Insurance company PIA

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
We had paid our policy in full at the brokers office of our insurance company and a month later they require more money...... the broker says it happens all the time* and the rates are not set in stone........ my peev is* if they* give ya* a hard quote* and you go there to pay the bill in full then a month later after your temp pink cards have expired they call you to tell you you owe them more money and it has to be paid before they issue the proper pink cards.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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no kidding wtf. sounds kinda shady. bet they were the lowest rate when you paid in full though. have never had that issue but always seems to go up every year. even thoiugh wife and i are both 8+ without a ticket of any kind.

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
Yeah were the same wasn't the cheapest quote but ballpark with everyone else......just for the quads and sleds.....but they wanted payment in full at the time was no problem ...but then a month later they won't give me pink cards untill we pay the extra charge........ I called a few places this morning and they said nope a hard quote is a hard quote........... and if you paid in full and there is an extra charge by the insutrance company then we may have to pass it along to you but most likely it's our mistake and we absorb it. my insurance company will gladly cancell the policy and charge me a fee as well as prorate the policy and give me a refund in 90 days....... so i'm between a rock and a hard place with that.


Timber King
May 22, 2007
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NE Edmonton
Wanna here a funny wifes Altima has 5 year full replacement on the car so if it is written off anytime in the first 5 she gets what she paid for it which was 30,000. We get the insurance for this year and the rate has gone up and their excuse was we have to pay more money out due to the full replacement :confused: I call them and say what??? they say for example now the car is worth 25,000 we are not paying out 25g we are still paying 30G so the rate goes up cause we are paying more I say noooo 30G last year is 30G this year is 30G next year it is still 30G why would it change??? they stick to the fact that thay have to pay out more that the car is worth but 30G is still 30G does it matter what year it is?? They stick to the fact that they are paying out more they what it's worth. So I said ok every year my truck is getting older the less you have to pay out so my insurance should go down every year she says well it doesn't work that way!!!! Then I bring up the fact that when the price of houses went up I got an increase cause now they have to pay out more to replace my house but now that the prices has gone down I never seen a decrease so she checked into it and told me what the replacement value on just the house was which is much higher then it is to replace so that I was happy about......I friggin hate insurance companies

Alberta Boy

Active VIP Member
Jul 21, 2008
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No longer in Alberta... Moved to Toronto!
welcome to insurance... it is the sleeziest industry on the face of the planet! And before all of the insurance agents/ adjusters etc. jump all over me, I have 4 immediate family members that are in the biz!

I would give them the gears and tell them that they are going to have to swallow the extra cost as you signed (and paid for) a 1 year CONTRACT for insurance. If they withhold your pink slips, I would threaten them with breach of contract and they can chat with your lawyers... garunteed you will get your pink slips!

Good luck and keep us up to speed!


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Wanna here a funny wifes Altima has 5 year full replacement on the car so if it is written off anytime in the first 5 she gets what she paid for it which was 30,000. We get the insurance for this year and the rate has gone up and their excuse was we have to pay more money out due to the full replacement :confused: I call them and say what??? they say for example now the car is worth 25,000 we are not paying out 25g we are still paying 30G so the rate goes up cause we are paying more I say noooo 30G last year is 30G this year is 30G next year it is still 30G why would it change??? they stick to the fact that thay have to pay out more that the car is worth but 30G is still 30G does it matter what year it is?? They stick to the fact that they are paying out more they what it's worth. So I said ok every year my truck is getting older the less you have to pay out so my insurance should go down every year she says well it doesn't work that way!!!! Then I bring up the fact that when the price of houses went up I got an increase cause now they have to pay out more to replace my house but now that the prices has gone down I never seen a decrease so she checked into it and told me what the replacement value on just the house was which is much higher then it is to replace so that I was happy about......I friggin hate insurance companies


thats like buying an extended warranty but having to pay when you go use it!!!

so stupid!


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Ya I would refuse for sure, tell them to get your pink cards or 100% refund. My insurance jumped last year, gov't regulated part dropped so they raised another part so I pay even more, no tickets no nothing just wanted more $$. Didn't cancel in time but I told them don't even send me a renewal next year, you won't be getting my business again no matter what the rate is.

But they are all the same. Although I will say when I had my truck stolen I got a very good dollar and it only took two weeks to get the money.

Just remember they don't care about keeping your business they just want money. If you'll save $1 over a year i'd switch companies it don't cost nothing. Not like you get a break if you stay with the same company forever.


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2009
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Near Chestermere
Sounds like a bad deal to me, I would just pay up now and change insurance companies the next time it's due.

