Active VIP Member
4MPG!!!!!....OUCH!!! :d
Thats Charlies hill and it aint that bad ...I pulled Super B tankers up that very hill and never spun out ...that guy made 2 mistakes have to hit the bottom of that hill doing at least 30 klicks ....very seldom blows out ....thats why the grader builds that one up ...cause it is steep ...then he put one set on after spiinin out ...should have never have dug soo deep it is screwed for every other truck coming that day until it freezes...the lake before Charlies hill isn't that overly big so you have to hit it hard..
heres a couple of pics from a previous year ..
those are the guys you want to stuff into the holes they make. It's sad that they let a driver with that little exp. drive up there. I'm pretty sure he's a real popular guy up there now............if he is still there.
only -25 to -35 isn't that considered a chinook
not many years ago buddies come back and tell stories long stetches of -50 , or was that just bs
you wanna see -56 ...-63 been there done that don't move sit and perculate ...keep her runnin ...thats about it ..make sure air leaks don't happen and hope for it to warm up to -45 ..then you leave ....just to get to a warmer spot ..other than that ...its one big idle ...don't even think about movin ...airlines between truck and trailer snap like!t does not like -56 trust me niether do I .. I still have my belly tarp on and my winter front close at hand
I cant agree more with the number 6, seem they give anyone a licence now a days. I drove truck for 12 years been in Mexico, every state except Hawaii and coast to coast in good old Canada. Driving through a lot of sh*tty weather there is including twisters and mid west ice storms. Never been up to the diamond mines though. Have a buddy that worked at divak and there were a lot of cut backs and they have scaled back there operation bug time. Would really like a chance to get to run the ice roads. Think it would be a good experience as long as you respect the environment that you are in.
Been there...done the t-shirt...T-shirt was from Harleys in Yellowknife.Does that count?
can't even imagine
drank some beer in there .....some skanky chick took me home ..
quit that^^^^^^^^