either was the truck ride home... both [ sparky and macronut ] were pooin there pants all the way home
Good thing for power windows hey... I just about died sitting behind Sparky through the summit......
either was the truck ride home... both [ sparky and macronut ] were pooin there pants all the way home
looks like you got yourself a few extra kitty parts there, or is that a weight reduction program you got going on there:d:d looks like tex78 was hard on the kitty. oh the shame tex on a kitty.
sparky 68 holding the can and macronut(aka big dick, girls get in line, home of the wopper i hear. pm for #)
MAN VERSUS FOOD!!!! oh macro, do you think you can eat all that, i think we all stayed away from you after you did. the can was not a good place after.
Lots of great pictures you guys! I love it when men your age still can make it out on their snowmachines, it's good to see that the retirement home is still allowing imdoo'n to go out on day passes too.
Is Geritol sponsoring any more riders this season?
ya well i just about from the 2 of ya.....
Gotta shoot the Febreeze now!!!!!
Behind the seat in Larry's truck, boxes upon boxes of Geritol, mostly open. Couple pairs of men's thongs, and a few depends, couldn't bear too look any further for that snow bunjie.....
Misc shots from quartz/gorman
Wheres the beef is an understatement for sure. I should used your can haha... Friggin Tablesaw's This Burger should come with a roll of ass tickets
all i can say a great group of guys and gal that you could ever hope to ride with. great ride, great people, good beers, may have been the best breakfast i have bought as it took a lot to get my fat azz out of the creek. big dick your a card, kelly and wife nice riding with you, sparky you got riding balz, tex what more can i say your a card,:d:d:d sparky 68 and i have been riding together since 97.
what are you sucking up for now......just saying
don't remember the guy's name with the 670 but he could ride. nice guy, unlike tex78:d:d
always need a pull out of the stuck spots, buttering up the guys around me sure helps. :d