sport to insure...


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
You're not fat just horizontally challenged ;) :p

Well thank you for realizing that its not the guns. And actually there are not many full auto guns in civilians hands in the US, most states have them banned. An AR-15 is Semi auto and the cartridge is uses is basically a faster .22LR (the caliber Grandpa uses to shoot pests and gophers). Its more of the retarded people having access to the firearms that's the problem. Banning them or restricting them wont help, Putting courses on for firearms owners and teaching them how to properly store and use their firearms will definitely help. Just ask the Swiss, over 50% of the country owns and maintains firearms (its actually mandatory) and they have one of the lowest murder rates/assault rates of any civilized country.

The reason why you dont hear of those stories of single moms protecting themselves is because the media can't sensationalize it and get ratings, as compared to sensationalizing a massacre. In Fact i would go as far as putting some blame on the media for these things happening in the first place.

My argument is the same as Why we take avalanche safety courses. Yes we know going into the mountains is dangerous but if we EDUCATE ourselves it can reduce risk. Same can be said for guns. Shooting sports actually have the LOWEST injury percentage of any sport... its also the cheapest sport to insure...

gawd i didn't want to get into this loser thread again, but do you have any idea why the swiss are the way they are? they are all required to perform military service and training, that is why they have guns, and they don't have the problems, because they have first hand knowledge of what these firearms are capable of. fawk i am glad you only have one vote out of 32million.

all these guns should be registered and if found to be used in any crime the registered owner should be faceing a life sentence for improper storage. then and only then can you own one.
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Active VIP Member
Jul 26, 2010
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sherwood park, AB
gawd i didn't want to get into this loser thread again, but do you have any idea why the swiss are the way they are? they are all required to perform military service and training, that is why they have guns, and they don't have the problems, because they have first hand knowledge of what these firearms are capable of. fawk i am glad you only have one vote out of 32million.

Yeah i know that, that's why i said it. Its also why Canada doesnt have the issues that the US has, because when you take the tests to get your firearms licenses, you are taught safe handling and shooting. No i dont think we should have mandatory military service but yes i think that the more training the better. and if you think that your vote actually means anything anymore I'm sure happy you enjoy your naivety... *secures tinfoil hat* lol


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
Yeah i know that, that's why i said it. Its also why Canada doesn't have the issues that the US has, because when you take the tests to get your firearms licenses, you are taught safe handling and shooting. No i don't think we should have mandatory military service but yes i think that the more training the better. and if you think that your vote actually means anything anymore I'm sure happy you enjoy your naivety... *secures tinfoil hat* Lil

so far i have only one vote, but there seems to be way more like thinking. may be good may not be. my thought process is if you want these type of guns great, register them, if used in any sort of crime stolen or otherwise you face a life sentence because they were obviously not stored properly. u are responsible for them u face the consequences. would elimnate all sorts of BS.


Active VIP Member
Jul 26, 2010
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sherwood park, AB
so far i have only one vote, but there seems to be way more like thinking. may be good may not be. my thought process is if you want these type of guns great, register them, if used in any sort of crime stolen or otherwise you face a life sentence because they were obviously not stored properly. u are responsible for them u face the consequences. would elimnate all sorts of BS.

Thats actually great thinking, however, People steal things all the time and that includes properly stored guns (would freaking suck my safe was expensive!). Not only that if the RCMP catches the fact that you own guns, all of a sudden its not about the fact that you were almost robbed, murdered, or assaulted but its about where are your guns. and they'll slap some retarded charge on you rather than go after the real criminals.

case and point:
Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers | Canada | News | National Post

In the end, a judge acquitted him of all charges ($60,000 in legal fees later) But what the heck is that! He was attacked and defended himself accordingly and is made out a criminal. So Sure its an excellent idea, but wont ever happen because of crap like this.

Like he's a firearms instructor... doesn't get much more educated in firearms law than that. What would you have done in that situation? and the "unsafe" storage charge? It was in a safe! not much safer than that!


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Jul 7, 2012
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I will protect myself and property by whatever means neccessary. I have a guard dog that WILL guard his home if you are a stranger and step out of your vehicle. Stay in your car till I say its ok and you will leave with all skin and limbs intact. You hurt my dog/family/property I WILL hurt you. I will protect my ch!t!! And no one can tell me otherwise! I have signs warning intruders/trespassers of such. They have been warned and Im well within my rights. I believe that until the majority of people take on this mindset, sick and twisted individuals will continue to walk all over us, forcing the govt to try and regulate/control anything and everything! They will keep trying till the whole house of cards falls in on them or we wake up and force them to attack the criminals instead of us! end rant :s


Active member
Jul 5, 2012
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Thats actually great thinking, however, People steal things all the time and that includes properly stored guns (would freaking suck my safe was expensive!). Not only that if the RCMP catches the fact that you own guns, all of a sudden its not about the fact that you were almost robbed, murdered, or assaulted but its about where are your guns. and they'll slap some retarded charge on you rather than go after the real criminals.

case and point:
Man faces jail after protecting home from masked attackers | Canada | News | National Post

In the end, a judge acquitted him of all charges ($60,000 in legal fees later) But what the heck is that! He was attacked and defended himself accordingly and is made out a criminal. So Sure its an excellent idea, but wont ever happen because of crap like this.

Like he's a firearms instructor... doesn't get much more educated in firearms law than that. What would you have done in that situation? and the "unsafe" storage charge? It was in a safe! not much safer than that!

