on a serious note, other then my last post, ziplock bags are your best friend for storage of anything that needs to stay completely dry. I havent found any boxes on the market that completely seal, so i pack all my stuff in ziplocks such as insurance, maps, matches, batteries, flashlight ect. Another thing i bought this year that is available form most dealers is something called a trackpack, its a small container containing several bolt, washer, and nut sizes to fit almost anything, in th event you happen to need one on the trails, since buying mine i have used it 3 times. Its defineltley worth having onboard for those emergency fixes when your far away from camp.
Good luck shopping
always make sure you have enough oil for a couple oil changes, it one thing that you cant neglect once you swamp your bike. i usually carry at least one 4 litre jug of oil, more if there is a bunch of us. dont say you wont sink your bike and you dont need the oil, cuz you will even when your not expecting to
Nice looking Sportsman I always liked the yellow. Now your missing the front plastic that covers your winch. Some new tires would be good Mud Lites are good trail/mud tires. Same thing with Maxxis BigHorn 2.0's they are good trail/sand/mud tires. Mud Lites may claim there good in snow/ice they absolutely suck in the snow/ice
I'd say a flat pack full of fuel would be a wise idea... never know where you youll end up. We were riding the river one winter and I figured I could make it to the next town without filling up and we killed some time riding in the woods on the way and my sportsman 800 doesnt have a reserve for fuel. the machine holds 4.13 gallons and everybody else I ride with holds 5. we barely got to town and I took 4 gallons. So I pack extra fuel now.