o zone guy
Active VIP Member
well keeping all things relative... a weight increase will not improVe your weight Ta poweR RaTiO...weight ta poweR ratio is a CalculaTioN to enable the comparison of one sleds performance to another... 2/1 ratio is best or closes too... so as the average BeaR and the Young BuLL wenT sledding that daY the average BeaR said let me carry the PiC -A- NiC BasKeT fuLL of beeRs...and u carrY the PaPeR... well by the end of the day that BeaR needed ta take a sihT from all them beers... the only problem was the Young BuLL was at the toP of the mounTain wiT the PaPeR and as much as that average BeaR tried he just couldn't get up there and sihT his panTs... well the moral of the story was when the average bear wasn't looking the Young BuLL who wasn't a little older buT WiSER snucK into the PiC-A-NiC BaskeT put a couple a them beers in his pocket knowing that the BeaR couldn't reach the top of the mounTain ...and from that day the bull was known as BuLL - WiNKLE and the bear was known as boo -boo .. so i guess in the real world a little paper goes a long waY... ehh !! Boo -Boo !!! pass the Charmin is that the new fj40 ply ?? sorrY BuLL - WiNKLE i can't spare a square !!! ... elaine benis from Seinfeld would be proud.... theres many paths uP the mounTain but the VieW is the same at the ToP.... ALoHa... and thats the reporT... and jusT LiKe thaT Boo -Boo never wore a onesie again after buying a 400 pound sled wiT a 200hp motor .... Hahaaa !!I don't get the power to weight ratio
The doo is not going up the hill at 468 lb
Nor is the Polaris going up at 415 lb
For a real power to weight ratio you have to add the oil, fuel, gear and rider.
So the power to weight ratio that is reported means nothing in the real world.
Just looks good on paper.
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