high river flooding RCMP lawsuit


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2008
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Public will loose either way. tax payers will pay for all the damages.

Who do you think paid for the doors and windows to be replaced? We all did through our tax dollars.

Submit the receipt and doors/windows covered for $500.00, if your fancy door cost 2k, oh well you only got $500.00 on a forced entry.


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Feb 12, 2015
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I take respect to the fact that you belong to the brotherhood of Firefighters. Do you fight a fire using your own tactics or is there a Firechief controlling the situation? As said before, I am still famaliarizing myself with all that happened during the flood. I stand behind the RCMP brotherhood, and any actions taken by it's members were controlled by a higher authority. If anyone is deemed in wrong doing there no doubt will be reprocussions. Once again, the courts will decide.


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2008
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I take respect to the fact that you belong to the brotherhood of Firefighters. Do you fight a fire using your own tactics or is there a Firechief controlling the situation? As said before, I am still famaliarizing myself with all that happened during the flood. I stand behind the RCMP brotherhood, and any actions taken by it's members were controlled by a higher authority. If anyone is deemed in wrong doing there no doubt will be reprocussions. Once again, the courts will decide.

And I truly hope it comes out, the truth, the higher authority, not the brotherhood no one talks.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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I take respect to the fact that you belong to the brotherhood of Firefighters. Do you fight a fire using your own tactics or is there a Firechief controlling the situation? As said before, I am still famaliarizing myself with all that happened during the flood. I stand behind the RCMP brotherhood, and any actions taken by it's members were controlled by a higher authority. If anyone is deemed in wrong doing there no doubt will be reprocussions. Once again, the courts will decide.

Yes im part of a brotherhood. But being part of one doesn't permit me to violate the trust of those whom I protect. I've had to break into many structures to mitigate an emergency, and often inside are property that is dangerous/ valueable etc but if it's not a cause of the emergency or contributing to it I have no legal right to touch it. In a lot of instances from a legal standpoint a fireman has more leeway in entering a structure without permission than a cop does. Having said that, it's expected that I treat property not belonging to me with the utmost respect and to only do what is necessary to bring the situation to a safe end.
As a fire officer I'm granted significant leeway to use my own tactics and methods provided they're sound and within the confines of my departments guidelines and procedures. If I go off the reservation and do something that's negligent or stupid, I'm held to account. And I'm also allowed to ignore an order from a superior that is obviously illegal or would bring direct harm to firefighters or civilians.

The "I was just following orders" defence hasn't held water since the Nuremberg trials after WWII.

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
Face it some moron incharge of the High River detachment of the RCMP quit possibly a civilian (Bureaucrat or Politician) made a real bad call. I wish the As* hole would just own up to the screw up and apologize and resign. It would stop most of the criticism that the RCMP is enduring. Beyond the issue of theft etc a more fundamental right that is inshrined in to the Canadian Constitution is the right not to be subjected to "unreasonable search and seizer" It is very possible the RCMP will be found in violation of this very right, if so it could be the beginning of the end for the force in Alberta. What about all the homes that had no guns. Think how you would feel if some stranger was looking thru your sh*t and the life long anxiety that the may feel NEVER knowing if their private information will show up on the internet someday. Personally I feel the RCMP has been in disarray for some time particularly since their chief commisioner was found to be a liar and had to resign. It is a shame since there are a lot of men and women that have devoted a lot of there life to serving the force and have been let down time and again by their leadership.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. When an armed robbery or murder is conducted with an unauthorized firearm it makes it a severe matter. How many of these firearms do you think were actually registered with the province? You may get a suprise. Regardless of how the RCMP obtained them..... In the interest of the public, many communities are much safer regardless. In my opinion

Isn't it a severe matter if the gun used in an armed robbery or murder is authorized? What firearms are required to be registered with the province?


Active VIP Member
Jan 19, 2009
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a very lenghty and expensive suit to follow ...

a scape goat dismissed form public office with a LARGE severance package to keep quite ...

end story 4 years from now ...


