Active VIP Member
how cum a guy can ride a poo 700 through a mud hole and turn around and try's to drive tex's pos cow a saki through the same puddle and breaks the rear axle. is it because poo's are better or is cow's are POS. same guy same mud hole just way different results.
he offers the guy to ride his quad, breaks the axle and tex wants him to pay. hmm. all i hear is how tough the cow's are just not this time i guess. eh
in my book
kawi = 0
polaris = 1
suzi =10
When the bike has as much torque as brutes have stock and then even more whem built up and you put on aggressive mud tires 5"s bigger than stock.
Suzukis are one of the weakest bikes on the market. Hell they are only ones step above chinese quads.