Kevin O'Leary for prime minister?


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Jan 4, 2008
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Another 40 some odd months of trudeau still we are doomed . Soon monopoly money will be worth more than the loonie lol


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Dec 31, 2008
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I don't know if he's the right man for the job. But at least he's creating debate, hopefully people will realize the mistake voting Trudeau in. Spending 4.2 billion outside our country in a recession and not creating a single Canadian job. This guy's gotta go


GBCA Member
May 5, 2009
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Calmer, formerly of the GBCA
I don't know if he's the right man for the job. But at least he's creating debate, hopefully people will realize the mistake voting Trudeau in. Spending 4.2 billion outside our country in a recession and not creating a single Canadian job. This guy's gotta go

But it will help him and all his ideological followers sleep better


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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I don't like him one bit to tell the truth, BUT..............He tell's it like it is and doesn't care
if you like it or not. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so. Would he stand up and say something
if or when he seen a bad decision being made? Yes I think he would. If it came down to it, he
would have my vote. He know's the importance of industry and that people have to have job's
to pay tax's then pay it forward,ect,ect.


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Not only that but he's not even a billionaire. He's a wannabe. And the way he made his money is more luck, timing, and possibly even fraud. Sold a garbage company to Mattel at the height of the dot com bubble.
I have to say that is smart business. Luck had nothing to do with. It's called smart business. He knew exactly when to sell. Mattel didn't have to buy anything. It's what you do and when. There's People that don't like him and feel threatened by him because he wouldn't take there chit. Or freeloaders. So he's probably only going to get 25% of people that aren't that that way.
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Active VIP Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Funny thing though ... if you watch Shark Tank (US version of Dragons) O'Leary seems to keep insisting that he's from Boston ....
Just because he's in business doesn't make him infallible .... in NL the sun shone from Danny William's a$$hole and we now find ourselves $2 billon in the hole because of a couple of his decisions / direction ... easy to be SMRT (like Homer S.) when the $ is flowing in ....

BTW, anyone who believed that $130+ oil was sustainable needed to get their heads out of their asses too (apologies if I have offended some)! Sure it will rise again at some point and hence forth will fall just as quickly. Time for BOC to raise interest & rates put an end to easy money - time to stop the madness. If you can't afford it at 1/2% then you can't at at 1/4%.


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Mar 3, 2009
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Anyone catch him on the Roy Green show today? He is a smart man. He believes if you want talented people running the business aspect of any country you need to pay them more than $200,000/yr. All the smart guys are in the private sector making huge coin and making corporations bazillions and we get the retreads for public service. We get what we pay for. He teaches young investors and said they all want to move to California, make huge coin and not freeze there azzes off instead of starting up in Canada. With Trudeau's 58% taxes (his number, not mine) why the hell would they want to stick around? He makes a lot of sense to me. Don't like him or his style personally but hard to argue with a self made multi millionaire?:twocents:


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Mar 22, 2011
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my house
A broken vacuum cleaner would make a better prime minister of Canada than Justin Trudeau.....politicians have forgot that they are elected to represent the best interests of Canadians. We need a leader that will look after Canadians who built this country, not give it away like its his to give away. If they are not serving our best interests, it should be our responsibility to remove them from office. After all......they work for us. Elect a leader who looks after working Canadians first, I'm tired o being taxed into the ground.

Summit 934

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Dec 26, 2014
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Pincher Creek
Just a thought for everyone....why is it the majority of politicians come from a law/lawyer background? I don't know about you but I can't stand lawyers(sorry to offend any that are on the site)!! In my experience they charge way more than what they're worth, leave everything until the last minute and then scramble at crunch time hoping for the best....yep sounds just like a politician. How about we try electing a successful businessman(person) instead? Not saying that Kevin is the right person for the job but let's face it, he didn't get to where he is by being stupid. As far as the conservatives go I think the party as whole is way too top heavy with lawyers, it's time to get successful business people involved. I've always said when you go to vote you're not voting for the person that's going to do the best job but rather for the person that'll screw you over the least!



Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
I think Brad Wall from sk would be the best choice for leader of the cpc but O'leary would be interesting, he has lots of haters, which I suspect fall more into the slacker category but no denying he built a company from scratch to 800 million with 2000 employees vs a part time drama teacher who got in on daddy's name.


Active VIP Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Swirvin' like George Jones
Funny thing though ... if you watch Shark Tank (US version of Dragons) O'Leary seems to keep insisting that he's from Boston ....
Just because he's in business doesn't make him infallible .... in NL the sun shone from Danny William's a$$hole and we now find ourselves $2 billon in the hole because of a couple of his decisions / direction ... easy to be SMRT (like Homer S.) when the $ is flowing in ....

