Met the Snowmobile patrol today!!


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Re: Met the Strathcona Snowmobile patrol today!!

Well I must say this has been an interesting Sunday so far $460 dollars in tickets and I wasn't even operating a snowmobile, nor trailering one. I do own 3 snowmobiles which have not seen the snow this year.

I was on the way to church this morning with my family in the Nissan I had just brought in from the States 2 weeks ago. As I was turning onto Hwy 14 east from RR224 - the snowmobile patrol unit was turning south onto RR224 presumably heading down to Ministik to start their patrol. I looked at the truck, turning infront of me, and thought about all the comments I had read on here regarding the waste of tax payers dollars. As I am a die hard mountain guy - I do not ride here in Strathcone county. I pulled onto hwy 14 and saw they were turning their rig around to follow me.

I was pulled over in about a km down the highway and the officer asked why their was no plate on my vehicle. I explained that I had a 30 day permit in the back window from the purchase of the vehicle in the US, I had made the changes to the daytime running lights and would be obtaining a plate shortly before the permit ran out. He explained that the permit in the US is not valid here and I would be receiving tickets and could have my vehicle seized. I said then why did I drive all the way from Minneapolis, Minnesota and have RCMP officers pass me in Saskatchewan and Alberta and not be pulled over. He indicated that likely they were not highway patrol and did not have the juristiction - my thought was and do you?

He did not even look at the sticker in the window and wrote me up a ticket for operating a motor vehicle on highway without registration and operating a motor vehicle with an anauthorized license plate. Each $230.

The officer(s) was far from pleasant. As I was on my way to church I was doing my best to put grace into action, but I am troubled by the fact that 1) he didn't even look at the temporary plate in the window, 2) I had proof of valid insurance on the vehicle, driving license is clean and clearly was not a criminal 3) these officers are paid to patrol snowmobiles and atvs - not highway patrol for motor vehicles. I did feel harrassed by this. He also asked me for a Bill of Sale which I did not have with me in the vehicle - he stated that I required to carry that also (apparantly there was no ticket for that or I would have gotten one). I was not rude nor confrontational in anyway while speaking to the officer.

I now understand all the complaints about these guys on here. Any advice on how to proceed with this one?


if your permit is not legal in Canada how di you get across the border? would be my question, i just drove a customers truck to the states a while ago for more modifications at another factory. it took me 4 flippin hrs to crosss and it was recistered and insured in Canada but because it was still an incomplete vehicle it was a pain. permits etc. they check everything when you cross. i would fight it. maybe take their sleds away for a week and put them on desk duty.

Summit X

Active VIP Member
Nov 7, 2006
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busy thread for being over 2 years old....

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why are people digging up these threads that are so old??? let sleeping dogs lie!


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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wowzers i just looked at the original date on this baby.. somebody brought out the backhoe this week. :eek::eek: lots of old threads popping up. slow times out there?????????
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