

Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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yeah im taking a different approach to my life soon, work for my own business at minimum or just above minumum wage so i really dont pay tax as i will get it all back... the business can pay the taxes which are much lower than my personal income tax bracket right now... i have a "ft mac" job and paid like 70k in income taxes last year... didnt get to see much of my own money... and yes i did go to a lot of school for my job


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
A lot of union bashing going on here. I for one work in a union environment, and let me tell you.....there are tons of places I can make more money as an Electrician in a non-union position. Most of Alberta is non-union and has some of the highest wages in the country. Don't get me wrong.....unions do some thing I don't like too, but I don't think it's fair to be blaming unions for all the high wages in this country. How many CEO's belong to unions....and many of their salaries have even been bashed by the most conservative of economists as totally un-justifiable.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
A lot of union bashing going on here. I for one work in a union environment, and let me tell you.....there are tons of places I can make more money as an Electrician in a non-union position. Most of Alberta is non-union and has some of the highest wages in the country. Don't get me wrong.....unions do some thing I don't like too, but I don't think it's fair to be blaming unions for all the high wages in this country. How many CEO's belong to unions....and many of their salaries have even been bashed by the most conservative of economists as totally un-justifiable.

I agree with your point of view on the wages and bonuses of many of the CEO's. I don't bash Unions just for wages. It is all the other benefits they have wiggled out of the employer that costs big dollars. Tell me why, some Unions are against random drug testing. I would think that something that would be a safety item would be welcomed with open arms. But no way, it is an infringement of my rights? Drugs and alcohol have no place in the work place and the remnants have no place in the work place. To fight and protect workers on those grounds is beyond me.......


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to drive a rock truck or loader.

Exactly why they're running the mine and you are not.

your right!!! I don't think thats the point though... driving rock truck at a mine are generally very good paying jobs... very good paying jobs pay very high taxes and support our over inflated system... all jobs should be Canadian jobs first then go to outsiders... anyone following the case of the mine Frock is talking about knows theres a lot of BS going on with that Chinese company...
Easy soloution is don't let foreign companines hire their own workers... only Candaian companines should be allowed to do it... Their is a fair process thought out by smarter men/women then me that I believe we circumvented. I think Frock's point to this whole Post was Canadians are getting screwed and when anyone says "hey we can't find Rock Truck drivers for 100k per year while there is a mine about to be closed is BS"! Frock sorry correct me if I am wrong! This has been a good post as I had no idea about the whole Free Trade thing with China which was discussed earlier...

There is also another theme on here that being a Rock Truck Driver is too easy and pays too much... anyone ever try? Lots of High Paid Truck Driver's on here... anyone that thinks its easy... go tell one that to his/her face... for one I hear its boaring as heck... it recks their body and they don't get to do it from the comforts of a cozy city with all the amenities... they get paid what they do cause that's what it takes to fill those jobs with people that show up! And good for them that do cause we all know the guy that works by the hour pays a lot of taxes...I went to school for my job... it doesn't pay well but the difference is I choose it cause i love it...

Anyone following these Political Posts knows I don't think much of Treadeau and support Harper but after doing some reading earlier on in the post i have to say I'd vote Liberal in a heart beat next election to stop this and then go back to Conservative... that would be my lesser of Two evils... HOWEVER, we have not heard anymore about this deal with CHina and even some of Harpers Back bencher disagree to it and the Conservatives haven't moved on it... Harper is a SMART man IMHOP his government is in a huge hurry to make changes while they have majority Gov't... I can't remember a time when so much was on the table Harper can't possibly read all the fine print... I think this is just a case of where he trusted his advisors and now that the real pit falls are known it will be re done or simple stay dead where it is... I HOPE
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Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
Tell me why, some Unions are against random drug testing. I would think that something that would be a safety item would be welcomed with open arms. But no way, it is an infringement of my rights? Drugs and alcohol have no place in the work place and the remnants have no place in the work place. To fight and protect workers on those grounds is beyond me.......

It's true some unions haven't caught up to reality yet. In my experience "most" of them have or are getting close though. I have to be carefull here but......I know of 2 individuals that have lost their union jobs recently, and they were not contested by their unions. One lost his license in a DUI. Can't drive a service truck.....can't keep your job. Was offered a shop job in another town and turned it down, so he's gone. The other tested positive for THC during a random test on site. He's suspended pending confirmation through a proper lab test, and wasn't even allowed to drive his service truck back off site.

The IBEW (another union I pay dues to, but don't work from right now) has been running courses for all it's members the last year called......crap, I forget the catchy name.....but it's all about doing a days work for a days pay, and they're serious about it because they realize the past 30 years practices have cost them market share. If you don't take the course, you won't get dispatched.

Change comes slow, it's just human nature, but it's happening.

Edit: Now public service unions are a whole different story. I don't think they'll ever change!
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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
Unions have had their time and place but IMO they have outlived their need - especially the public service unions. There was a huge issue with a local sawmill here in the Okanagan who fired a guy after killing a family while he was going to work. He blew 2 times the legal limit. He had been caught drunk on the job before so he had a couple warnings. Anyway, union fought the employer tooth and nail to get his job back and they won as the accident did not happen at the work site or during his working time frame. Pretty sad!


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
Unions have had their time and place but IMO they have outlived their need - especially the public service unions. There was a huge issue with a local sawmill here in the Okanagan who fired a guy after killing a family while he was going to work. He blew 2 times the legal limit. He had been caught drunk on the job before so he had a couple warnings. Anyway, union fought the employer tooth and nail to get his job back and they won as the accident did not happen at the work site or during his working time frame. Pretty sad!

