Lay Offs


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Lots of work out there, just need to look into other fields. First time in 15 years I had to find work outside the patch and it's actually pretty easy.

Lol right on, there is work out there, I was just trying to get the thread back on track, I found work at the Weyerhaeuser osb mill in Edson. All I've known since I moved to Alberta was oil and gas.

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Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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It's out there people just have to stop complaining and start looking.
Lol right on, there is work out there, I was just trying to get the thread back on track, I found work at the Weyerhaeuser osb mill in Edson. All I've known since I moved to Alberta was oil and gas.

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Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
So much for the 3 billion dollar surplus. Trudeau has turned it into a 3 billion dollars deficit in just a very short time. Blaming it on a unforeseen bad economy. But with this kind of spending everyone will be working in no time. Better hurry though or you might be taking 2nd place to the 25000 refugees.

already started... read an article today how the liberals are already twisting things in there saying we are already in dept that the conservatives lied ect ect... what a crock... new face same liberals spend your money... in 10 years we will vote in another Harper and as soon as things are looking good we will vote in another idiot... IMHOP

good time to find a gov't job if you can... liberals will likely include lots of those in their "infrastructure plan" to replace the ones the conservatives cut...

Infrastructure has been used to bump the economy before and does pay off until you can't spend anymore... not sure it will include the high wages everyone on the patch are use to though...
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Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
Things are moving in BC because we have Christy Clark, I am sure some dumb asses will vote her out to. Glad to see Trudeau is handing the CBC a billion or so, so they can report the news the right way. The Ralph Kleins and Harpers are rare breeds and only come by once in 50 years or so. We screwed our country.
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Active VIP Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Freedom, Ab
this is in addition to the tradespeople needed for the ship building in Vancouver.

Almost 7,000 heavy-equipment operators will be needed in B.C. - The Globe and Mail[/QUO

Not trying to burst any bubbles but on paper that reads all nice/dandy but will it happen who knows can only wait and see. Couple things i see wrong with this picture is the fact that a lot of alberta hands got paid the big bucks and are not going to take less dont ask me why its stupid, also the relocation and or travel distance would be a great factor for many alberta hands. Other than that it was a good article now to see if it takes off before we are all to old or well u know.


Active VIP Member
Mar 10, 2010
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Grande Prairie
A lot of people and probably more pulling in the big bucks as you call it are from other provinces .
I know a lot of folks living in big houses to the west of Alberta working in the oil industry and traveling back and forth.


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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It's out there people just have to stop complaining and start looking.

You bet there is, still lots of opportunity up north in O and G. My concern is for how long with the gov's t we have now in power.

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Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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The blame game is getting rather old. At a certain point individuals have to take responsibility for themselves and do what needs to be done. What has been the norm for the last 20 years probably wont be again for some time. Regardless of what province you reside


Active VIP Member
Oct 28, 2007
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Yes the blame game is getting old. Unfortionally that was the explanation my company used when they laid a pile of us off, along with the price of oil and uncertainty with the royalties.

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Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Red Deer County
That article is from 2014 when prices for oil were around $95 for the month of Sept and gas was almost double what it is now, not to mention Turdeau wasn't at the helm.
No one is going to build anything until they know the rules the Libs are going to come out with regarding carbon pricing, environmental protection etc.
Company I work for supplies some of the key equipment for LNG terminals and we are in a hold, nothing more than RFQ's and engineering reviews. As far as I know no one has gone "all in" and ordered equipment, they are just doing prelim. work right now.
What I fear is by the time we get our ducks in a row with government and natives etc. it will be too late and not be viable. The Yanks amongst others are working on converting existing LNG terminals into export points giving them a head start since the tanks etc. are already in place. Canada only has one LNG terminal and they are also looking to convert it to export.


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
So much for the 3 billion dollar surplus. Trudeau has turned it into a 3 billion dollars deficit in just a very short time. Blaming it on a unforeseen bad economy. But with this kind of spending everyone will be working in no time. Better hurry though or you might be taking 2nd place to the 25000 refugees.

Thanks I just read that too... talk about a flip around... yes yes when harper did anything good it was just luck and the economy... now all the stupid canadians who voted for a guy with no resume will actually agree with him that when we go into debt its Harper's fault... i figured they'd have a good year to ride Harpers wave of extra money until they changed their tune... but they already started lmao... all the sheepel that believe this idiot scare me...


