I signed up for this?!? ... GUUUULPP!!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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So true!
I enjoyed reading your post. Are you sure we aren't soul mates, get it LOL.
Absolutely. I'm going to miss it :-( My body has decided running is not for me. Cortisoneone shot does help but I am hearing its hard on the joint and I'm not in pain during normal activity. I'm worried if I continue to use cortisoneone that it will damage the joint further and I'll be in pain during normal activity. I'm completly debilitatedted when I flare up. I need to got back to the Doc. and get more information to look at my options. In the mean time I've cut my distance way back. Sticking around the 10k mark.
That is exactly how endeded up training for my Marathon. I went from never running to completing my first marathon in one years time. I wasn't ready at all but was pushing hard. My goal was to complete a marathon before I was 40. I did it by two days :)
Some things we can control, like the drive we have. Other things we cant, like what life has in store for us and also things like injuries. If you want it bad enough it will be yours! But you can forget about life right now as you know it :) You will be eating and sleeping training.

Ok. That made me laugh. Yes... We are sole mates ... Or weirdos with weird shoes ;p

Cortisone is definitely hard on the joint over time. I'm probably pointing out the obvious, but have you ruled out other factors like overtraining stress, under stretching, olio-tibial band syndrome etc.,? Strangely... My chiropractor was actually a great source of help with my knee and hip issues as I was ready to give up running (part of his solution was barefoot runners). I had piriform syndrome in my left hip and iliotibial band syndrome in the right knee once I started increasing my distances. I would scale back my distance, thinking it was too much too soon and it wouldn't really help. Anyway... Long story short was that the chiro was a great source of info: Omega 3 mega doses and Vitamin D as well as a foam roller and fascia release massages. Plenty of ice after running even if it didn't hurt and stretching daily, sometimes twice a day... I do believe that this is just a hold over period for me and running may not always be possible as I get older. So i will run while I still can!! Makes you wonder how some of these guys in the running magazines do back to back to back marathons continuously?!?


Active VIP Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Cortisone is definitely hard on the joint over time. I'm probably pointing out the obvious, but have you ruled out other factors like overtraining stress, under stretching, olio-tibial band syndrome etc.,?

I have been to Physio, ART, MAT, Sports doctor and had an MRI done. I have a small tear in my right hip but they weren't sure if that was the cause of pain as the MRI also showed I have pubic synthesis. Its where the hip bones rub against each other in the front. Both symptoms will give you the pain I am getting. The more I run the more it flares up. So they sent me for a cortisone shot in between my front hips and it worked. So we know its not the tear causing the problem. I can run through the pain, its that evening and the next morning when I literally cant walk. I can stand but I can't move my legs. It's the weirdest thing ever.

While I was doing a google search just now (looking for correct spelling) I found some information on stretching and muscle strengthening. So I'm pretty excited right now! I'm pissed at my Sports Doctor at the University, why would he not tell me about this? Anyways you may have inadvertently just lead me down a path of recovery!!! THANK YOU!!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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I have been to Physio, ART, MAT, Sports doctor and had an MRI done. I have a small tear in my right hip but they weren't sure if that was the cause of pain as the MRI also showed I have pubic synthesis. Its where the hip bones rub against each other in the front. Both symptoms will give you the pain I am getting. The more I run the more it flares up. So they sent me for a cortisone shot in between my front hips and it worked. So we know its not the tear causing the problem. I can run through the pain, its that evening and the next morning when I literally cant walk. I can stand but I can't move my legs. It's the weirdest thing ever.

While I was doing a google search just now (looking for correct spelling) I found some information on stretching and muscle strengthening. So I'm pretty excited right now! I'm pissed at my Sports Doctor at the University, why would he not tell me about this? Anyways you may have inadvertently just lead me down a path of recovery!!! THANK YOU!!!

Youch!!! I can see why you may have decided running is not for you... Hopefully something does fall into place for you and you can get some resolve... That'd be awesome. :)


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
Came across this on my internet wandering. Take a read, this is inspiring beyond words.


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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Came across this on my internet wandering. Take a read, this is inspiring beyond words.

The video is amazing too-- makes you want to cry. Especially when you have done one of these and you know how hard it is for an able bodied person. WOW!! Gives you a whole new perspective hey ?!? (And kinda makes me feel like a wimp for whining :( )
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