That would be fantastic for people to ask and personal questions they have about the life of a hillclimb racer and I would love to get to know my fans a little better and maybe even inspire some to start climbing them selves! Any time in the evenings works I can answer the questions as they are asked! Cat is back baby RaWRPreDaToR#524 would it be ok for feLLoW snow n muddeRs to ask quesTioNs some Time in the fuTuRE .. regarding your professional career as a FacTory PiLoT for arcTic - CaT and all those involved with your suPPorT and success of HiLLCLiMbinG in GeNeRaL .. This would be kooL sTuFF to haVe 1 on 1 quesTions .. PreDaTor#524 is this someTinG youR upP For ??? ..