

Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Immigration will happen you can’t stop it its been happening for decades. Making a campaign promise to stop it, is a career limiting move.

Yeah they are ramping it up big time though. 350,000 a year is a lot for Canada. Its NOT GOING TO BE CANADA really soon. I dont think you get that.

Any who, not voting CPC. Sorry not sorry.
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Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Yeah the are ramping it up big time though. 350,000 a year is a lot for Canada. Its NOT GOING TO BE CANADA really soon. I dont think you get that.

Any who, not voting CPC. Sorry not sorry.

Yep I do get it. Thats going to happen wether I voted PPC or not. Now all we can hope for is the US to buy alberta.

Its time to start thinking about Alberta’s separation from Canada


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Yep I do get it. Thats going to happen wether I voted PPC or not. Now all we can hope for is the US to buy alberta.

A lot of these new Canadians, a disproportionately high amount infact are going to be sent to Calgary and Edmonton so I hear.
The cities are already liberal ses pools, what do you think they are going to be like in 5 years?

Not looking pretty. I might be looking for a different country. Unless Red Deer county can form its own country some how... lmao
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Active VIP Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Bernier never said he was going to stop immigration. He wants smart immigration. Immigrants that believe in our CANADIAN values. Immigrants that want to contribute. The fact that the media has turned that into what they have is pathetic.

Mainstream media is just entertainment. Facts are purely subjective to whichever way the wind blows. They’ are not journalists, they are entertainers. They act like the PPC is on no ones radar yet online the PPC appear to be very well supported. I was just watching a mainstream talk show and the guest wouldn’’t acknowledge the PPC is running. The fact that the media refuses to mention anything PPC related at all turns shows me the establishment is threatened by the change the PPC will bring. It shouldn’’t matter if the polls show them dead last, when comparing the parties platforms they should include all parties running.

Regarding the CPC, they aren’t having a hard time winning because of Scheer. It is because Canadians are tired of establishment government. Trudeau pushed us to far.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
I am assuming you listen to the news....Libs / Greens / Nd's all in possible coalition..PPC's not even on the radar.... ..you know that anything other than a direct CPC vote is just supporting Trudeau.....If you are in the mindset to teaching your CPC MP a lesson, sleep well knowing you just supported for the Liberals........:realmad:

there you go listening to the bought and paid for polls again, tell me when do you think Scheer is going to get any pipelines built, or can u tell me how long this energy corridor is going to take?

i'm thinking there is a wake up coming, i'm thinking trudy will be lucky to get seats anywhere other than Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa. people hate the POS, the paid for media is trying to save his sorry butt, anyway it can.

will find out in 6 days.
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Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Ryan Jesperson is having a barbecue and feeding all who attend if the PPC get more than 3 seats.


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
there you go listening to the bought and paid for polls again, tell me when do you think Scheer is going to get any pipelines built, or can u tell me how long this energy corridor is going to take?

I know this....it is going to be a very tight race meaning every vote is important to remove that Alberta-hatin' SOB from leading our country even further into the ground. If you insist on wasting your much needed votes on a go-nowhere party, then you may as well vote directly for Trudeau but then be sure not to bitch and moan later on how the west is treated with him in power again!!!
The Liberals need to be removed with the CPC voted a majority......anything less will likely be a Liberal/NDP/Green coalition.....you think our western economy is hurting now.....wait till you help Trudeau get re-elected.

Next time around, if PPC continues to grow, they can be a contender but not this round...........not this round


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
I know this....it is going to be a very tight race meaning every vote is important to remove that Alberta-hatin' SOB from leading our country even further into the ground. If you insist on wasting your much needed votes on a go-nowhere party, then you may as well vote directly for Trudeau but then be sure not to bitch and moan later on how the west is treated with him in power again!!!
The Liberals need to be removed with the CPC voted a majority......anything less will likely be a Liberal/NDP/Green coalition.....you think our western economy is hurting now.....wait till you help Trudeau get re-elected.

