today; sledderdoc and Staple_STI. Sledderdoc is a Super Senior Member and only very special 's get that designation. Sledderdoc, or Norm, hales from West of Edmonton and has amassed 14,990 highly informative informational posts. Sledderdoc is into the boating season and the rubber on the dirt season. Sledderdoc last visited the site on June 6, 2014, at 10:35 am and is a member of the GBCA and Tail Gate Access threads.
Staple_STI is the other , originally from Saskatchewan and residing in Calgary, AB. Staple_STI is a sled and motorcycle guy and loves his Polaris! Staple_STI has 246 posts and last visited the site on June 5 at 4:30 pm.
The remaining 16 members are Newbies (12) and Starters (4). Happy birthday to everyone.....
Dazzler is the lone on the birthday list today. Dazzler is from Cochrane, AB and has laid down 443 interesting posts. Dazzler joined S&M in October or 2009 and last visited the site May 31, 2014 at 7:31 pm. On Dazzler's profile I found a few laughs; for an Occupation, Dazzler is a fresh air inspector, now go figure that one out! Also, Dazzler's interests totally revolve around sledding, Interests:sledding, golfing, sledding, camping, sledding
Newbies (12) and Starters (2) make up the remainder of the birthday list today.
One this morning. RETODD is all about beer: Biography: Enjoy Beer; Location: The business end of a Beer: Interests: Consuming Beer; Occupation: Making Money to Buy Beer! RETODD has amassed 7406 highly informative posts since his join date of February of 2008. RETODD last visited the site on April 9, 2014 at 8:32 pm.
A new phenomena this morning: jaggiya is a Newbie from "ca" as stated on the profile. Also on the profile, is the designation: Newbie
Either the site is broken or friends are randomly passing out the Red Rep......
The remaining members are normal (according to the profiles) Newbies and Starters.
One on the list of birthday celebrants today and that is PINKalicious who hales from Ft. Saskatchewan and her parents place in Sicamous. PINKalicious has amassed 5469 posts and was seen visiting the site on June 2, 2014 at 10:40 pm.
The remaining members are Newbies (18) and Starters (6). Happy birthday to everyone....
One on today's birthday list; Newmanater90.Newmanater90 has laid down 244 posts, joined S&M in November of 2011, and last visited in June of 2014 at 10:21 am. Newmanater90 has a statement in his profile that is interesting: You aint having fun unless your wreckin sh*t
The remaining members are Newbies (13) and Starters (4). Happy birthday everyone...
Two 's today; KrazyCanadian and summ-it-up. The most famous, no disrespect intended here, is the KrazyCanadian or Dan as he is known to friends (well maybe not but he is kind of crazy). KrazyCanadian is a chute climber/videographer and has many amazing, professionally done full length videos to his credit. KrazyCanadian is from Castlegar, BC (the Gar) and has amassed 416 posts. To his credit, the KrazyCanadian has spawned the Krazy Saskatchewanians. KrazyCanadian joined S&M in August of 2007 and last visited with a post, reminding us of another upcoming video, on May 27, 2014 at 9:50 pm. Happy birthday Dan......
Summ-it-up is the other . Summ-it-up is from the "center of no where" and I don't really know for sure where that is. Summ-it-up has laid down 468 posts, joined S&M in June of 2008, and last visited on April of 2014 at 11:10 pm. Summ-it-up has this line on his profile: some toys... some work to do...not nearly enough beer
The remaining 23 members are Newbies (20) and Starters (3). Happy birthday to everyone....