One might say this will help for cash for trash.:d
One might say lets have some fun... Start off every sentence with one might say.
One might say this could be a good thread.
One might say "WTF?"
One might not say that...
I like cookies.
You forgot to say one might say lol please edit:d
One might say im not looking forward to the winter storm hitting calgary tonight and tomorrow.
"One might say"....this is pretty gay
but it's an easy 6 hundie in the bank, mutha fawka
One might also say that you forgot too. :d
I dont want to.You forgot to say one might say lol please edit:d
Yes he did.One might also say that you forgot too. :d
It wont happen.One might say im not looking forward to the winter storm hitting calgary tonight and tomorrow.
one might say he who knows everything has lots to learn.