Is VARDA getting the job done....


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2006
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Valemount BC
Wow I cant believe this... there was more sleds in Valemount than I have ever ridden around in my 4 solid years of ridding that area. If you think that 300 plus sleds are going to leave a trail in good shape you are misguided. A good friend of mine works down there for VARDA and I know they work damn hard at not only grooming but all the hard work in the off season. Did you all park in those new larger lots cause that was all cleared for free or how about the cabins in good enough shape for ya cause they require no up keep. Guys this is NOT REVY dont put our sweet little haven in the same group. We see traffic like this once or twice a year so be kind. If there were 300 plus sleds at every area every weekend then yea maybe its time to re-think the grooming but till that happens off to REVY for the nice trails...and leave all the deep to me and my guys!! Sorry but this is a pretty tender issue for the boys that love to ride here and are out 5 days a week. To VARDA thanks guys and I hope one day there may be a spot for me in the fam as I know I will be here till the good Lord decides its time for Shifty to enjoy the big climb in the sky!!!


Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
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The groomers are doing a great job. If you want to complain about the trails you should maybe try to get people to ride a bit more responsibly so as not to create huge bumps.


twin turbo

Active VIP Member
Dec 5, 2007
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:D If ya want smoother trails, maybe you should be paying $100.00 so they could save up and fix the earth trail in the summer, and put in water control for all the water that washes the trails out in the summer,,,should only cost about $1m a trail a pay for snow grooming on top of


Active member
Dec 5, 2006
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Peace River
I think the point here is that there has to be some value received for the trail pass fee. I rode both Allen and Clemina on the weekend and felt the trail pass was worth it. I do ride responsibly, I don't spin the trail up and beat it to hell, and I pack my own garbage out. I never use the cabins so the only thing VARDA does for me is grooming and clearing parking lots.

Given that the number of sledders over this holiday stretch is such a rare occurence over the Valemount sledding season, it might be worth VARDA's consideration to change the grooming frequency/schedule over busy periods in the future.


Active VIP Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Valemount, British Columbia
Hello everyone, WOW what a busy season ! There some great points in this thread, and I thank those who support our efforts, as well as those that can offer constructive criticism to our operations. I’m very sorry that some of you had a trail that was not up to standard, please let me explain our situation.

VARDA grooms Clemina and Allan Creek: Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun and due to cost, length and minimal use of the Chappell trail, we do groom it on Thursday evenings only. Our grooming schedule is also posted online and in all local hotels to give riders the choice before they head out for the day.

The longest VARDA will run a trail and collect on it is two days and we need to do this at times in order to keep operating. This happens on Tuesdays & Fridays at Allan or Clemina and Saturdays at Chappell. On the busy season, when we see the numbers rising dramatically, (On Thursday the 27th our groomer worked around the clock and got all three areas done) we will throw in extra shifts. With the extremely large numbers this year, we will do all we can the next holiday season to improve the trail for you all somehow, but grooming midday is not the answer.

Yes we came out ahead after this holiday season, but believe me, it’s spent over the rest of the seasons grooming. If some one is collecting at Chappell any other day than Friday or Saturday, please contact us ASAP as it is not VARDA. Some have mentioned that grooming Chappell the one day a week is not enough, and around the holidays that seems to be the case, but under normal use, the Chappell trail does not cover its grooming or lot plowing and we maintain it as a service to our guests. The way we have decided to put it on our schedule also helps with the areas Caribou concerns and sees that the area does not get overused and ensures the use of it for future riders.

VARDA does its best to provide you with plowed parking lots, in this season of heavy snowfall, clean cabins, firewood and a groomed trail, although all four may not be perfect. Besides the days listed above, if we don’t groom, we don’t collect. We are a non profit association, all monies recieved go back into snowmobiling and area development. I can assure you that we take pride in our grooming efforts and do all we can to provide our guests with great recreational snowmobiling areas. If you have ridden the trails on a normal weekend or before 10am on the busy ones, you know our groomer does an excellent job !

One last thing….VARDA is run by a Board of Directors from local businesses, associations and its membership. A great way to become involved with your favorite pastime is to become an active member of VARDA. Then you to can be involved in the decision making process and provide the valuable and needed input from our area users. The general membership meets four times a year and votes on important matters at hand, such as grooming efforts. I urge all of you with thoughts, opinions and constructive criticism to sign up and help out your favorite pastime.

I hope I have addressed the situation and reassured you that we do all we can to provide a wonderful mountain sledding destination for all of you. Should anyone wish to discuss these matters further, please call me at the VARDA office Wed-Fri, and I would be happy to talk with you. If I am not around, at least leave a number with your message so we may return your call;).

Thank you

Curtis Pawliuk


Bad Bunny
Oct 20, 2006
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Edmonton Alberta, Canada
I think the grooming is as good as can be expected with the traffic this past week. Rode both Valemount and McBride. If your up early you can get an awesome trial up. One thing I noticed at McBride was the spead and track spin of many riders going up (we were about the 10th group up). We cause our own problems. You can really see the bumps where we the riders hop on the throttle. It will never happen, but if we all slowed down a bit and kept off the throttle (track spin) we would have better trails.
I ride a number of locations each year that are not really appreciate the groomers (even after 350 riders) after riding ungroomed trials.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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I think we should all be greatfull there are people willing to work or volunteer their time and energy towards venturs such as varda. What a thankless task. Good work curtis and everyone else at varda, you have a lot more patience than i.


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2007
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Thanks Curtis for all your hard work and all the VARDA volunteers...let ur snow!!!!!!


Active VIP Member
Jan 23, 2007
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fort saskatchewan
Hey Curt,

I guess at sometime between last year and the amount of sledders that went throught the area and now this year it might be a good idea with your influence to becoming the next "Revy." With a little coaching and some statisitcs charts ect - past 4 years ect- you might be able to put together a business case scenario as to why we need to open up another area with grooming on a daily basis such as Allen or Clemina and actually get more support from not only the business owners in Vale but also the town and its asscociated funding....If you have the support of the council, good chance you can get any funding you require. Having being heavily involved with the community here and showing passion and committment to the council you will easily win them over for funding and associated city support for VARDA. It only takes one idea to make a million more....
Any ways....keep up the good work and let me know if I can help you out...



Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2006
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I will pay $15 for no grooming, just having a group of people on our side is worth the $15, some guys have to remeber this. also if some times you have to pay for a trail that is in less than stellar conditions because the groomers have to get the numbers that are viable to run the operation. odds are if they run 300 sleds up in the morning the tail out won't be great. I give big kudos to valemont, sicamous, revy and mcbride for their efforts.
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