After a motor rebuild it is good to heat "cycle" your engine to ensure that all air bubbles etc are worked out of the oil/cooling systems, there are no leaks, etc - this I could see doing a couple times but realistically probably needs to done for about 5-10 mins. You will "heat cycle" metal components in your engine folks, not idling in the garage though! Aluminum alloys begin to melt at 1340 degrees F - anyone know how hot a 2 stroke runs? Not uncommon to see 1350 on my EGT on a steady pull, not very far off the melting point. Those temps go up and down like that all day - this is heat cycling. Once you get them above a certain temp, the molecular structure will change somewhat - same premise as cryogenically treating your pistons. You are not "heat strengthening" them, but you are "conditioning" them in a sense. I don't think its a good idea to warm it up for 3 hrs, but a little bit more warm up in garage for 10-15 mins, then a good warm up in the parking lot and a normal trail ride with lots of throttle variation has never hurt for a break-in on any motor I have built, need some good load on it to seat the rings - usually not an issue with mountains trails climbing the hill right from the parking lot. As many have said - After that, ride it like you stole it!