Yeah this is a trail that allows atv riding. We are pretty locked down for extreme stuff in Minnesota. You have to make sure it is legal first or pay the fines if caught.
your scaring me... i don't see how you ride trails in Northern Alberta and don't do this... this is the nature of skeg... every time you go through the wholes get bigger... i hear what your saying about respect but i don't know what can be done on most trails
well i guess we have to stay away from the skeg too.. i mean anything except packed to slightly muddy trails and even a hole or two on the trail... that is what we will be left with thanks to all those who ride the deep stuff and tear it up...areas that are so skegie or muddy that they have to rip them up.... when all the land is taken away.. you can only thank yourself for contrubuting to the closure...
its coming down to that we will have only 5% of the land that is now there for quadding trucking or biking...
so all those that have big mud tires you will all have to switch to 25" tires and change your riding style or trail ride with mud tires...
cause there will be no land left to run in the mud and skeg...
it right around the corner... its going to be pushed down our throats, thats my fear!
hopefully all the petitons and clubs that are fighting this will have some impact...
im not hatin on anyone.. different strokes for differnet folks.. but if we dont stop it.. we will have to pay dearly..