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Dark side of the moon
I have yet to belong on this site 24 hours and already feel as if I am pulling middle fingers from my A- Hole. I joined to discuss snowmobiling and related activity. Given the openess of discussion I added my 2 cents. Most people want to be judge jury and executioners over this matter and I don't blame them. I am recently new to this province and am famaliarizing myself with all the events that took place during the flooding. Like any other crime that may occur in Canada...... Let the courts decide.

In our office we were talking about about how the RCMP policy of stationing personnel away from their home towns/city ensures crap like this and other lack of discretion will continue. Many times they are not aware of culture they are entering and the ramifications of their ignorance to it. Funny how up to the point of an independent investigation stating they screwed up, it was "we did no wrong". IT WAS WRONG. A blind man could have seen that.


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Dark side of the moon
Ps. Don't think the courts are going to decide if a crime was committed. That has occurred, and nobody will be charged.
The courts will decide if the RCMP are liable and for how much.


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Nov 15, 2013
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prince george
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. When an armed robbery or murder is conducted with an unauthorized firearm it makes it a severe matter. How many of these firearms do you think were actually registered with the province? You may get a suprise. Regardless of how the RCMP obtained them..... In the interest of the public, many communities are much safer regardless. In my opinion

long guns do not need to be registered anymore that is long gone, so that point doesn't matter. What are the rcmp doing breaking and entering, wandering through people's houses looking at everything else and taking locked guns? They over stepped there boundaries like they do on many occasions. The police force is the biggest gang out there, if this was my house I would spend every last penny to make sure any cop involved that broke into my house was delt with accordingly. And if the courts won't deal with it properly then these officers deserve what ever comes from it. It's breaking and entering, no ifs ands or butts about it. When someone has a badge and abuses their authority they should be punished 10 times what the average joe would get punished. I have guns and will continue to have guns and having the police kick people's doors in bothers me more than a bad guy with an illegal gun. With actions like these it's no wonder police have a bad name with the public.
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Active member
Mar 29, 2014
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I have listened lots of cbc raido reports on this and read a few articles. Once pieace of info that seems to be left out or glossed over is what happend to the guns. Were they all destroyed? With the outrage over this I can only assume they were.

Keith Brown

Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
I have yet to belong on this site 24 hours and already feel as if I am pulling middle fingers from my A- Hole. I joined to discuss snowmobiling and related activity. Given the openess of discussion I added my 2 cents. Most people want to be judge jury and executioners over this matter and I don't blame them. I am recently new to this province and am famaliarizing myself with all the events that took place during the flooding. Like any other crime that may occur in Canada...... Let the courts decide.
Welcome aboard this is regular day for the boys here on M+S. A word of advise don't say anything about how the 2016 Polaris RMK sucks or how the new "electronic oil pump" is a marketing scam. That would make this thread look like a old folks tea party!!! You must have a sense of humour when your read some of this sh*t. At times I think Saddam Hussein has risen from the dead "you can have your opinion as long as it is the same as mine". duh


Active VIP Member
Nov 24, 2009
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At my Place in Alberta
As far as looters go, there were none. Thanks to the RCMP and Armed Forces that were present. You have to understand that any weapon that MAY have been stolen would have made it onto the street. If a felony was conducted in you neighborhood ( robbery/murder) would you hold the investigating agency responsible for not solving the crime? Any firearm registered or not in the wrong hands is a danger to any community! See it as you may.

This small amount of legal guns hitting the street would have been a small dent in the actual amount of guns that are illegally traded on a daily basis. Personally I feel that the guns were safer left along. Pulled this from a gun control website.

