hey just wondering if anyone knows or has heard how far up boulder and frisby you have to drive untill you hit snow. planning a trip june 2nd and 3rd. hopefully won't be the last trip either.
Watch For Posts From Our Very Own Powderpuff.... She Lives In Revy And Posts Conditions Frequently. If You Look Under The Revy Header On The Main Page, She Was Up Ridin' Last Weekend And Has Some Good Pics There Too........ I'm Sure She Can Help You Out!!! Good Luck On The Trips, I Know They Still Have The Snow, And I Would Be Up Myself, Except Too Many Major Purchases Lately, So The Funds Won't Allow It At This Time..... Enjoy, And Let The Rest Of Us Know How It Was And Take Some Pics..... Thanks
We are going up Frisby Sat. I`ll get some pics.
When I was fueling up tonight a guy comes over and asks me where the hell I was going sledding at this time of year.
Well skidont it's about time you got on the site. I have next weekend off, Todd said he is going if he is not working but I don't think I will be putting my deck back on. Supposed to be in the mid to high twenties this week so the girls and I are gonna try some tubing. If you don't go to Revy stop at Long Lake.....hop in a tube....I promise not to dunk ya. What shape are Will and Cody's sleds.....turbos installed,mods complete? How does your new big bore run.....my stocker won't keep up next year.
Cody's turbo is on but still not operational yet. Will's not even close, doesn't seem to care about sleding anymore this year. My engine still not done yet, but i got my cat bigbore though. Should be a good year next year, but if its not i'm done for good.
You just need more time for testing...swapping motors till 1am and leaving at 2...can't figure why things head south some times?!! Mods can = big$$$ don't give up to easily.....you can always run a stocker like us old guys.