had some visitors to my jobsite last night...


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2009
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In a Dakota R/T, down by the South Sask. River
"hit a pipe out of nowhere, it jumped in front of my car"

If you're indian then aren't you red? Hindus are brown

well, all the wagon burners i know are brown, redskin's are a USA term, "washington redskins"

I try not to see colors. Spent quite a few years working in the north country and had some real good native freinds...no different than anybody. (used to know all the good Cree swear-words....and Cree for "stupid white bastard"...hahaha) On the other hand, I grew up in Lethbridge and got to see some real interesting sights down around Galt gardens from some less than upstanding original Canadians....

Edit: Bud makes my c...............................................ar sore.

I know sum cree swear-words.

as for the racist bullch!t, EVERY race has it's azzholes. don't kid yourselves....if you can't laugh about it you need to lighten up. political correctness has ruined this world....

back on track....anyone here (other than munhoez) ever bang a squaw? it's a rite of passage in these parts....had me some cute ones back in the day.

to be honest, i,ve never bumped uglies w my own creed. To tell ya the truth, i prefer white meat, its more tender.:d


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
well, all the wagon burners i know are brown, redskin's are a USA term, "washington redskins"

I know sum cree swear-words.

to be honest, i,ve never bumped uglies w my own creed. To tell ya the truth, i prefer white meat, its more tender.:d

ah hoze your a gooder will have ta keep ya around. you bring lots of laughs to this friggin site. :beer:


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2008
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as for the racist bullch!t, EVERY race has it's azzholes. don't kid yourselves....if you can't laugh about it you need to lighten up. political correctness has ruined this world....

back on track....anyone here (other than munhoez) ever bang a squaw? it's a rite of passage in these parts....had me some cute ones back in the day.

Never did a squaw, but bagged a Chinese girl once...I was horny an hour later.:d


Active VIP Member
Oct 21, 2007
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Leduc alberta
The thread is certainly being watched thats fo show... but I personally have NO problem with the statement "drunk indians" soooooo WHAT. I dont find it racist. Could of been drunk Newfies, drunk sledders, quaders...whatever. Its only the reply that made it racist IMO.

Definetly not Drunk Newfies...For starters they would have fled the scene immediately, reported the car stolen (By indians of course) and would have never left their Booze behind. LOL


Active VIP Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Definetly not Drunk Newfies...For starters they would have fled the scene immediately, reported the car stolen (By indians of course) and would have never left their Booze behind. LOL

hahaha that's good:beer::d


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Rainier, Alberta
Well being from Brooks. I can honestly say there are morons in every race. I've had to deal with them all.

Siksika is not far from brooks and i have played lots of hockey there(ever skated by ref who smells like whiskey? haha) My dad even had a young girl spit on him then laugh about it, while her grandmother watched it. Does it mean all indians are like this? No. It means there are some who have problems, and this number is higher than other ethnicity. I have

We have had hutterites work for us who have lasted under 2 weeks because he was trying to work with the cattle drunk. This DOES NOT mean i'm saying all Hutterites are drunks. We have had 2 work for us for 17 and 19 years and they are both great workers.

Oh and before someone tells me I am not allowed to call them Indians, I have this to say to you; In the treaties that have guaranteed them this land and all these special privileges they are called Indians. As long as they receive these special privileges I will continue to call them Indians.

Ok done my rant.


Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Carbon AB
Well being from Brooks. I can honestly say there are morons in every race. I've had to deal with them all.

Siksika is not far from brooks and i have played lots of hockey there(ever skated by ref who smells like whiskey? haha) My dad even had a young girl spit on him then laugh about it, while her grandmother watched it. Does it mean all indians are like this? No. It means there are some who have problems, and this number is higher than other ethnicity. I have

We have had hutterites work for us who have lasted under 2 weeks because he was trying to work with the cattle drunk. This DOES NOT mean i'm saying all Hutterites are drunks. We have had 2 work for us for 17 and 19 years and they are both great workers.

Oh and before someone tells me I am not allowed to call them Indians, I have this to say to you; In the treaties that have guaranteed them this land and all these special privileges they are called Indians. As long as they receive these special privileges I will continue to call them Indians.

