Farmer shoots shotgun at quad theives....Faces Charges


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Nov 26, 2008
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Spruce Grove, AB
How do you train a dog to attack? I dont have dogs, but was curious. You dont have to be mean to them to train them to attack, do you? Some dogs are territorial by nature? Interesting, I might be getting an acerage, want a nice size dog to protect my wife when I'm away, but I can't bring myself to be mean to animals just so they attack. Any advice?
I treat my dogs like my children. I have never hit or been mean to them EVER.. I actually sometimes treat them better than my children..
They are part of my family and I know that they will protect any of my family members if put in the situation. They are very territorial of their yard.
You have to be loving to them and they will love you back unconditionally and will not let anyone bring harm to us.
the only thing that you need to do is have a stern voice with them and lots of practice training them and they listen perfectly.
They listen to me best though because I am the one that feeds them.

Iron Horse Racing

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Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
In the little town we live in it is and has always been known to be a little bit wild. RCMP avoid coming out here at all cost so it can get a little out of control. My neighbor actually shot at teenagers who were trying to steal his battery. When we moved in he just hated us, didn't want kids moving in next door so he tried his hardest to make life a living hell for us. I tried so hard to be peaceful and forgiving each time he was mean. (big mean pipeliner/biker) Untill one day he swerved at the kids when he was on his quad. I went nuts. Grabbed an aluminum bat and went straight for him. Told him if he ever swerved at them again I would beat him in the head with a baseball bat. From that day things changed. 2 years later now and he asks that the kids call him Uncle, he gives them presents all the time, his wife is just the greatest blessing to have next door. Not proud of my reaction, but when pushed to the limit everyone has to protect their family and home.

Have met a few people like that and it's scary how he probally looked at that with respect for you, he needed that push back to see that he should treat you with respect....

Dad always said treat everyone with respect until they give you a reason not to....then stand up for yourself.....this from a man that was in a wheelchair form age 21 to 76 REP....


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Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
Have met a few people like that and it's scary how he probally looked at that with respect for you, he needed that push back to see that he should treat you with respect....

Dad always said treat everyone with respect until they give you a reason not to....then stand up for yourself.....this from a man that was in a wheelchair form age 21 to 76 REP....

Ya, just about blew it once though. This is really bad. Like I said the RCMP do not come out here if they can avoid it. The kids were at the neighbors playing and said a man was in the bushes watching them. So what did I do. I grabbed the bat. This guy would walk by our place at the exact time every day so I was waiting for him (should have been an indicator). I met him on the road full of rage, fully prepared to bust him up, untill I started talking to him. Yes he was in the bushes on his property watching the kids, but talking to him you could see that he was a bit slower mentally. Allong the lines of being autistic. He was very protective over his property line, and the noise from the kids was really hard on him. He had problems with kids in the past and was just watching his property line. I told him that I mistook him for a pedophile and was going to hurt him. I also explained that you can't hide in the bushes and watch kids. We have a deal now, if he has any problems with anyones kids to tell me and I'll deal with it. But poor guy is still too scared to walk by our house. He goes through the bushes to avoid our place.

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
How do you train a dog to attack? I dont have dogs, but was curious. You dont have to be mean to them to train them to attack, do you? Some dogs are territorial by nature? Interesting, I might be getting an acerage, want a nice size dog to protect my wife when I'm away, but I can't bring myself to be mean to animals just so they attack. Any advice?

Some do but in my oppinion it's the worst way, as they will just as easy turn on you as the stranger....

Training any animal dogs or horse's takes time and paitence....first you train them for obedience and respect, you show them that they will be cared for and loved....then other tasks come after that....whether it's training a dog to fetch a downed bird or to pull a sled.....or a horse to ride or pull a wagon.....

Almost all the new trainers use variatons of the same idea, get the animal to want to do the task and they will do it to make you happy.

Even training dogs to protect, it's more about obedience, because a proberly traning dog will only attack if told to or it's with in his bonderies of understanding.

