Sledding # Down?

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Lacombe AB
I agree, make the traveling rig a go too rider and cover some ground.

Distance by sleds and truck are a must as it helps the noodle size up different ranges and mountains.

Some folks stay in the same areas much of the time, and that's ok as they feel secure / safe / and comfortable.

Others like too explore with distance as it breaks up complacency,,, after 4 too 7 years it happens. Our group started off like most as trail riders, then too extreme after that... Then the extreme trail riding got under way into wild-cat areas from that day on.

As a group we became self supportive too our selves so we could unload and remain at a area with sleds on the ground for 10 or longer day stints.

Some turned into 30's and 50's as it was easy to just hang out week after week or months as there are many mountains too explore in BC.

XXX amount of funds too and from,,, the longer one stays the cheaper it cost. Gas for sleds, gen-set for power with lots of food & coffee.

Free Lance and frugal helps as the funds saved added to more outting and aloted more time to stay.

This is why I took 2 years off too sled most of BC back then. Ha...

I had 2 nick names back then, one was 420 bro and the other was Lem Lamb from No-Where. LOL.

Lem Lamb won out as the older crowd didn't like 420 bro too much. Ha.

Had a blast as the good folks of BC showed me alot of areas, top secret has and will be the plan from day one of seeing these Wild-cat locations.

It is up too those that push the limits too expand and explore too find areas that one chooses,,, that way it's worth the effort knowing that one put in the time too do it for ones self.

My best pal and I expanded this idea into the Americas / Canada and USA as she's one massive land.
Work wize, save smart, and poor the fuel too it as the wilds allow us too see for our selves.

Only for those who choose that is.

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