I actually agree with the union on this one. What happens on his own time while driving to work is none of the company's business. We have a legal system to look after that. The mistake the company made was giving him previous warnings for being drunk on the job. He should have been terminated instantly. No arbitrator in the country would have ruled in the employee's favour on that one.


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
I agree with your point of view on the wages and bonuses of many of the CEO's. I don't bash Unions just for wages. It is all the other benefits they have wiggled out of the employer that costs big dollars. Tell me why, some Unions are against random drug testing. I would think that something that would be a safety item would be welcomed with open arms. But no way, it is an infringement of my rights? Drugs and alcohol have no place in the work place and the remnants have no place in the work place. To fight and protect workers on those grounds is beyond me.......

Some dont want the random testing because it interfears with peoples personal lives after work. someone goes and smokes a joint on the weekend and goes to work accident happens few days later piss test happens guys fail from something that was in there system from awhile back it makes people very angry. I agree drugs and alchol have no place at work but after hours you are are free to do what you like.


Active VIP Member
Jan 14, 2009
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I didn't read the whole thread...

What pissis me off is that a crack head, coke head, meth head, heroin user etc. will pass a drug test, and an occasional pot smoker will fail... go figure.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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ouch... reading that just about made me cry![/QUOTE]

Yea there is a term for this.Its called SLAVERY. Your average Canadian family is a slave to the system.Your average Canadian family is not free,, they are property...Born into dept, with no possible way to ever pay it off,,, Sweet deal huh?

Bad eneogh your average guy is f#ckin slave, then they try to tell you what you
can and cant do on yer time off... Anyone else see a problem here?
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Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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u do have a choice in life ? be a slave for big company's like oil or go yer own way and make things happen so u can still have fun and enjoy life without being someone else's slave . pretty sure syncrude wouldn't let me get over 100 days of sledding a year lol

Yea there is a term for this.Its called SLAVERY. Your average Canadian family is a slave to the system.Your average Canadian family is not free,, they are property...Born into dept, with no possible way to ever pay it off,,, Sweet deal huh?

Bad eneogh your average guy is f#ckin slave, then they try to tell you what you
can and cant do on yer time off... Anyone else see a problem here?

Very true I also choose to ride more than work. If I work too much the Government just wants all my money anyway,, Might as well ride.

My family runs a small construction company,, it pays over 100g a month in taxes... We are not rich,,not even close.Dont pay on time they freeze your accounts.... They dont give a f#ck if we get payed on time or not.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
you speak wise words here Willy but realistically whether we like it or not, we have to pay our share of taxes in order to continue to enjoy the luxuries in life that this country has to offer. If we don't, then we become a 3rd world country and I have seen that many times and, no thanks. Yes, I $itch and complain about my tax bill but I also feel comfortable knowing that when my ticker stops for what ever reason a good doctor / hospital is around the corner.

As for the debt, I assume you are talking about personal debt. There is good debt and bad debt. The bad debt comes out of social pressures that "the gotta have attitude" and yes this needs to be controlled otherwise it will come to haunt us sooner than later.

By the way GO Canucks GO!!!

u do have a choice in life ? be a slave for big company's like oil or go yer own way and make things happen so u can still have fun and enjoy life without being someone else's slave . pretty sure syncrude wouldn't let me get over 100 days of sledding a year lol

Yea there is a term for this.Its called SLAVERY. Your average Canadian family is a slave to the system.Your average Canadian family is not free,, they are property...Born into dept, with no possible way to ever pay it off,,, Sweet deal huh?

Bad eneogh your average guy is f#ckin slave, then they try to tell you what you
can and cant do on yer time off... Anyone else see a problem here?


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Must be tough to be a Vancouver fan and try to preach to people who don't care in an off topic thread......lol

you speak wise words here Willy but realistically whether we like it or not, we have to pay our share of taxes in order to continue to enjoy the luxuries in life that this country has to offer. If we don't, then we become a 3rd world country and I have seen that many times and, no thanks. Yes, I $itch and complain about my tax bill but I also feel comfortable knowing that when my ticker stops for what ever reason a good doctor / hospital is around the corner.

As for the debt, I assume you are talking about personal debt. There is good debt and bad debt. The bad debt comes out of social pressures that "the gotta have attitude" and yes this needs to be controlled otherwise it will come to haunt us sooner than later.

By the way GO Canucks GO!!!


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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you speak wise words here Willy but realistically whether we like it or not, we have to pay our share of taxes in order to continue to enjoy the luxuries in life that this country has to offer. If we don't, then we become a 3rd world country and I have seen that many times and, no thanks. Yes, I $itch and complain about my tax bill but I also feel comfortable knowing that when my ticker stops for what ever reason a good doctor / hospital is around the corner.

As for the debt, I assume you are talking about personal debt. There is good debt and bad debt. The bad debt comes out of social pressures that "the gotta have attitude" and yes this needs to be controlled otherwise it will come to haunt us sooner than later.

By the way GO Canucks GO!!!

The part about being born into dept is something I said that willy quoted... I was refering to our National dep,t that I have 0 say over yet I still get to pay. Yeah the Government of Canada Provides some fine services... Think I could do with out them If I had an extra 100g a month in my pocket tho....


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Red Deer County
The head of state should fly coach along with his security detail on Westjet??

I'd rather have our elected PM fly on a government jet than have 3 and 4 generations of people on welfare.

The amount of stupid on this thread is staggering.

Time to go visit Snowest.
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