Ours are trained to hunt and hold....and will only take down and hold if told to or attacked.

It takes a bit of time to get them, Seak out a professional trainer or buy one from them....someone like Sentry Dogs can help.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
Some do but in my oppinion it's the worst way, as they will just as easy turn on you as the stranger....

Training any animal dogs or horse's takes time and paitence....first you train them for obedience and respect, you show them that they will be cared for and loved....then other tasks come after that....whether it's training a dog to fetch a downed bird or to pull a sled.....or a horse to ride or pull a wagon.....

Almost all the new trainers use variatons of the same idea, get the animal to want to do the task and they will do it to make you happy.

Even training dogs to protect, it's more about obedience, because a proberly traning dog will only attack if told to or it's with in his bonderies of understanding.

Ours are trained to hunt and hold....and will only take down and hold if told to or attacked.

It takes a bit of time to get them, Seak out a professional trainer or buy one from them....someone like Sentry Dogs can help.

Instead of a dog, maybe get a couple of cats.
Hee hee. I forgot one funny thing with my neighbor. He used to have a huge bull mastiff. His friend was visiting with his big bull mastiff and they just let the dogs run wild, through people's yards, everywhere. When the 2 big dogs came to my yard, my cats didn't like it too much. My two cats beat the crap out of the 2 dogs, put the run on them back to my cranky neighbor's yard, then the cats proceeded to climb up my cranky neighbor and scratch the crap out of him. OOOOOOO he was mad and he was getting his gun. I went over and was very upset but I said, my cat's were on your property so I would understand if you shot them. (I was crying, totally weirded him out). He didn't shoot them, and in fact when I had to put one of my cat's to sleep he saw how hysterical I was coming up from the woods, so he took the body of the cat for me, and made me go into his house to compose myself before getting back to the kids.


Active VIP Member
Jul 27, 2008
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North of Stony Plain
Get a couple of those big white geese. Once they are tamed a bit, from very young and allowed to know the boundary of home, they will attack anything that comes in the yard. Can be very scary stuff. We had 2 of these and if anyone , child or adult came to close to me they were chased away by wild honking, flapping wings and bites. Only problem was, that they got used to the Malamute dog we had and eventually the dog killed one of them.


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Spruce Grove, AB
Get a couple of those big white geese. Once they are tamed a bit, from very young and allowed to know the boundary of home, they will attack anything that comes in the yard. Can be very scary stuff. We had 2 of these and if anyone , child or adult came to close to me they were chased away by wild honking, flapping wings and bites. Only problem was, that they got used to the Malamute dog we had and eventually the dog killed one of them.

I can attest to this.
We of course have always had the farm that I now live on, but lived in the city as a child. My sister had a pet goose that she brought home once and it chased the paperboy home down the street biting him in the ass and he is to this day traumatized by them.. LOL
Needless to say we needed to take the goose back out to the farm..
that fall, we invited the paperboy over for Thanksgiving and he declined !:confused:


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Red Deer
How do you train a dog to attack? I dont have dogs, but was curious. You dont have to be mean to them to train them to attack, do you? Some dogs are territorial by nature? Interesting, I might be getting an acerage, want a nice size dog to protect my wife when I'm away, but I can't bring myself to be mean to animals just so they attack. Any advice?

My wife LOVES our Cane Corso more than anything on this planet. That dog has the best of every thing, from love to way of life you name it, he love s kids and most people. Never had a problem with him ever....but I dare ya to come in my house and try and give my wife a hug. I'm here to tell ya you wont make it un armed!


