Barry Barton
Active VIP Member
I would say i'm a intermediate rider and their not to many places I don't go but when u get to my age u think twice before u go into a area. To be 20 again with the way this sport is going with all the new machines would be awsome but when u get a littlee older it takes a little longer to recover plus their are so many great areas to ride in that why do u need to go into areas like horse creek where u claim there is no area for even a helicopter to land if needed and yes their are hard areas to ride in but rescue groups will go into these areas but not into horse creek. So why wouldn't peaple listen to a group of guys who rescue peaple for a living wouldn't go their so why would I and it doesn't matter how much training u have if u keep going into unsafe areas your luck is going to run out and we no the mountains are not that forgiving.Just curious, why would the local S&R not go into horsey? I've been in there once and it was some great terrain. Definitely not for newbies but great riding nonetheless.