BTW, anyone who believed that $130+ oil was sustainable needed to get their heads out of their asses too (apologies if I have offended some)! Sure it will rise again at some point and hence forth will fall just as quickly. Time for BOC to raise interest & rates put an end to easy money - time to stop the madness. If you can't afford it at 1/2% then you can't at at 1/4%.

Who besides the banks are borrowing money at a quarter of a point?


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
Funny thing though ... if you watch Shark Tank (US version of Dragons) O'Leary seems to keep insisting that he's from Boston ....
Just because he's in business doesn't make him infallible .... in NL the sun shone from Danny William's a$$hole and we now find ourselves $2 billon in the hole because of a couple of his decisions / direction ... easy to be SMRT (like Homer S.) when the $ is flowing in ....

BTW, anyone who believed that $130+ oil was sustainable needed to get their heads out of their asses too (apologies if I have offended some)! Sure it will rise again at some point and hence forth will fall just as quickly. Time for BOC to raise interest & rates put an end to easy money - time to stop the madness. If you can't afford it at 1/2% then you can't at at 1/4%.

Lol, I see you voted liberal or ndp in the last election.


Active VIP Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Who besides the banks are borrowing money at a quarter of a point?
If a .25% drop makes the difference between whether or not you have the ability to repay a loan then you shouldn't be taking out a loan / mortgage! If BOC raised the rate instead of holding / dropping it then the Cdn$ would likely rebound somewhat which in turn would increase our purchasing power (cheaper gas / affordable imported produce / etc.) which would leave you with more $ to repay your loan!


Active VIP Member
Dec 14, 2009
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Swirvin' like George Jones
If a .25% drop makes the difference between whether or not you have the ability to repay a loan then you shouldn't be taking out a loan / mortgage! If BOC raised the rate instead of holding / dropping it then the Cdn$ would likely rebound somewhat which in turn would increase our purchasing power (cheaper gas / affordable imported produce / etc.) which would leave you with more $ to repay your loan!
First off, my personal finances are just fine. Secondly, I'm still trying to figure out how Danny Williams ties in with your half cocked rant on O'Leary? Thirdly, our dollar is commodity based, no matter how you slice it. The BOC bumping the overnight rate isn't going to stop the bleeding.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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If a .25% drop makes the difference between whether or not you have the ability to repay a loan then you shouldn't be taking out a loan / mortgage! If BOC raised the rate instead of holding / dropping it then the Cdn$ would likely rebound somewhat which in turn would increase our purchasing power (cheaper gas / affordable imported produce / etc.) which would leave you with more $ to repay your loan!

There's no way the BOC is gonna do anything that will make the Cdn dollar go up. A low dollar is good for central Canada and that's all that matters to the liberal party. Trudeau's advisors have made it clear that they want to end oil sands development and move from a commodity based economy to an intellectually based " fourth industrial revolution "economy. Just listen to his speech today in Switzerland. He basically said that Canadians need to stop their old ways and to start thinking and acting "progressively".
The federal govt is now in the hands of a bunch of new world order Utopians that are intent on redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor, both personally and internationally. Commerce, money and investors are gonna flood out of this country as fast as they can before Trudeau, wynne and notley either degrade the wealth to zero via a low dollar or make it outright illegal to move money out of the country.
The cdn dollar is in the tank and going lower not only because of the price of oil, but due to lack of confidence in, and a huge fear of the actions that the grossly incompetent governments in Alberta (particularly so), Ontario and Ottawa are about to take. Watch and see, the combined deficits of the three governments listed above will be close to $75 billion dollars this year alone. Trudeau has stated that he admires Barack Obama, and it's evident he's gonna follow his lead and spend the country into insolvency.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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There's no way the BOC is gonna do anything that will make the Cdn dollar go up. A low dollar is good for central Canada and that's all that matters to the liberal party. Trudeau's advisors have made it clear that they want to end oil sands development and move from a commodity based economy to an intellectually based " fourth industrial revolution "economy. Just listen to his speech today in Switzerland. He basically said that Canadians need to stop their old ways and to start thinking and acting "progressively".
The federal govt is now in the hands of a bunch of new world order Utopians that are intent on redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor, both personally and internationally. Commerce, money and investors are gonna flood out of this country as fast as they can before Trudeau, wynne and notley either degrade the wealth to zero via a low dollar or make it outright illegal to move money out of the country.
The cdn dollar is in the tank and going lower not only because of the price of oil, but due to lack of confidence in, and a huge fear of the actions that the grossly incompetent governments in Alberta (particularly so), Ontario and Ottawa are about to take. Watch and see, the combined deficits of the three governments listed above will be close to $75 billion dollars this year alone. Trudeau has stated that he admires Barack Obama, and it's evident he's gonna follow his lead and spend the country into insolvency.
I dont think Obama feels the same way about wonder boy...
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