Identification Required?


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
i have absolutely no problem with them checking sleds and id. trails, ditches, parks, trail heads etc. that is part of the job, and the easiest way to catch thieves, and the criminal element. for that they get my respect and sheet i'll buy him a timmies.

can't fault the police for doing there job, if you don't like it then maybe start carrying ins and id.:beer:

friggin thieves.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
i have absolutely no problem with them checking sleds and id. trails, ditches, parks, trail heads etc. that is part of the job, and the easiest way to catch thieves, and the criminal element. for that they get my respect and sheet i'll buy him a timmies.

can't fault the police for doing there job, if you don't like it then maybe start carrying ins and id.:beer:

friggin thieves.



Active VIP Member
Mar 18, 2007
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I've conducted some research on this and all I can find is the excerpt below from the Alberta Traffic Safety Act ....

Operator’s licence:
Operator’s Licence Required

On private land: You are not required to have a operator’s licence when on private land.
(Does not meet definition of “highway” and in Traffic Safety Act, Section 119(2) does not require registration or insurance in these cases.)
Off-highway operation: You are not required to have a operator’s licence when operating off-highway.
(Traffic Safety Act, Section 51(a) states that you shall not “ a motor vehicle on a highway unless that person is the holder of a subsisting operator’s licence.” Since these are “off-highway” vehicles, this requirement does not apply.)

Operator’s Licence Required

On-highway operation: You are required to have a operator’s licence when operating on-highway. (Traffic Safety Act, Section 120(2)(b) & (4) allow operation on a highway if authorized by Minister or municipality. Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation, Section 26(1) allows a Class 6 licence to be used for this. Section 32(2) allows Class 7 to be used this way. Any class of licence may be used from 1 through 7.) No licence required if just crossing a highway.

Definition of Highway – “highway” means any thoroughfare, street, road, trail, avenue, parkway, driveway, viaduct, lane, alley, square, bridge, causeway, trestleway or other place or any part of any of them, whether publicly or privately owned, that the public is ordinarily entitled or permitted to use for the passage or parking of vehicles
and includes
(i) a sidewalk, including a boulevard adjacent to the sidewalk
(ii) if a ditch lies adjacent to and parallel with the roadway, the ditch, and
(iii) if a highway right of way is contained between fences or between a fence
and one side of the roadway, all the land between the fences, or all the land between the fence and the edge of the roadway as the case may be, but does not include a place declared by regulation not to be a highway. (Traffic Safety Act, Section 1)

Definition of “highway” includes the ditches alongside the roadway in accordance with the ALBERTA REGULATION 319/2002

Thanks for this info. I can see how a snowmobile trail could be interpreted as being a highway. I better get my wife to start bringing her drivers license with her even though both sleds are registered and insured in both of our names. The reason I asked the question in the first place is because I didn't know. I don't have an issue with getting checked or by seeing the cops having a fully decked out sled. I know one of the guys who equips the sleds with radios too so they can find out info that way as well.

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Central Alberta
Well it's our own lax attitudes as well as our lax justice system at fault here,if we all knew and followed the law to the letter there would be no problem, but we don't. Police have a job to do and it's difficult to wear so many hats....... they too would like to see thefts of our toys go way down and because these thefts are way up the police tend to be a little less cordial about the people who* break the law. don't get me wrong sometimes it sucks when we forget our paperwork and get the short side of the stick for a little of our own wrong doing, I have had my fair share of warnings from the police and what not for the same sort of thing, my dealings with the law have been educational and interesting but i'm also glad to see there doing these checks.I for one have started to scan a copy of my DL and put in a ziplock baggy with insurance and registration, one officer said he would like to see the real thing but that was sufficient to prove i'm not the crook. We/most of us have access to a scanner and can do the same, this would ease the complaints about the police a bit.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
without id, the police can put you in the back of the car and take you down town until you can prove who you are. they like to do that when a guy starts beaking off. yeah play it cool, have your paperwork, and let them stop the next guy. very effective way to find stolen sleds, criminals and those riding without insurance. speaking of paperwork i must make sure mine is in order. :d:beer:

friggin paperwork:d

fat tire

Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Central Alberta
without id, the police can put you in the back of the car and take you down town until you can prove who you are. they like to do that when a guy starts beaking off. yeah play it cool, have your paperwork, and let them stop the next guy. very effective way to find stolen sleds, criminals and those riding without insurance. speaking of paperwork i must make sure mine is in order. :d:beer:

friggin paperwork:d
Friggin imdoon!! your right again. friggin right again.
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