Next time around, if PPC continues to grow, they can be a contender but not this round...........not this round

what makes you think that Canada will survive 4 yrs, Scheer is a globalist, he says he is happy with 350,000 plus migrants (majority of which bring no economic benefit to Canada, other than a drain on the system). i'm still hoping to hear more from him yet, as i'm still up in the air.

as to the Conservative mp in red deer Mtn view, he is all about the farm community, what about the other residents in the area, oilfield, forestry etc. not a friggin peep, the dead weight needs to wake up or be replaced, in my opinion. same old same old is getting really old.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
we need your support

cool, then someone needs to tell us just what the CPC proposes to do for Alberta, and how they are going to do it?

i am on board with J Kenny.
, doing what he said he would, and fighting for Alberta.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
cool, then someone needs to tell us just what the CPC proposes to do for Alberta, and how they are going to do it?

with Kenney leading the province and Andrew Sheer as PM, the world will know that Alberta is open for business, not just Alberta, Western Canada. Once we are firing on all cylinders, then lets start looking at alternative energy. But 1st we need to get back to work.

No other party (except CCP...but they are a no-show this time) is going to help us with this. They all want to kill the oil & gas industry.

Does that answer your question?

I keep ranting on how important Oil & Gas is for the west....and I'm not even in the O&G industry...I'm in Ag. But there are literally tens of thousand's out of work and/or hurting financially.....the only party who will assist us in getting back on our feet now is Andrew Scheer's Conservatives. The others just want to push us down even further.
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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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It absolutely astounds me reading all of this how we can have the worst prime minister in the history of Canada right now running for another 4 years of terror and all the right leaning voters that oppose him are arguing over who's leader has the biggest dink. And yes I am equally to blame. For gawd sakes get your heads out of your azzes and come together for the common good, unite and vote the Turd back into the stone ages. Jaysus nobody with 3% of the national interest is going to go to 38-40% in one week. Even polls from the right say he has no chance. This is like a slow motion death in a horror movie for gawd sakes.


Active VIP Member
Apr 1, 2011
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If some of you are choosing to vote for Scheer because that’s what you feel is right, then by all means that’s your right. But we live in a democracy not limited by just two corrupt parties. So if someone else chooses to vote for someone you are not comfortable voting for, then maybe chill out on the fear tactics. By all means have a lively debate but realize at the end of the day another adult will do what they want.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
with Kenney leading the province and Andrew Sheer as PM, the world will know that Alberta is open for business, not just Alberta, Western Canada. Once we are firing on all cylinders, then lets start looking at alternative energy. But 1st we need to get back to work.

what i'm hoping for, and why i'm on the fence! i have no interest in alternate energy, as it will be a big albatross around our necks in the very near future.

No other party (except CCP...but they are a no-show this time) is going to help us with this. They all want to kill the oil & gas industry.

Does that answer your question?

Scheers utility corridor is at best 6-10 yrs down the road. PPC could have the tmx being started in a few months, as well as other lines. Keystone, just got Trumps ok.
I can see Kenny and Bernier getting it done as well,
The liberals, greens and NDP will finalize the fate of Canada.

I keep ranting on how important Oil & Gas is for the west....and I'm not even in the O&G industry...I'm in Ag. But there are literally tens of thousand's out of work and/or hurting financially.....the only party who will assist us in getting back on our feet now is Andrew Scheer's Conservatives. The others just want to push us down even further.

Scheer has had 2 yrs of leading the CPC, has he made anything stick to Trudy yet?
sure he will be better than trudy as Pm, only we need a strong leader now not 4 yrs from now!!!
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Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
If some of you are choosing to vote for Scheer because that’s what you feel is right, then by all means that’s your right. But we live in a democracy not limited by just two corrupt parties. So if someone else chooses to vote for someone you are not comfortable voting for, then maybe chill out on the fear tactics. By all means have a lively debate but realize at the end of the day another adult will do what they want.

Absolutely agree with you 110%, you are allowed to vote for who you prefer. We are not a 3rd world country, our vote still counts. Sometimes though, a person needs to vote strategically to make a change. It does not mean that person is changing their stripes or support of their preferred candidate, it just means that at times a change is needed and the smart choice could be to vote for that change. Trudeau needs to go....period. How do we as a group achieve that goal?
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