Sled Retrieval from Mt. Gerald Avalanche(Hope Creek)


Feb 22, 2011
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Thanks, I just want to thank the small group that showed up and worked their butts off. Here is an overview of the first day; 5 guys got up at 6:30 am ( max 5 hours of sleep), met at Husky 7 am, drove to Donald then 55km of gravel road with large hidden speed dips. Drove about 22km of hard moguls, dug for 2 sleds for about 10 hours straight. They wrecked most all of their avy shovels, destroyed belts, broke Chevs, and tore a lot of muscle fiber. Towed sleds back to trucks(yammie pulled 2 at once, had to put that in there!LOL) Got back to Golden at 11 pm, quick shower and we were eatin gourmet at the Golden Arch at midnight( first Big Mac in a couple years,and last!) Bed around 2 am so they could do it again the next day.

You know what really stuck in my mind....not one guy complained or griped about anything, ever!!! (couple of the old guys whined about sore muscles, but that's a nomal day for them!) I noticed a cool rock formation that looks down on that bowl and pointed it out to Yogi. One day we will go back and put something special on that rock.
Norbert and Andy,were great guys ( as I am sure Jarret was too,never had the pleasure of meeting him)and were buds of mine, I would gladly burn my sled to the ground if it would bring back even one of these guys! RS

just wanna say me and my mom can't express enough how greatful we are for you few fellas, you accomplished something great and we want to do anything we can to repay you for such remarkable work. Yogi told us of the rock and i think that is a great idea, i was wondering, how close would you be able to get to that bowl in the summer time with quads? might take a trip later in the summer if it's doable. Also Rene, if you've met Andy, you've practically met Jarrett, he just had longer hair :) but the same person through and through.

OOC ZigZag

Active VIP Member
May 12, 2010
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As a Doo kind of guy, with regards to the quote and your signature I don't agree with the "separatist manufactured POS with the build quality of an 1960 Russian tractor" and then you go on to say, "endless hours of fun and adventure".....please make up your mind buddy!

Not trying to stir the pot just to really see where you are coming from....:beer::beer::beer:

LOL:lol2: haha:rolling: I got that from pistonbroke and I love it sarcasm, Your dooing the off topic thing though.:nono: no hijaking :beer::d

OOC ZigZag

Active VIP Member
May 12, 2010
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just wanna say me and my mom can't express enough how greatful we are for you few fellas, you accomplished something great and we want to do anything we can to repay you for such remarkable work. Yogi told us of the rock and i think that is a great idea, i was wondering, how close would you be able to get to that bowl in the summer time with quads? might take a trip later in the summer if it's doable. Also Rene, if you've met Andy, you've practically met Jarrett, he just had longer hair :) but the same person through and through.

That your happy the boys toys are home's good enough for me. The oblisk rock would be an excellent spot for a plaque. :)


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Aug 22, 2007
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Sylvan Lake
Good Lord, How unthoughtful of me! I would like to put out a big Thank you to the Golden Rim out of Golden, we were healthily fed and watered and given comfort with enthusiasm!!, And also like to thank all involved in the rescue! Very much appreciated and look forward to riding with you all again under different circumstances!!:beer::beer:


Active VIP Member
Jan 24, 2007
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And not to forget they gave us a great deal on the rooms!...once again Golden warranted why I will always stay there when I am riding around Golden. I hope next time we can all go there it will be under different circumstances..and make it an enjoyable ride!...It was tragic what happened out there and they will be missed, but one good thing that come out of this is the friendships formed while out there in the blood, sweat and tears!
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