Active VIP Member
Sep 17, 2007
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Barrhead Alberta
We need more guys in this world like that Farmer ....I live in a small farming comunity as well, I dont live near any big citys its pretty quite around hear most guys around hear dont really worry about stuff gettin stolen be suprised to see the keys pulled out of most things around hear.... Thats the way thigs should be I hope that farmer dont get charged... a guy should have the rights to protect his proportey. Pathetic the way are laws are goin..... Seems to me like thiefs got more rights to steal your stuff then you will ever have to do anything about it..... your supose to just stand there and call the cops, hell better not yell at the thiefs you might get charged with verbal assalt...... BS .
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Oct 7, 2008
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West of Innisfail AB
We need more guys in this world like that Farmer ....I live in a small farming comunity as well, I dont live near any big citys its pretty quite around hear

Come on help this farmer out!!!! you help the horses at Mc Bride!!!!this could have been you.
What would you have done?
Seems to me like thiefs got more rights to steal your stuff then you will ever have to do anything about it..... your supose to just stand there and call the cops, hell better not yell at the thiefs you might get charged with verbal assalt...... BS .


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Nov 15, 2006
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Redcliff Alberta
Has this farmer been charged with anything yet? I hope not. No officer I wasn't shooting at the thieves, there was some damn coyotes!:d


Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2007
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Fort Macleod, Alberta
What is justice anymore , when a man can't defend his property and his family .....this world is f**** up.....But the criminals have all the justice these days , afterall, wouldn't want to infringe on the criminal rights !!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Northern BC
What is happening with this? Overkill19 you posted "April 9th". What does this mean? Is this gentleman sitting in a jail somewhere right now? I sure as hell hope not. Everytime I come back to this thread and read it I shake my head at how incredibly unjust the justice system (this is an oxymoron) has become. Makes me mad as hell:rant::mad:.


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Red Deer
What is happening with this? Overkill19 you posted "April 9th". What does this mean? Is this gentleman sitting in a jail somewhere right now? I sure as hell hope not. Everytime I come back to this thread and read it I shake my head at how incredibly unjust the justice system (this is an oxymoron) has become. Makes me mad as hell:rant::mad:.

Court date in stettler Ap 09/09. Brian is at home and back to work. Funny how everyone knows Brian's name but you never here anything about the little crack heads that stole this stuff. What are thier names and where do they live? Are they married with kids? Do they have a entire comunitty behind them?


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May 11, 2008
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Red Deer
Red Deer Advocate - Friends setting up legal fund for Alberta man charged with vigilante justice

Here is another article in the Red Deer Advocate. I can't believe there are people that said "That's what insurance is for". The bleeding hearts want everyone's insurance rates to go up & the criminals to get chance after chance. I like this quote... satire at its finest...

I can't believe the judgementalism of most people That was not an alleged thief. He was a poor, downtrodden, young man. He was no criminal, but an activist working to re-distribute wealth more fairly in this world. His actions to liberate the ATV were motivated purely by the need to address the unfairness of a world run by a class of honest hardworkers.

It is these neo-workers who ought to be filled with shame at seeking to hoard the fruit of their labours, when it is only right to give to those who have not!

And it just goes to show that farmers with shot guns are criminals and need to have their firearms registered! That would surely have stopped this terrible crime

Another quote...this one made me think "Hey, ya! What about the theives! Where are their names!?" The victim gets his name drug through the mud & media ...he was just protecting his home!"

There seems to be a failure to mention the ALLEGED thiefs two accomplices in all this. I have known those two since they were kids and they have been a problem to the community for some time. They have been stealing quads from the area for some time and I believe the number of machines stolen is around 30. I even suspect they were the ones who tried to steal mine but they couldn't get it started. Obviously I am not the only one who knows they have been doing this and since the law can't help us, we have to help ourselves. The only mistakes Mr. Knight made was not putting some lead into the other two and calling the cops. They obvioulsy can't do anything to stop these criminals so it is time we learn to protect ourselves and our own property by showing criminal we are not going to stand by and become victims to them. Good luck in your court case Brian


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Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
I'm not sure why everyone is getting their panties in a knot over this. It's up to the court to decide wether this guy is justified in what he did, not the Police. Laws were broken, the cops lay charges, that's the way it work. Wait till he's found guilty then get pissed off.....
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