does anybody know if silversands is being groomed still?
looked at the link and maps .then it was on the evening news . looks like silver sands,mt becker and calazon are going to be closed above 1400m. basically everything on the north or west side of highway 97 until you get close to PK .is this a done deal ? or is there still some process to go through . what is the time line ? also looked like the red deer /wapiti area is done as well . going to take out some prime riding areas . one thing i did"nt hear about was the loss of habitat due to the new coal mine that will employ nothing but chinese .. coal mining in north eastern bc has ruined more habitat for every species than any other industry or recreational group put together. i might sound like a oldtimer but i remember when the chikano pit tailings pile slid into the murray river, what a mess changed the river course , filled the river with mud coal dust etc..any problems for quinttete coal ,nope business as usual. willow creek mine now has property under licence on the same mtn range [moberly herd] as silversands becker etc..i understand the need to protect the caribou but i think industrial activity has considered as a major reason for the loss of habitat.