Insane amounts of Black Bears as well, but everyone likes bears so they are OK.
i would shoot Bears like I would shoot wolves if there wasn't a bag limit on them.
One of my neighbors just lost 2 dogs to wolves they came right into his yard and took them. Another neighbor couple miles away woke up to 2 wolves laying in his yard, they bolted soon as he tried to open his noisy door and shoot them. The wolves are getting very thick up here and bold as hell.
yes there is some good habitat after the miners leave but in this case it is not habitat for caribou , we have elk, goats, and deer running all over the mines south of tumbler ridge , sad thing for the caribou the moss and lichens will not return for another 100 years ,longer at elevation . as far as protection from the wolves and bears ,give your head a shake ,g bears all over the mine sites ,safety and work procedures for both types of bears in place here .Yes coal mines look like **** while they are being mined but after reclamation it's an animals dream to live on
they r born n raised on mine site so learn to not be as afraid of us n feel protected from the bears n wolves.
year n a half ago we were on nightshift and two wolves poped over the bank chasing a whitetsil deer... It was so exhausted from running away it ran right i to the loading area of our huge shovel.. We don't normally shut down for anything but the forman said to just load one side so the deer could catch it's stayed there for 1/2 hr n then they shoed it off...away from the wolves...all the while 3000hp engines running n the noise of the shovel etc etc...
Yes big company's get away with everything but on the flip side they do some good i guess.
they should round up some caribou and plant them on our minesite if yhey r so worried about them... We have heards of 350-400 elk.. It's cool to see them mixed in with the rams all sharing the grass....
we have coyotes too... But these r more like our pets... Come up to the haul trucks just like a family dog n follow us looking for food... Lol
like a zoo out there.... The wolves are massive there too... Lots of feed i guess... Wolves aren't the problem.. Humans are... We tear up the forrest n mountains n pave the way for them to get easy access to the other animals...
but we do have way to many wolves it seems... Sad they gotta thin them out but what else is there to do??