I will give Cyle some credit where it is do... be aware that if this is a vane problem, it will NOT be covered! Once you're at the dealer and the actuator is removed and they find the cone is seized... you have a decision to make. Are they pushing it outside, or are you installing a Chrysler turbo for 5k. Chances are they may not want to install a jobber turbo?
Anyone who is taking truck in for that recall needs to be sure to tell them ONLY to do the recall and nothing else. That way if they pull the actuator, even if it's seized they have to put it back and ensure it's still calibrated so you can get it fixed elsewhere. Now will they do that, I doubt most dealers would at most they would just put it back in without any concern if it's still calibrated. Paying a dealer for turbo replacement is so foolish. Stock turbo elsewhere is only a little over $3000.
It's baffling they haven't recalled them all, well we know why it's only because of money, the problem is stupid common. My family has 4 13+ Ram Cummins and 3/4 have had it happen ranging from 140-170km, the only one that hasn't had it happen yet only has about 130km on it so nothing to say it's not going to happen to it too.