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
Well here's an update........talked to a few more brokers.(I wish we could go direct to the insurance company......... but let's all hope that alberta wises up one day amd has a provincial insurance company...fair to everyone mostly) anyway the brokers i talked to all say the same thing.......that it is very seldom that an insurance rate is changed after a policy is written....... especially for REC vehicles......bikes quads sleds etc... anyway they all pretty much state that if the increase is minimal which in my case is about 25 bucks per machine..... then they would usually eat the increase but in some instances they would pass it along to the consumer.......I called my broker and asked him if they could eat it and they said no because thats the rate they have to pay the insurance company........ so I asked what portion is your profit answer..... then he threatens me with cancellation by july 6th if we have not paid the remainder in full by that date....... How can you cancell a guys policy if he pays the amount satted in the contract in full at the inception of said contract I ask........ he says well you have 2 options here either pay us by july 6th or we cancell you for non payment, or you can cancell your policy today and we will issue you a refund based on the time you used our service......extra cost tacked on as well as prorated for use and expect not to get your refund for at least 90 days...... I said you don't object to me recording the rest of our conversation do you .......he hangs up !................ I just sent global people helper an e-mail with the scans of my contract paid in full. ( i'm between a rock and a hard place with this insurance company brokerage) anyone have suggestions as to how or what else I can do........ and has anyone had there quad and sled policy raised after they have paid it in full.

Alberta Boy

Active VIP Member
Jul 21, 2008
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No longer in Alberta... Moved to Toronto!
As I mentioned above... a letter from your lawyer to them threatening them with a breach of contract suit should take care of that... in the meantime, hang those douche bags out to dry... I would be writing the journal, sun, radio stations, tv trouble shooters etc... if that is how they want to play, I would let EVERYONE know how they play! They will wish that they ate the $25 per unit! But then again, that is just me! I play hardball with a-holes like this!


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Well here's an update........talked to a few more brokers.(I wish we could go direct to the insurance company......... but let's all hope that alberta wises up one day amd has a provincial insurance company...fair to everyone mostly) anyway the brokers i talked to all say the same thing.......that it is very seldom that an insurance rate is changed after a policy is written....... especially for REC vehicles......bikes quads sleds etc... anyway they all pretty much state that if the increase is minimal which in my case is about 25 bucks per machine..... then they would usually eat the increase but in some instances they would pass it along to the consumer.......I called my broker and asked him if they could eat it and they said no because thats the rate they have to pay the insurance company........ so I asked what portion is your profit answer..... then he threatens me with cancellation by july 6th if we have not paid the remainder in full by that date....... How can you cancell a guys policy if he pays the amount satted in the contract in full at the inception of said contract I ask........ he says well you have 2 options here either pay us by july 6th or we cancell you for non payment, or you can cancell your policy today and we will issue you a refund based on the time you used our service......extra cost tacked on as well as prorated for use and expect not to get your refund for at least 90 days...... I said you don't object to me recording the rest of our conversation do you .......he hangs up !................ I just sent global people helper an e-mail with the scans of my contract paid in full. ( i'm between a rock and a hard place with this insurance company brokerage) anyone have suggestions as to how or what else I can do........ and has anyone had there quad and sled policy raised after they have paid it in full.

Doesn't matter what a contract is with regards to.... in order to make ANY change to a signed contract both parties must initial the changes in order to make them valid. You have a contract for $X, singed said contract and paid $X... if they want to change the contract you have to agree to and initial the changes otherwise the original contract stands. if they want to make a change to pricing then they must wait until renewal, UNLESS you request changes to the policy. If they withhold pink cards or cancel due to non-payment they are in breach of contract and you file claim, get hold of a lawyer.

I hear a lot of horror stories with regards to insurance... Guess I'm lucky...
I deal with TD Insurance and have for 15 years... no broker, deal direct, my theft claims were paid out prompty and at fair market value (after a little conversation). I've had 2 my fault accidents in the past 4 years and still only pay $2700 a year for 2 trucks, car, 2 sleds, 3 quads....

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Central Alberta
Doesn't matter what a contract is with regards to.... in order to make ANY change to a signed contract both parties must initial the changes in order to make them valid. You have a contract for $X, singed said contract and paid $X... if they want to change the contract you have to agree to and initial the changes otherwise the original contract stands. if they want to make a change to pricing then they must wait until renewal, UNLESS you request changes to the policy. If they withhold pink cards or cancel due to non-payment they are in breach of contract and you file claim, get hold of a lawyer.

I hear a lot of horror stories with regards to insurance... Guess I'm lucky...
I deal with TD Insurance and have for 15 years... no broker, deal direct, my theft claims were paid out prompty and at fair market value (after a little conversation). I've had 2 my fault accidents in the past 4 years and still only pay $2700 a year for 2 trucks, car, 2 sleds, 3 quads....
Thanks bogger ........atually td is one place I called they said the price you were quoted is what you pay and if there is a change just that they eat it or let you now of the changes at your next renewal...........I have always paid up front and in full all my insurance policies.... in the past an insurance company billed me a boat load of dollars and they were taking it out from direct deposit........ I was out of the country working and never reallly missed it ...untill my accountant caught it... took almost two years before we got all our money back........ thats why I sign and pay in full ( always) never ever had this issue come up before............ I would like to mention this brokerage name ..... but I'll wait till the people helper contacts them about it........Does anyone on here ever have a problem with there quads and sleds policy increasing after it has been paid in full.
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