This guy was a dumbass, he had the ability to dig a hole and not report the fire bombing
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Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
This 223 isn't FMJ.

oh armor piercing shells... like this FMJ .223 round (same as 5.56 Nato) as compared to a common 30-06 hunting round... *facepalm* Get your terminology right. Most calibers of Rifle cartridges will penetrate body armor, because they are designed to Penetrate while hunting... Most types of light body armor that police wear are only good for pistol cartridges (travel much slower, designed for short range)

An armor piercing shell is something that a tank or artillery gun would use... an armor piercing bullet, however, is a rather expensive round that not even the army uses (much) because its really a waste of money if you are fighting someone in body armor, as regular projectiles will do the same. They are primarily designed to be anti armor (tanks, armored vehicles, etc).


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
my next thought is that most of you have stated that it is the crimminals doing the bad stuff,, when did the school teachers kid become a criminal, when he took it from the mothers house, when he loaded it or when he shot it, until he shot the gun he wasn't a criminal as far as i can tell. the problem as i see it there seems to be a lot of dumb azzs out there who just can't seem to control there guns, as in who has em. someone comes on your property, you have every right to defend yourself if attacked. i have had guns drawn on me while working along the friggin road. the guy was an absolute friggin idiot, now if i had a gun do i have the right to shoot the prick because he did threaten me and the crew. this morron was known for this kind of shheeet and why he wasn't locked up,shot or run over was beyond me. seems to me alot of idiots have guns, must be there right. rosko comes to mind, glad you wanted him to have his friggin rights. who's friggin rights are more important 4 mounties or one sweet innocent rosko

i need a break,
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Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
Persay one was ever in a bar fight or something... a useless scuffle.. If you had a hand gun in your pocket... and started losing... You would probably use it in the heat of the moment... I would... Rather than waking up in the morning with some cuts and bruises... SOMEONE would be dead! MORE GUNS is NOT the answer... I hear the same crap from so many places.. PUT ARMED GAURDS IN THE SCHOOLS!!! Thats a GREAT IDEA!!!! Hey.. parents...Would you mind if we hired some armed middle aged men you have never met to come chill in the school your kids school.....dont worry... hes cool we checked it out. What happens when one of THOSE guys goes crazy and hes already inside the school armed....... ITS NOT WORKING!!! lol... Like HOLY CRAP!!! Whats with all these moonshiners thinking that this is a bad idea??? Colombine....Batman shooter.... ANY of these shootings that changed history.... THOSE WERE NOT POWDER MUSKETS OR DEER HUNTING RIFLES!!!!! These are guns that can fire off up to 60 or 70 rounds in under 30 seconds... like.....What kind of guy is going to break into your house that you have to shoot 70 times? The Terminator? And really.... Would you want to fire off that many rounds of high powered ammo in a house probably made of wood with your family all over the place? But dont worry.... The guns arent the problem... Im pretty sure its becuase they arent allowed to have kinder suprise chocolates in the us.... THATS THE PROBLEM!

So you don't think you can trust the RCMP to protect your kids, but you are willing to give up your guns so only the bad guys have them? Makes sense.....


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
my next thought is that most of you have stated that it is the crimminals doing the bad stuff,, when did the school teachers kid become a criminal, when he took it from the mothers house, when he loaded it or when he shot it, until he shot the gun he wasn't a criminal as far as i can tell. the problem as i see it there seems to be a lot of dumb azzs out there who just can't seem to control there guns, as in who has em. someone comes on your property, you have every right to defend yourself if attacked. i have had guns drawn on me while working along the friggin road. the guy was an absolute friggin idiot, now if i had a gun do i have the right to shoot the prick because he did threaten me and the crew. this morron was known for this kind of shheeet and why he wasn't locked up,shot or run over was beyond me. seems to me alot of idiots have guns, must be there right. rosko comes to mind, glad you wanted him to have his friggin rights. who's friggin rights are more important 4 mounties or one sweet innocent rosko

i need a break,

First of all James Rosko had a history of violence. He should never have had legally obtained a gun.

Second of all if the officers had followed the law and not illegally searched his property they would still be alive.


I love guns
Aug 6, 2007
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Stettler Alberta
my next thought is that most of you have stated that it is the crimminals doing the bad stuff,, when did the school teachers kid become a criminal, when he took it from the mothers house, when he loaded it or when he shot it, until he shot the gun he wasn't a criminal as far as i can tell. the problem as i see it there seems to be a lot of dumb azzs out there who just can't seem to control there guns, as in who has em. someone comes on your property, you have every right to defend yourself if attacked. i have had guns drawn on me while working along the friggin road. the guy was an absolute friggin idiot, now if i had a gun do i have the right to shoot the prick because he did threaten me and the crew. this morron was known for this kind of shheeet and why he wasn't locked up,shot or run over was beyond me. seems to me alot of idiots have guns, must be there right. rosko comes to mind, glad you wanted him to have his friggin rights. who's friggin rights are more important 4 mounties or one sweet innocent rosko

i need a break,

Rosko was banned from owning guns of any sort. The HK 91 he had was given to him by the two idiots that helped him back to the property. But I agree that azz hole should've been dead long ago. It's the failed justice system ..Is what blows goats
Any way. This thread is outa hand. It's the US problem as far as I can tell. Let them deal with it
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