No one really decipher's and reads what he says. I've put in some graphics for anyone who prefers visual aids or has slower reading comprehension.Why don't you use spell check your so called funny typing makes it that most peaple don't even read what you are typing, Just a idea.
This is your brain....^
definiTion of inSaniTy.. doing the same thing oVer n OvER iNN rover again... LMAO ... xXxPecTing differenT ResuLTs .. einsTein would noT be Proud ,, THiNk abouT thaT 1one !! Hmmmm !! golfers worsT nightmare .. eh misTer maxXxWeLL .. TiGHT -A- LeaST would be proud !! o zone iTs iNN the HoLe ... biLL muRRaY would be proud
This is your brain on ______....^
FWIW - Einstein was never actually quoted as saying "the definition of insanity...", and it surfaced many years after his death. Maybe you heard it somewhere else......Its widely held that it, in fact, was generated from within the 12-step community...... just sayin'.....