Ok done my rant.

Dem hutterites are fawging hilarious! Seen 4 of them golfing last summer. Beers in hand, driving those golf carts for all they were worth! Sliced a ball into the trees so they tried taking the cart into the bush. Had to push them back out. Good times.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
Here is an email I just got that makes you want to go hmmmmmm what is wrong here

I am a Canadian: The new version...

> I am in the minority in Calgary ,
> Vancouver , Toronto
> and every casino in this country..

> I was born in the forties, fifties or
> sixties, yet I am somehow responsible for some First Nations people
> being screwed out of their land in the 1700's!

> I pay import tax on cars made in Ontario

> I am allowed to skydive and smoke, but
> not allowed to drive without a seat belt.

> All the money I make until mid July must
> go to paying taxes..

> I live and work among people who believe
> Americans are Ignorant....
> These same people cannot name their own country's new territory.

> Although I am sometimes forced to live
> on hamburgers and don't have a pot to piss in,
> I sleep well knowing that my taxes
> helped purchase a nice six figure home in Vancouver for some unskilled
> refugee.

> Although they are unpatriotic and
> constantly try to separate...
> Quebec still provides most of my
> nation's prime ministers.

> 95% of my nation's international
> conflicts are over fish.

> I'm supposed to call black people
> African Canadians,
> although I'm sure none of them have ever
> been to Africa for that matter.

> I am being told that paying a 200% tax
> on alcohol is fair.
> I am also being told that the same tax
> on gasoline is also fair.

> Even if I have no idea what happened to
> that old rifle my Grandfather gave me when I was 14, I
> will be considered a criminal if I don't register it.

> I am being told that spending $15 billion to promote the French
> language in the rest of Canada is fair when the province of
> Quebec doesn't support or even recognize the ENGLISH language.

> I am being told that paying $1million for 3 Stripes
> ('The Voice of Fire' painting in Ottawa)
> by the National Art Gallery was a good
> purchase, even though 99% of this country didn't want it or will ever
> see it.

> When I look at my pension and realize
> that I take home a third of what I actually make, I say
> 'Oh well, at least we have better health
> care than the U.S.A..'

> I must bail out big corporations who
> drive their business into the ground and say,
> 'yeah that's ok.'
> And When they move all their manufacturing
> plants and jobs to a third world country and say,
> 'no problem.'

> I must fork over my portion of the 11.5 million dollars to show the
> Queen of England and her family a good time visiting in my country
> even though I can't afford to visit the province next to me.

> My National Anthem has versions in both official languages.

> Canada is the highest taxed nation in North America, the biggest Military
> buffer for the United States, and the number one destination for fleeing terrorists.

> The Lord's prayer is not allowed in our schools anymore because of other
> religions who chose to move here.

> I am an angry white person.

> I am one pissed off taxpayer, who is broke

> I am Canadian !!!


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
In a Dakota R/T, down by the South Sask. River
Well being from Brooks. I can honestly say there are morons in every race. I've had to deal with them all.

Siksika is not far from brooks and i have played lots of hockey there(ever skated by ref who smells like whiskey? haha) My dad even had a young girl spit on him then laugh about it, while her grandmother watched it. Does it mean all indians are like this? No. It means there are some who have problems, and this number is higher than other ethnicity. I have

We have had hutterites work for us who have lasted under 2 weeks because he was trying to work with the cattle drunk. This DOES NOT mean i'm saying all Hutterites are drunks. We have had 2 work for us for 17 and 19 years and they are both great workers.

Oh and before someone tells me I am not allowed to call them Indians, I have this to say to you; In the treaties that have guaranteed them this land and all these special privileges they are called Indians. As long as they receive these special privileges I will continue to call them Indians.

Ok done my rant.

No one sed ur not alowed to call us indians, call us whatever u want. What ever makes ur top spin.:d


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Red Deer

@ 5:43 after a night shift...Wow! :beer: :beer:

carry on I need something to do tonight!


Active member
Jan 29, 2007
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Holehhhhhhhh those pipes just jumped-ed out of nowhere's.....son of a bits...and nows my mercury cougar is all f@cked up anyways....holaahhh!
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