Active VIP Member
There seems to be a lot of you Doo riders .
what if it quits snowing in BC would you move to alaska just to go SKI-dooing
He practically lives in Alaska now for gawd sakes. HaHawhat if it quits snowing in BC would you move to alaska just to go SKI-dooing
He practically lives in Alaska now for gawd sakes. HaHa
Guess he didn't like my answer in Max Thread?
U bet
sent while I should be drinking tea's
they dont have a chev dealership for you to work at there
Quebec separates or not, i wouldn't ride one if i was given one. Even with 10yrs warranty, that they do need. Plus i'm not into sleds with trainer suspensions, makes me think of my tricycle too much when i was 3yrs old.
your just sower!!!
hahaha, i know an ex teacher that will flip when he sees this. lol