Active VIP Member
Brand bashing is just plain lame, did you design and build your sled? Nope you walked into a store with a handfull of cash or a credit rating and bought one, could've been anybody in any store or any brand and it doesn't make you special. Maybe you bought a few performance items and bolted them on, that doesn't make your sled the best or lessen the lame factor. If you hand built your sled then brag, if you worked out really hard and got as light as possible then brag, if you ride a lot and work on improving your riding skills then by all means brag or if you work for a major brand you may have the right to bash the others but to bash a brand just cause you bought the competing brand is infantile. All of todays sleds are way better than anything we had 10 years ago and are all fun. Rant over.. Merry Christmas all.
You probably think its ok to not keep score in kids sports as well so nobody gets their feelings hurt. lol
simple fact is that man is a competitive animal. the high mark is the high mark. If you have the cash to buy the best than good for you. If you have the skill to outride a superior sled thats great too. but it is ALWAYS a competition