3. Smuggled guns originating from the US, typically acquired through theft, straw purchases, or gun shows

• These guns account for as many as 60% of the handguns recovered in crime in Canada. In 2008, the Canada Border Services Agency seized 488 firearms at the border, including 155 long guns and 328 handguns. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
• Of the 327 handguns recovered in crime by the Toronto Police Service in 2006, 181 were traceable to their original point of sale, and of those, 120 (two thirds) were traced to the United States. The study concluded that the US was a significant source of crime guns. A recent study also reported that, in 2007, the Tactical Analysis Unit (TAU) reported 5,616 seized firearms; 51% of them were crime guns. Of the 710 crime guns of known source, 324 were domestic, and 386 were smuggled. The Ontario Firearms Tracing and Enforcement Program traced 705 crime guns in 2007, 490 (69%) of which were traced back to the United States, and 10.5% were traced to a Canadian source.
• The United States has nearly 313 million people, approximately 270 million guns (one-third of them handguns), and very few controls. Every year, about half a million of these guns are stolen, thus entering into the illegal market, and the Canadian black market as well, as either Americans or Canadians bring them across the border.

As a member of the RCMP I find it very comforting when performing a traffic stop for unsafe driving/ dui/ etc. knowing that there is one less firearm on our streets/highways. It gives comfort for my family as well. I was not involved with the firearm confiscation but fully support any actions taken by those involved. Please feel free to continue this debate. We are not here to hinder but to help and have to look out for the best interest of the public and our fellow officers. I step down from this debate

You got a tough job to do, no doubt about it, but taking legal guns from somebody's locked house, from their locked safe, is offside.

I have yet to belong on this site 24 hours and already feel as if I am pulling middle fingers from my A- Hole. I joined to discuss snowmobiling and related activity. Given the openess of discussion I added my 2 cents. Most people want to be judge jury and executioners over this matter and I don't blame them. I am recently new to this province and am famaliarizing myself with all the events that took place during the flooding. Like any other crime that may occur in Canada...... Let the courts decide.

You will find that some on here are rather educated and when things aren't right your :twocents: will get stomped on. I also recommend that if your going to back up your fellow members you understand everything they have done, rather then assuming that because they took the oath that they couldn't possibly be in the wrong.

Welcome to the forum.


Active VIP Member
Nov 25, 2011
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sherwood park
I for one was in High River as my company was in charge of pumping out all the water. We along with the military, rcmp, fire fighters had multiple meetings each and every day from start to finish. I have been there and spoke to some mounties and asked them why the gun seizure? Now for certain reasons I'm not obligated to say what the exact reasons were, but it made sense. Having said that, the way the guns were seized I don't agree with. More lock smith's could have been called in to open the doors properly instead of breaking/ kicking the doors in. I know it first started with lock smith's but that quickly changed. Maybe the RCMP were worried as a lot of people breached the baricades more times then I can count. Maybe the folks would have been calmer if the useless premier we had actually communicated with the people. The people were left locked out of their town with no proper explanation. All they were told was that is was unsafe. Maybe if they had known that we were waist deep, over our heads in some places in fecal infested water with dead fawking animals floating around everywhere they would have understood a little bit better. We had numerous employees get very sick in this environment, as well did quite a few firemen. When you see a crap load of people storming up the road totally pissed off because they have no clue why they are not alowed in, it's a little scary. Picture the same crowd now making it home, demanded to leave as its not safe but they refuse and now they have weapons available? Hope that paints a little different picture for you. So in the end, yes I disagree of how they were taken, don't disagree that they were, maybe they would not have had to been touched if a good communication level had been kept with the folks of High River.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Off topic kinda but......................
I kinda consider all of you "d" bag's my brother's,we are all human,Alot of us work in the patch,and we are mostly
Canadian.That makes us connected and "brother's". KINDA..............
IF you rape,murder,steal,ect,ect. then you are a law breaker. It doesn't matter if you are black,white,yellow,brown,
pink or purple.It doesn't matter if you are a firefighter,a pipe fitter, a welder or an RCMP officer. WE ALL HAVE TO ABIDE
BY THE SAME RULES.THEY ARE CALLED LAW'S.......................................................


I also agree what another poster said earlier,a guy with a badge and a gun should be held to a even HIGHER
standard than a normal citizen, CAUSE IT'S THEIR JOB TO UPHOLD THE LAW.
(and NO you don't get to pick and choose which ones at random,ALL OF THEM)

Peace out "BROTHERS"
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