Active VIP Member
Lookin at headin to southfork this weekend? Or is it flooded too badly out there, should I consider a different location? Suggestions?? Thanks...
It didnt rain yesterday,,,,, or today,,,, till this big storm came in,,,,,, it is dumping!!!!! but the creeks are going down.......
sounds like tex and sparky 68 are out at prarie creek this weekend, that gruesome twosome keep hounding my azz to go ouit, may have to just to stop the harrasment. shheeet could turn the phone off?:d
sounds like tex and sparky 68 are out at prarie creek this weekend, that gruesome twosome keep hounding my azz to go ouit, may have to just to stop the harrasment. shheeet could turn the phone off?:d
Or take a Po Po......... they won't be able to catch You !
oh sparky 68 has a 700 poo poo. it's friggin tex ya have to watch out for, he shoots so much shheeet that you need a front end loader to haul it all away.:d
Tall boots too,,,,,,,
Does Tex have more shheeet on the inside or outside if his boots?????????
can't tell wears chest waders alot. weird squishy sounds eminate from both sides. all i know is ya got to stand back a bit as he does a lot of backfiring.
Sheeet that sound means he is really full to the chest.....
Ya he backfires like a old horse.....
have to watch him around a fire or he could take off like a rocket, his azz gaz, would kill an old horse.
Have seen him around the fire,,it's dangerous
Where is the old horse today??? Working
the ole nag should be out at southfork campin and makin up bs stories and telling them to anyone who will listen, he will even pay for someone to listen. i only heard that much bs on the farm, piled 10 ft high. only it didn't smell as bad.
Sheeet that sound means he is really full to the chest.....
Ya he backfires like a old horse.....