Syrian Refugee Crisis


Active VIP Member
Jul 24, 2010
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Saw that vid of the guy threatening to behead the people who are offering to help save his evil life. Pretty sad...


Active VIP Member
Jul 24, 2010
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[h=1]Saudi Arabia won’t take any Syrian refugees, but offers to build 200 mosques for them in Germany[/h]SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 5:38 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER28 COMMENTS
This tells you all you need to know about the “refugee” crisis in Europe. It is, as I said, a hijrah: a migration for the sake of Allah, to plant Islam in a new land. If they were really refugees, the Saudis would take them. But no, they are invaders, and the Saudis are offering to make things easier for them by providing them with facilities for the invasion — remember, four separate studies since 1998 have shown that 80% of Saudi-funded mosques in the U.S. teach hatred of Jews and Christians and the necessity to replace the Constitution with Sharia.

Saudi Arabia, which doesn’t permit the construction of churches but finances a mosque construction spree in the land of the infidel, will not be taking in Syrian refugees. Even though they are fellow Muslims. It will however offer to build 200 mosques in Germany for their use.
It’s a kind offer. The only proper way for Europe to reciprocate would be to send a million soccer hooligans to Saudi Arabia and then offer to build facilities to teach them of the importance of trashing the country and abusing any native they come across.
Of course the Saudis aren’t stupid enough to fall for that one. Not even if the soccer hooligans bring along the occasional woman and child to use as emotional human shields while battering their way into a country they hate in every possible way aside from its social services.
Only Westerners are stupid enough to fall for that one.
Saudi mosques have played a key role in the rise of Islamic terrorism in the West. Just think of the explosive wonders that something short of a million migrants and all the mosques they can Allah Akbar in will accomplish in Germany.
Maybe the next Caliph of the Islamic State will even shout Allah Akbar while beheading some local infidel with a German accent. Maybe that Islamic State will even be in Hamburg.
Why is it that so few people ask themselves why the Saudis are willing to build 200 mosques for these “poor, desperate refugees”, yet won’t take a single one in?
It’s the same answer to the question of why so many Muslims claim to care about “Palestinians” to the point of genocide, yet won’t take them in and give them citizenship.
These aren’t refugees. They’re armies.
Don’t take it from me. Take it from Turkey’s Erdogan, the man more popular among German Muslims than he is among his own oppressed people. Here’s the poem that the formerly secular Turkish state sent him to jail for, before it became an Islamist hellhole of minarets, Erdogan palaces and crumbling shopping malls.
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”
Saudi Arabia just offered to build 200 barracks for the 800,000 soldiers invading Germany.


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Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
I am on a business trip to Israel and now in Greece. This topic is a huge issue over here and my Israeli colleagues have given me an insight about the refugee problem that I never considered. After hearing their side and seeing how the Palestinians (arabs) live/act I think the west is going to regret allowing more muslims into Europe/N.America. The Greek coast guard stopped a ship loaded with cigarettes and other items which started in Turkey and was going to Libya. When they inspected the containers they found thousands of rifles/bullets going to extremist. Pretty scary stuff and I personally hate to paint everyone with the same brush but under the circumstances the acceptance of these refugees needs to be reconsidered.


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Mar 3, 2009
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I am on a business trip to Israel and now in Greece. This topic is a huge issue over here and my Israeli colleagues have given me an insight about the refugee problem that I never considered. After hearing their side and seeing how the Palestinians (arabs) live/act I think the west is going to regret allowing more muslims into Europe/N.America. The Greek coast guard stopped a ship loaded with cigarettes and other items which started in Turkey and was going to Libya. When they inspected the containers they found thousands of rifles/bullets going to extremist. Pretty scary stuff and I personally hate to paint everyone with the same brush but under the circumstances the acceptance of these refugees needs to be reconsidered.
You'll make a great conservative someday there buddy! Lol.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
fences don't work. I seen first hand in Israel over the last couple of days what they do to get over them. The Israelis had to build a brand new highway farther away from west bank as they continuously threw molotov bombs at passing cars. We travelled the old highway as my colleague wanted to show me but I don't think we went slower than 120 km/hr.

And build taller fences!


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
LOL Ken!! I did vote for Harper once upon a time but after seeing his shortcomings I think I will wait until your beloved party finds a new leader :cool:
Wow , then you must wonder how Mulc&$t will repair our economy based on the fact he has refinanced his home 11 times in the past few years......a true financial genius right there !
Or the other guy who has never had to finance a dam thing...

talking of shortcomings.....lmfao!!
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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
would never vote NDP! But Harper has done wonders balancing the books in his watch or better yet selling our country to the Chinese. Anyway, to each his own.

Wow , then you must wonder how Mulc&$t will repair our economy based on the fact he has refinanced his home 11 times in the past few years......a true financial genius right there !
Or the other guy who has never had to finance a dam thing...

taliking of shortcomings.....lmfao!!


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Social media bleeding hearts is going to bleed the intelligence right out of everyone.

Wow Someone shot a lion in another country , refugees need to be allowed in ours at 30g a pop I think I read somewhere.

Sorry to say but I don't care to support helping outsiders when our veterans and military personnel could be financially helped a lot more.
What did I watch on the news?? Ontario is giving 10.5 million bucks to the Syrian refugee effort. Wtf!!

If the liberals and or NDP get in were screwed!! , there will be free handouts everywhere and we will be working even harder to pay for it.

Harper the right guy for the job? Right now I say yes, those two other nignogs will turn canada into a 2nd world country in no time.

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