Active VIP Member
Very refreshing viewpoint. It's about time someone said it.I might be in the minority on this but I agree with ski-doober. Foreign investors are controlling these ski hills and profiting off public land and Silverstar is not the same "locally owned" hill it used to be. They are blowing this way out of proportion as a scare tactic to keep people away. Why wasn't this infrastructure flagged or are they worried about potential liability which is why they are blaming the sledder? What would have been the outcome of this scenario had a skier ran over this mid-season and broke their leg? probably free ski passes for a year......They make a mint off the land all season, probably worth it to spend a day or two securing the hill.
Don't buy into the media hype that says "the sledder was doing something bad so everyone jump on his back", because that's exactly what is happening. That being said - there are lots of other areas to ride and ski hills are kinda boring if you know how to ride at all, just lots of trail riding basically, we used to ride our local ski hill after they were done (with their permission - not that we really needed it because its public property) and they never had an issue with it, we just asked them.
IMO Silverstar corporate or other associated people need to tone down the attitude of calling sledders "morons" (I'm sure no one did openly to the media) or insinuating otherwise, they used to the hold the BCSF hillclimb there every year in the spring and made a decent chunk of $$$$ off those same sledders. Now they want to "close" the hill after they let people ride on it for so many years, kinda hard to do that, and besides, if the sledders are not harming any of the infrastructure, what's the biggest impact they are creating? Packing down the snow.....on a ski hill? C'mon.
This dude hit an anchor post - so what? He wrecked his sled because he wasn't paying attention, he fawked up - he's the only one that suffered so who cares - How many guys hit trees/stumps/rocks every year doing the same thing?