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
Your would think the first thing this idiot would do is negotiated our softwood agreement with the States, it can only be done at the federal level. But oh no first thing on his agenda is ruining our aerospace industry, then opens the flood gates for 25000 people to come with no clue how to house them. Rich spoiled kid in charge of bank accounts!!!! A budget balances it self...are you kidding me. OH and just in case you guys are wondering what kind of house stephen harper lives in, it is probably smaller and dumpier than yours.
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RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
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In Heaven & Revelstoke
Holy crap you folks!
You can blame government or whatever you want to.
The thread title is layoffs, not your opinion about how the election has affected everyone.
Job loses are not a provincial elected government but a world decision.
Too ****ing bad you lost your high paying job. Go find a job anywhere. Golf course cutting grass. Shovelling drive ways. ETC.
Get off the internet and move your ass and track down a job. Jobs are not just handed out because they have to fill numbers anymore.

If workers worked, they would still have a job.

People at Imperial still take 30-40 minute breaks and 50 minute or more lunches. There is no entitlement to these hours and they are being weeded out fast. Breaks are 15 min and lunchs 1/2 hour.

Workers crying that we fired them. But when you tell them why, they fired themselves, it is still our fault.

Follow the rules and procedures and stay employed.
Follow safety rules and stop saying they are bull**** or it takes up to much off their time...... Not to mention we pay them to complete and follow the rules.

The days of hand outs are over.

Whiners are gone also.

Too bad if there is a correction and people get what they asked for.

If it takes a reduction in pay to put food on the table, so be it.

If I have to sell toys or things that were not necessities, so be it.

Survival, food, and keeping a roof over the families head is the price to pay.

Just a rant I guess. tired of all the....I DESERVE THIS BECAUSE.......

You have the option; to change things you can, and let the things you cant change, to be set aside.

Gods speed to all, it is always not about the big bucks....


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Red Deer County
Holy crap you folks!
You can blame government or whatever you want to.
The thread title is layoffs, not your opinion about how the election has affected everyone.
Job loses are not a provincial elected government but a world decision.
Too ****ing bad you lost your high paying job. Go find a job anywhere. Golf course cutting grass. Shovelling drive ways. ETC.
Get off the internet and move your ass and track down a job. Jobs are not just handed out because they have to fill numbers anymore.

If workers worked, they would still have a job.

People at Imperial still take 30-40 minute breaks and 50 minute or more lunches. There is no entitlement to these hours and they are being weeded out fast. Breaks are 15 min and lunchs 1/2 hour.

Workers crying that we fired them. But when you tell them why, they fired themselves, it is still our fault.

Follow the rules and procedures and stay employed.
Follow safety rules and stop saying they are bull**** or it takes up to much off their time...... Not to mention we pay them to complete and follow the rules.

The days of hand outs are over.

Whiners are gone also.

Too bad if there is a correction and people get what they asked for.

If it takes a reduction in pay to put food on the table, so be it.

If I have to sell toys or things that were not necessities, so be it.

Survival, food, and keeping a roof over the families head is the price to pay.

Just a rant I guess. tired of all the....I DESERVE THIS BECAUSE.......

You have the option; to change things you can, and let the things you cant change, to be set aside.

Gods speed to all, it is always not about the big bucks....

Hmm, you sound like some entitled dude safely stuck in a plant someplace. Guys out on the pointy end of the stick like construction or the rigs have a different view than you.
You can't just replace the estimated 125K job losses expected.


Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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He is partially correct. There are far too many guys that need to be fired for poor workmanship, lazy etc. Only reason they stayed on so long is most places needed bodies. But that is over for now. There are lots of people that got layed off that worked their butts off too. Work is out there. You just need to find it


RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Heaven & Revelstoke
Hmm, you sound like some entitled dude safely stuck in a plant someplace. Guys out on the pointy end of the stick like construction or the rigs have a different view than you.
You can't just replace the estimated 125K job losses expected.

No dick head. I was a poor military guy that protected this country for peanuts of a paycheck!

Held guys in my arms dying! You, tell me

Have feed my family on kraft dinner and things I have hunted....For over 30 years and never asked for a thank you.

I still live within my means..... I was just fortunate that when I retired, I was able to sustain a job which I give dedication and appreciate every day!

I work for 23 an hour and appreciate it!

I think you are the entitled person and you should thank me for your freedom!

Once again, prove my point!

Have a nice night dick head!

By the way. Military doctors who go to university for years are only making 138k a year... what makes you so special/////

RIG and CONSTRUCTION university traning for 7 years....Yah right
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