Keith Brown
Active VIP Member
The schedule didn't import very well so the whole bill is linked below. The first price is for 2017 the second is for 2018
WTF gas levy is lower for Gasoline then Diesel. Do they want us to buy gas pick ups. Hmm????
Carbon Levy Rates
Type of Fuel
Carbon levy
rate for 2017
Carbon levy rate for 2018
and subsequent years
Aviation gas 4.98 ¢/L 7.47 ¢/L
Aviation jet fuel 5.17 ¢/L 7.75 ¢/L
Bunker fuel 6.36 ¢/L 9.55 ¢/L
Butane 3.56 ¢/L 5.34 ¢/L
Coal coke $63.59 /tonne $95.39 /tonne
Coke oven gas 1.40 ¢/m3 2.10 ¢/m3
Diesel 5.35 ¢/L 8.03 ¢/L
Ethane 2.04 ¢/L 3.06 ¢/L
Gas liquids 3.33 ¢/L 4.99 ¢/L
Gasoline 4.49 ¢/L 6.73 ¢/L
Heating distillate oil 5.51 ¢/L 8.27 ¢/L
Heavy fuel oil 6.35 ¢/L 9.53 ¢/L
High heat value coal $44.37 /tonne $66.56 /tonne
Kerosene 5.14 ¢/L 7.71 ¢/L
Locomotive diesel 5.94 ¢/L 8.90 ¢/L
Low heat value coal $35.39 /tonne $53.09 /tonne
Methanol 2.18 ¢/L 3.26 ¢/L
Naphtha 4.49 ¢/L 6.73 ¢/L
Natural gas $1.011 /GJ $1.517 /GJ
Raw gas $1.15 /GJ $1.72 /GJ
Type of Fuel
Carbon levy
rate for 2017
Carbon levy rate for 2018
and subsequent years
Pentanes plus/condensate 3.82 ¢/L 5.73 ¢/L
Propane 3.08 ¢/L 4.62 ¢/L
Refinery gas 3.77 ¢/m3 5.65 ¢/m3
Refinery petroleum coke $63.86 /tonne $95.79 /tonne
Upgrader petroleum coke $58.50 /tonne $87.75 /tonne
WTF gas levy is lower for Gasoline then Diesel. Do they want us to buy gas pick ups. Hmm????
Carbon Levy Rates
Type of Fuel
Carbon levy
rate for 2017
Carbon levy rate for 2018
and subsequent years
Aviation gas 4.98 ¢/L 7.47 ¢/L
Aviation jet fuel 5.17 ¢/L 7.75 ¢/L
Bunker fuel 6.36 ¢/L 9.55 ¢/L
Butane 3.56 ¢/L 5.34 ¢/L
Coal coke $63.59 /tonne $95.39 /tonne
Coke oven gas 1.40 ¢/m3 2.10 ¢/m3
Diesel 5.35 ¢/L 8.03 ¢/L
Ethane 2.04 ¢/L 3.06 ¢/L
Gas liquids 3.33 ¢/L 4.99 ¢/L
Gasoline 4.49 ¢/L 6.73 ¢/L
Heating distillate oil 5.51 ¢/L 8.27 ¢/L
Heavy fuel oil 6.35 ¢/L 9.53 ¢/L
High heat value coal $44.37 /tonne $66.56 /tonne
Kerosene 5.14 ¢/L 7.71 ¢/L
Locomotive diesel 5.94 ¢/L 8.90 ¢/L
Low heat value coal $35.39 /tonne $53.09 /tonne
Methanol 2.18 ¢/L 3.26 ¢/L
Naphtha 4.49 ¢/L 6.73 ¢/L
Natural gas $1.011 /GJ $1.517 /GJ
Raw gas $1.15 /GJ $1.72 /GJ
Type of Fuel
Carbon levy
rate for 2017
Carbon levy rate for 2018
and subsequent years
Pentanes plus/condensate 3.82 ¢/L 5.73 ¢/L
Propane 3.08 ¢/L 4.62 ¢/L
Refinery gas 3.77 ¢/m3 5.65 ¢/m3
Refinery petroleum coke $63.86 /tonne $95.79 /tonne
Upgrader petroleum coke $58.50 /tonne $87.75 /tonne
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