A group of us just rode a few places in Revy the 19 & 20. After riding in a ways we found 8-12 inches of new stuff. The 20th it was snowing lightly up top still. A group we talked to said there was about a foot of fresh on top Boulder on the 20th, but shutes were sliding badly!
We were out the weekend of April 14th & 15th the snow down low was getting pretty skinning. You would need to be using smaller trailers or trucks and decks to get further along now. I imagine with all the warm weather and bit of rain they have been getting the snow level is even higher up. The snow was pretty set up you could go pretty much anywhere. I didn't see alot of evidence of any recent slide activity though. Although we did have the little kids with us so we didn't venture too far into the back bowels etc. We rode out of Fernie one day and York Creek the next.
road corbin yeaterday, snow on the other side of bridge at the stageing area. bowls were all full of snow,watchout for the VERYLARGE CORNICE that are still hanging around, trail was soft by noon, plus 23 with sunshine. creek crossing starting to open up